:::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby Mr S » Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:13 am

2 тоглолт 5 гоол........ аймаар......
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby Nova » Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:03 pm

Фалкаог ч юу гээд байлаа даа.. 10+ гоол хийвэл их юм гэцгээгээд байлуу??
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby Realist » Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:44 pm


Барын хүчирхэг савруу

Falcoa is already feeling the new Spanish football

Фалкао лааж байнаа
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby Realist » Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:22 pm


Фалкаод бар гэдэг хоч-г хайрлажээ фэнүүд
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby Realist » Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:45 pm


Торресын үед Камп ноуд хождог байсан бол Агуеро-Форланыг байхад ялж чадаагүй.
Фалкоад их найдаж байгаа бололтой.
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby Цэнгүүн » Tue Sep 27, 2011 7:54 pm

Atletico striker Falcao: “Barca are the best team I’ve ever seen”
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby Realist » Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:04 pm


Falcao: "I will fight for the top scorer with the help of the team

QUESTION. How did his move to Atletico?
RESPONSE. It was exhausting. Intense. Dilated enough. At the end was all very well and I am happy and grateful for the effort made ​​by the club leaders and the confidence of the fans. I am very happy with how I was welcomed. And now, to play the games, which is most important. Things are going as expected.

P. Pinto da Costa, Porto's president, said he was amused interest from Atletico. Did you think then that never would sign no?
A. No, not think about it. Statements are ironic, but I knew that negotiations were still giving and that both parties were willing to carry out the signing.

P. The presentation was in front of 15,000 spectators, the most massive in the history of Atletico. How did you feel then?
R. surpassed the expectations I had for my presentation. Many people expected, but that was amazing. The presentation I created pressure, but a commitment to all those fans. I realized that people were excited.

P. It takes more than a month here and the fans and devotes several songs. Are you surprised to be an idol in so little time?
A. I had heard of the fans. He had seen and knew about the passion with which they live meetings. For the team is very beneficial and must be seized.

P. Its onset has been overwhelming scorer. Do you expect?
R. I was thinking to score goals, but sometimes things are so different, better. I wanted toast and contribute to team goals. It's a dream and I have to appreciate what I am living.

P. What was its integration within the group and with the coaching staff?
R. It has been very good. The human quality of the players, the coaching staff ... You breathe a good atmosphere. I have been very well received and helped me to make me feel comfortable. Have been central to my adaptation.

P. Cost $ 40 million, the most expensive signing in club history, and comes over to relieve Kun Agüero, the last idol. Are two reasons to feel pressure or assume it is your role on the team?
A. I have lived this role for all computers that have been. I also want him to take. I do not want to forget anyone, because people are remembered for what they did in the institution. Agüero ¿? I want to write my own story.

P. In conclusion, it does not come to replace Sergio Aguero. Want to be Radamel Falcao.
A. Yes, exactly. The same thing happened in Porto with Lisandro Lopez. I do not want to forget Kun, I create my own history and inscribe my name in the institution.

P. Atletico has been two years without playing the Champions League. Is the goal for this season?
R. It is a goal we are aiming. Season is early, but the team is in good progress.

P. In Porto scored 71 goals in two seasons. Have you set a goal of goals for this season?
R. Son 72 [laughs]. I have no figures. I try to make the most of every game. If I can score goals, great. But the important thing is to help the team win and we'll see how many goals scored at the end of the season.

P. Last season they won the Champions League with Porto. Returns to competition with Atletico. How far can this team? Who are the strongest rivals?
R. 's beginning and it is premature to say who are the strongest. We are growing. We have some work and be stronger with the matches and trainings. I do not want to promise anything, just working every game.

P. His nickname is 'El Tigre'. Whence?
R. was a partner in the lower categories of River Plate. I played well one day and told me it was the tiger on the court, an award that is granted there to the best of the day. And yes, I do. They are 10 years where the whole world, my friends, my family tells me Tigre.

P. In Spain it is amazing for his incredible jumping ability and his header. Is it innate or has worked over the years?
R. I think it's innate. I work as any striker, but I do a specific job.

P. Did you come to measure how much can you jump?
R. No. Well, yes, but I'm terrible in the measurement. With a rug and a machine does not break anything. Now then, as the ball comes from the band ...

P. River reaches and Porto, two teams that has won many titles. Is not it a sign for a backward step which is so complicated Atletico win titles?
for nothing. Signing for Atletico Madrid I took it as a new challenge in my career. It is a possibility to change things.

P. Diego, Arda Turan, Reyes ... all good quality players. Had he shared a dressing room with so many top players?
R. In Porto and River also had high-quality mates Gallardo, Salas, Mascherano, Lucho ... The Atletico have those features, or at least similar.

P. In Spain there is much talk of the League bipolar between Madrid and Barcelona. Atletico Can the Third Way?
R. hope to be that alternative to Madrid and Barcelona. But we are now more teams below. This is very long and we need to be more regular. We always have to win.

P. Speaking of Barca, the other day the team fell with a crash there. What did you think Guardiola's team and what he lacked Atletico?
A. The only explanation is that they are very good. It's the best team in the world, history, and pitiful or fortunately we have agreed with them. We must not dramatize with that defeat.

P. You also did not reach any ball in conditions like in Mestalla.
A. They are the best, we overcome and can not say more. I got balls or not is immaterial.

P. I do not know if I have commented that the great rival, Real Madrid, it takes more than a decade without winning. Is it one of the challenges that marked the locker room this season?
A. Yes, I had heard. Hopefully win. We must have the intention of making whoever he is. Now it's time to think of Madrid.

P. Last year the team were in Kun and Forlan. This year are you, Diego and Arda. Do you have more quality Atletico this season?
R. Comparisons were made ​​with the results. Must await the shooting of the equipment and the joys that we give to the fans. ¿Salto quality? We are seeking a strong team to attack, to defend. On and off the court. Surely more teams together beyond football.

P. Among the Copa America and who joined in late August, has hardly trained with his teammates. When will be the best Falcao?
A. I do not think you can train without thinking it a game. Train, play, back ... never a full workout as a team. I do not know if the schedule will allow us and the parties will have to be our real workouts. Those who make us be a team.

P. In a league with Messi and Cristiano. What place expects to occupy?
R. I want the athletes is important. If the team goes well the individualized excel. If the team is well I can fight for the top scorer.

P. In the two games and out-Camp Nou Mestalla has had little occasion. Are you concerned that is a standard?
R. We played two great teams and we had trained just before the meeting in Valencia. We will play weaker teams, they will not be easy, but it will be different.

P. It says you are very religious. How important are religious beliefs in his sporting life?
R. I'm not religious. The man created religion. I try to follow the path of Jesus Christ and have a life in relation to that. And that was important to have a right living inside and outside the court. And feel good.

P. Did he grow up to go to Argentina soon?
Q. Sure. He was alone, was very young, I had to do things and that made ​​me grow and know what I wanted in my life.

P. What is the Vicente Calderon to the five times he has played, Colombia, Porto and three with Atletico-tagged?
R. was predestined for Calderon. When I came to Oporto, with the selection, with Atletico, I always checked. I hope it stays that way forever, but you have to be prepared for anything. For better and for worse. But hopefully always write.

P. Cover has been some media since he arrived. How do you see everything that surrounds football in Spain?
R. is a press that closely follows football. It's good ... but also negative. For the players is very good because it gives importance to the profession we do and gives importance to the country. The MARK of being home for Atletico say it is not very common. And it is a privilege which I hope will be repeated in the near future.
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby CAHAKA » Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:24 am

Хөрвүүлэгч программаар орчуулсан юм уу :S
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby Realist » Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:35 am

Тэхх гүүгл транслет
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby Realist922 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:03 pm

фалкао сайн байнаа форлан агуеро нийлсэн гоал-г дангаараа хийж байна шдээ
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby Kun Agüero » Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:35 am

сүүлын хэдэн тоголт гоогүй байлаа ш дээ. Гоал ирнээ гэсэн байх юм. Тэxэж байх гэж найдаж байна.

Өнөөдөр бэлтгэлдээр бусадтайгаа бэлтгэлхийгээгүй байна. Тустай гантцаараа хийсэн юм шиг байна.
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby hosko » Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:12 pm

За Европа ллигт Удинезэг 4-0-доод явууллаа... Өнгөрсөн зун Испанийн Ю-23-ийн шилдэг мэргэн бууч болсон Адриан Лопез дубл хийж :-D , Бразил эр Диего болон Фалкоа нарын гоолоор Наполид нүдүүлсэн шумбагчдынхаа хариуг авчлаа...ккк... Ямартай ч энэ хожлын дараа хэсгээ тэргүүлээд эхлэлээ :eek: ...
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby Realist922 » Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:59 pm

манай дерби-р нэг иймэрхүү байдийм байж
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby *R9* » Mon Nov 07, 2011 10:43 am

10 хүнтэй багт хусуулваа хөөрхий. 1:0-оор хожиж яваад шүү.
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby *R9* » Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:21 am

Өчигдөр Евро лигийн тоглолтоо Селтикийн талбайд хийж 0:1-оор хожлоо. А.Туран гээд овоо гар байна. Diego-ийн хийсэн булангийн цохилтыг 16-аас мөргөөд гаргахаар нь Туран холоос сайхан цохиж гоол хийж. Diego энэдээ жинхэлээсээ.

Манайхаас зээлээр очсон хаалгач бацаан бол лаажийндөө. Хэдэн аймаар аймаар хаалт хийсэн байна.
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby *R9* » Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:13 pm

Rayo Vallecano 3:1-ээр талбай дээрээ хожиж.

Gabi 25' (assist by R. Falcao) 1 - 0

R. Falcao 75' (assist by Diego) 2 - 0

E. Salvio 90' (assist by Gabi) 3 - 0

3 - 1 90'+1 Gabi (OG)
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby Realist » Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:41 pm





Шинэ стадион, 2015 онд босгож нүүх плантай.
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby *R9* » Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:46 pm

За хожигдох шивдээ.
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby Realist » Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:10 pm

Копад талбайдаа Albacete-д 0-1р гусуулж хасагдлаа.


Манзаног одоо бараг халах нь тодорхой боллоо,

оронд нь Симоне ирнэ гээдл байна. Манзаног зун гоё баг бүрдүүлчихээд яагаад ингэж бүтэлгүйтвээ.
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby Seikoni » Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:20 pm

Симоене чинь хэдхэн жилийн өмнө Риверийг доош нь унагаасан байхаа. Атлетико барахгүй байх дөө.
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby El Payaso » Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:48 pm

үгүй ш дээ... Ривер, Эстудиантесийн хамт нэг нэг тайтл авсан. Тэрнээс хойш сугарсандаа...
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby Seikoni » Sat Dec 24, 2011 11:24 am

Өөр олигтой юм ч олдоогүй байх аа даа.

Герман Бургос гээд алуурчин царайтай хаалгач байсан нөхөр туслах дасгалжуулагчаар нь очих нь дээ.

Last edited by Seikoni on Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby Realist » Tue Dec 27, 2011 2:07 am


Simeone Мадридад иржээ. Атлетиког илүү довтолж тоглодог майр баг болгоно гэсэн.
Өөрийнх нь систем нь 4-2-3-1 гэсэн. Украйнаас Сосаг авчирах бололтой.
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby Forza Juve » Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:18 am

Симоне ямар ч байсан өмнөх Атлетикогийн дасгалжуулагчдаас сайн амжил үзүүлэх байх аа... Ямар ч байсан Атлетикогийн боссудын хувьд сүүлийн хэдэн жилд гараагүй ухаалаг шийдвэр боллоо... Уг нь бүрэлдэхүүнийг нь харвал жил бүр л Испаниас АЛ-д ороод байх баг, даанч бүтэлгүй...
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Re: :::::Нийслэлийн Атлетико Мадрид клуб:::::

Postby a_odko » Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:29 pm

Бас л эсрдэлтэй л дээ. Би ч Рафаг авчирчаасай л гэж бодож байлаа...
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