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Postby Аагий » Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:28 pm

Аагий wrote:Тэр тоглолтоос хойш 8 дараалсан клийн шиит, 8 дараалсан ялалт.

Найм дараалсан ялалт:

Wed Jan 31_ Blackburn Rovers________H__3 – 0
Sat Feb 3__ Charlton Athletic_________A__1 – 0
Sat Feb 10__Middlesbrough___________H__3 – 0
Sat Mar 3__ Portsmouth_____________A___2 – 0
Wed Mar 14_Manchester City________ _A___1 – 0
Sat Mar 17__Sheffield United__________H___3 – 0
Sat Mar 31__Watford________________A___1 – 0
Sat Apr 7___Tottenham Hotspur_______H___1 – 0

Манайхан Лигтээ 9 дарааллан хожоод байна. Харин 8 дарааллаад байсан клийн шийтийг Тевез зогсоожээ.

Одоо үлдсэн лигийн 5 тоглолт:

Sun Apr 22 Newcastle United A
Sat Apr 28 Bolton Wanderers H
Sun May 6 Arsenal A
Wed May 9 Manchester United H
Sun May 13 Everton H
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Postby Mojul » Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:36 pm

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Postby rednasca » Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:37 pm

өчигдөр нээрээ Калу мангар том биетэй харагдаад байсан чинь хажууд нь Шоон гүйгээд байсан байна лээ ш дээ.....:mrgreen:
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Postby El Payaso » Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:46 pm

monhbayar wrote:Вэнгэр Цэнхэруудэд нэг бэлэг бэлдээсэй
харин ууг нь сүүлийн хэдэн жил МАНЮ-д байнга нухуулж байгаад энэ жил 2 тавьсан... Челсид бас Жозег ирсэнээс хойш дандаа нухуулж байгаад энэ жил тэнцсэн... одоо эмиратесдаа нэг нухаж цомгүй үлдсэн ч гсн нэр төрөө сэргээж карлингийн хариугаа авах хэрэгтэй дээ...
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Postby TRISTAN » Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:26 pm


-Та хэн, хэнийг vндсэн бvрэлдэхvvнээс хасах вэ?
-Нэгэнт "Челси"-г дасгалжуулахгvйгээс хойш тодорхой нэр хэлж тоглогчийг эвгvй байдалд оруулаад яахав. Гэхдээ заавал солих гурван тоглогч тэдний vндсэн бvрэлдэхvvнд бий шvv.

Энэ гурван тоглогчийн нэрийг таах гэж оролдоё.
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Postby zigo » Thu Apr 19, 2007 4:24 pm

Карвалюг ч арай хасахгүй байхаа.
довтлогч хэрэгтэй!!!
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Postby .boldoo. » Thu Apr 19, 2007 4:24 pm

Дрогба, Эссиен, Чех
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Postby Тэрри_10 » Thu Apr 19, 2007 4:25 pm

TRISTAN wrote:Аагий:

-Та хэн, хэнийг vндсэн бvрэлдэхvvнээс хасах вэ?
-Нэгэнт "Челси"-г дасгалжуулахгvйгээс хойш тодорхой нэр хэлж тоглогчийг эвгvй байдалд оруулаад яахав. Гэхдээ заавал солих гурван тоглогч тэдний vндсэн бvрэлдэхvvнд бий шvv.

Энэ гурван тоглогчийн нэрийг таах гэж оролдоё.
Лампард, Шевченко, Карвалио :mrgreen:

мэдэхгүй ээ хэлсэн хүн нь мэдэх байх Лампард лав биш байхаа
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Postby Тэрри_10 » Thu Apr 19, 2007 4:26 pm

.boldoo. wrote:Дрогба, Эссиен, Чех

Boldoo ч хассаасай гэсэн хүмүүсээ нэрэлж байх шиг байна. манай гол хүмүүсийг айн. тэгж ч ярихгүй ээ :grin:
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Postby Breathe! » Thu Apr 19, 2007 4:34 pm

.boldoo. wrote:Дрогба, Эссиен, Чех

Биш... Чех Тэрри Абрамович :mrgreen:
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Postby .boldoo. » Thu Apr 19, 2007 4:36 pm

Аа нээрээ нэг хүнийг таг мартчиж Терри. Клинсманн 4 гэх гэж байгаад хэл нь хальтраад 3 гэчиж. :D
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Postby Тэрри_10 » Thu Apr 19, 2007 4:38 pm

Breathe! wrote:
.boldoo. wrote:Дрогба, Эссиен, Чех

Биш... Чех Тэрри Абрамович :mrgreen:

одоогоор Абрамович арай гараанд гараагүй байгаа байхаа гэж... :RD
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Postby TJ » Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:03 pm

Жозе, Дрогба, ........ Чех.
Абра гүйж чадахгүй юм чинь Чехийн оронд зогсохым байгаа биз...

Postby Аагий » Thu Apr 19, 2007 11:42 pm

Бүтэнсайнд М.Овен манай эсрэг тоглох эсэх нь 50-50 гэнэ ээ. Яаж магад юм байх. Цавь салтаа орчимд нь
хөндүүр байгаа юм шиг байна. Хайран тоглогчийг эдгээгүй байхад нь оруулж бүр байхгүй болгох вий дээ.
Манай Анлглийн шилдэг довтлогчдийн нэгийг маань гэмтэл бэртэл ээрээд салахгүй нь ээ. Хайран тоглогч.
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Postby Аагий » Thu Apr 19, 2007 11:53 pm

Роббен өөр багруу явах бодолгүй байгаа гэсэн байна. ... &channel=&
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Postby *R9* » Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:43 am

Зүүдэнд орж зүрхэнд нь шингэтэл айлгасан хүмүүсийнхээ нэрийг бичсэн байхшив.
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Postby mick » Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:53 am

Маниусын нэр алга байх юм:mrgreen:
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Postby TRISTAN » Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:14 am

Terry_Owen wrote:
TRISTAN wrote:Аагий:

-Та хэн, хэнийг vндсэн бvрэлдэхvvнээс хасах вэ?
-Нэгэнт "Челси"-г дасгалжуулахгvйгээс хойш тодорхой нэр хэлж тоглогчийг эвгvй байдалд оруулаад яахав. Гэхдээ заавал солих гурван тоглогч тэдний vндсэн бvрэлдэхvvнд бий шvv.

Энэ гурван тоглогчийн нэрийг таах гэж оролдоё.
Лампард, Шевченко, Карвалио :mrgreen:

мэдэхгүй ээ хэлсэн хүн нь мэдэх байх Лампард лав биш байхаа

Угын шилдэг багыг улам шилдэг болгох гээд байгаа. Тэгэхээр өөрийн нэрлэсэн хүмүүсийг яагаад нэрлэх болсон оо тайлбарлая.

Карвальог Жосе Портогоос ирэх дээ авчирсан. Хамгаалалтаа улам супер болгий гэвэл хамгаалалтаараа алдартай Итали, Герман, Англиас өндөр зэргийн хамгаалагчаар орлуулах байх. Карвальо сайн ч түүнээс илүү хамгаалагч нар зөндөө байгаа.

Клинсман өөрөө Баллакыг Дэлхийн шилдэг тоглогч гэж үздэг. Гэхдээ Челсид Лампстай байрлал дээр давхцаад, Лампс хуучин бууны хугархай гэсэндээ гол довтлогч хагас хамгаалагчийн байрыг өгөхгүй байгаа. Ингээд Баллак барууд мид рүү шилжихээс өөр аргагүй болоод байгаа. Лампсыг үндсэн бүрэлдэхүүнээс саб болгоно гэх байх. Мэдээж Ламп эндээ хүрвэл явна гэх байх.

Шевченког бол яахав зүгээр одоо жоохон хөгширөөд нас ахиж байгаа болохоор урьд довтолгоонд хурдтай залуу шинэ тоглогч тоглуулах бодолтой байна байх. Ер нь Клинсман ихэнхдээ довтолгоо нь дээр залуу тоглогчдыг илүү оруулдаг.

Зиа ингэх байсан болов уу л гэж боджийнээ.
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Postby mick » Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:20 am

Рууний: "I picked Drogba - only because we weren't allowed to pick any of our team-mates. But Drogba has been fantastic this season, as has Cesc Fabregas, who I voted for Young Player of the Year. :mrgreen:

The Daily Mail says Tevez is set to make a sensational move across London to join Chelsea if West Ham are relegated from the Premiership.
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Postby rednasca » Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:27 am

нөгөө "гүүд энд бээд" оруулаач.....:mrgreen:
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Postby Man!festo » Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:29 am

Гайгүй мэдээ байх чинь вээ?
Тевез хүү гайгүй тоглож мэдийшүү.. Одоо хараад байхад овоо л юм уул нь_
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Postby mick » Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:26 pm

West Ham United 1 - 4 Chelsea

The good

1. I’m not going to mention the bleeding obvious tonight because it’s so… bleeding obvious. Clinical, professional and top class.
2. Shaun Wright-Phillips. His best game for us ever. Two utterly brilliant goals, some good balls, great ball skills and generally a very confident showing. I’m on the cusp of wanting him to stay. My description of the goals could be no higher: they were Zola-esque.
3. John Obi Mikel. I’m labouring this point now I know, but this boy is simply sensational and once again played the Claude Makelele role for the best part of the game better than Makelele has done all season. Even Andy Gray acknowledged his talent tonight.
4. Michael Essien. What a player. Is he impossible to remove from the ball when in possession? As close to impossible as is possible in my view. Worth every bloody penny and it must sicken Arsenal, Manchester United and Liverpool to think of what he could have done for them. Actually that thought frightens the crap out of me.
5. Carlos Tevez. Why, I hear you say, are you praising an opposition player again? Because he deserves it. With him West Ham have a slender chance of survival, but a good chance of bouncing straight back should the seemingly inevitable now happen. Without him they are dead and buried. Their best player by several thousand country miles.
6. Gary McAllister. A hard player, but consummate professional when playing and Sky’s best pundit without doubt. He expresses well thought out, well balanced unbiased views with eloquence and aplomb. When asked how he would describe in one word our performance tonight he simply replied (as requested) with “Class”. A breath of fresh air.
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Postby mick » Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:27 pm

The bad

1. Martin “Bloody Knobface Pillock” Tyler. Andy Gray seems determined to undo the damage from the bilge he spoke at the Carling Cup Final and was closer to his old best tonight. The shocker is that whilst the able, interesting, passionate and unbiased Alan Parry and Rob Hawthorne were despatched to Anfield and Ewood Park respectively, this utter knob got the plum game. We score and he can barely mutter “A goal to Chelsea”. Compare his reaction when West Ham scored as he screams “TEEVVVEEEEZZZZZ!” into the microphone. As if that’s not bad enough, he then went on to blame Frank Lampard for the vile hatred and abuse hurled at him from the Pikey Boys all night long. Yeah, that’s right Mr “Oh so righteous” Tyler, West Ham sack his Dad and his Uncle, in piss-poor circumstances for shite reasons and replace them with “Mr Personality” Glenn Roeder, and Frank’s supposed to smile and carry on as normal. Then a shining knight in the form of Chelsea arrive, offer him a huge pile of cash and the chance to become one of the world’s greatest players and he’s supposed to say no to appease a bunch of brain dead dockers? Tyler, you are a cock!
2. West Ham. Team and fans. Tevez apart, when we scored the second any spirit, any fight and any desire just drained away. We could and should have scored eight and humiliated them in order to close the goal difference on Manchester United. They are a 3D team: demotivated, dispirited and down! One good thing is Southend look likely to be promoted back to League One next season. This removes the potential police headache for the local derbies against West Ham of where to park all those bloody caravans. I suppose it also stops the potential turf wars between the lucky heather sellers as well. And if anyone thinks I’m being hard, these amoeba-brained circus clowns attacked our team bus with bricks. The Championship is too good for their fans.
3. Sky Sports. In the 84th minute a Hapless Hammer invaded the pitch to the usual (yawn) chagrin of cock Tyler. Sky then stubbornly concentrated the camera on the rugged good looks of Tevez for about two minutes, presumably to stop us being offended by the sight of such heinous shenanigans. Listen, Sky, we’re adults! We can see this sort of thing and make up our own mind on the idiot without the heavy hand of your pompous, self-righteous censorship. Do you seriously think fans at home are going to sit there and say to there sons, “That’s the way to behave boy”? The nanny state is alive and well and on your TV.
4. Conceding the goal. Petr Cech is the world’s best, but this was a howler of a goal to let in and worthy of the King of Long-Shot-Bollocks-Up, Paul Robinson himself. I’ll treat it as an aberration, Pete, but just don’t let it happen again.
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Postby mick » Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:27 pm

Player ratings

* Petr Cech: Marked down for the howler but had little else to do - 7/10
* Michael Essien: Fantastic. Powerful and immovable when in possession - 8.5/10
* Ricardo Carvalho: Quietly and efficiently marshalled the defence - 8/10
* Wayne Bridge: Started a bit shaky, but once he’d got to grips he was awesome and his cross for goal number two was pure class. Looks a better bet than Ashley Cole in my view - 8/10
* John Terry: Solid display as usual. Showed real desire at the end with a wonderful tackle when he looked like losing the ball - 8/10
* Frank Lampard: Nearly back to his old self. Solid in the tackle and generally good with the passing, let down by a couple of dithery moments. Considering the shite he had to listen to from the Hideous Hammers he kept his composure superbly - 8.5/10
* Didier Drogba: Commanding performance again. Got a bit of a battering at times from Matthew Collins. Got a great goal, but should have had at least two more - 8/10
* Lassana Diarra: A poor first half where he looked exposed and gained a very silly and immature booking for kicking the ball away. I’ll put it down to a bad day at the office - 6/10
* Salomon Kalou : Again looks a very tidy player and got a good “sniffer’s” goal for number three. Still tends to overdo things in my view and needs to learn when to play someone in and when to be a greedy git and take a shot - 8/10
* Shaun Wright-Phillips: His best game yet and a great advert for why we bought him. His two goals were simply sensational - 9/10
* John Obi Mikel: 3C game. Cool, calm, composed. Superb in other words - 8.5/10
* Joe Cole (Sub): Looked tricky again when he came on. Oddly enough he got a standing ovation from the Horrible Hammers. Why his departure was honourable and Frank’s wasn’t is a mystery to me - 7/10
* Michael Ballack (Sub): Didn’t have any time to really do much but looked composed and calm on the ball. The signs that he is going to be a major player were still on show tonight - 7/10
* Paulo Ferreira (Sub): Was he this good? Or was it made to look this good because Diarra was so poor? You decide - 7/10

Man of the Match

For once there was no real contest. It did swing towards Essien at one point for his sheer willingness and ability to hold the ball. However, for his first two Premiership goals taken in stunning style partnered to a battling and dazzling display the man to take the bouquet is… Shaun Wright-Phillips. Well done, young man. Now keep bloody doing it… as a certain Mr. Clough would have said!
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Postby Gooner » Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:16 pm

Шооны 2 гоол 2-уулаа янзтай гоол байлаа дээ. Даа ялангуяа эхний гоол бол зүүн хөлөөр гоё цохьсон. 2 дах дээр ч бас ёстой санамсаргүй чихээд авсан. :-D
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