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Postby mick » Fri Feb 23, 2007 9:08 am

Сүйрлийн эхэн...:)
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Postby zigo » Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:16 pm

Цаст уулын барс цагаа болохоор улаан шоргоолжинд бариулна гэдэг билүү? :mrgreen:
довтлогч хэрэгтэй!!!
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Postby a_odko » Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:42 pm

улаан шоргоолж нь Ливерпүүл юм уу .. хэ хэ
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Postby G@naa » Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:45 pm

Хэ хэ. Арай л тохиромжгїй зїйрлэл байна аа.
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Postby Mr S » Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:53 pm

Márquez: "We need to improve mentally"


Frank as ever, the Barça centre back has said that Barça need to improve their mental attitude, and also accepted the blame for the second goal against Liverpool. He also feels that the team is lacking in decisiveness.

Rafa Márquez was self-critical of his own performance in the Champions League second round first leg match, but feels that despite the criticism "the team has improved a lot in defence in recent games. We made isolated errors which led to the two goals and then we lacked in clarity up front. These are not many things, but they need to be improved. The team is still showing at times the kind of football it displayed last season. I think that is the way forward."

Small details

"The team plays good football at times", says Márquez, despite admitting that they are failing to produce the kind of continuity they managed last season. "It is the little things that are causing the defeats. We knew that 1-0 was a good score and as they didn't seem to be putting much pressure on us, perhaps we slowed things down a bit too much. I dont think it was a fitness thing".

Márquez admits that the team "is not going through the best of moments, but the enthusiasm and effort required to overcome these things are always present in this team. It is not a matter of luck, because sometimes you have to make your own luck. Yesterday we had two or three dangerous situations and we let in two goals due to two unforced errors."

More decisiveness and depth

The Mexican feels that the "team is missing a bit of depth" and explained that against the Premiership side, Rijkaard tried different attacking options in order to try to give Ronaldinho a freer reign. "Perhaps we are missing the depth and clarity we had before. Teams know us better and put more pressure on us."

The defender cited Chelsea as an example that gives hope. "Barça has never been a team to play it defensively" he said. "We have always gone out to win games, not hang on and wait. To explain this to somebody you just have to remind them about last season when we drew Chelsea and knocked them out."
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Postby Mr S » Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:54 pm

Players ready to win at Anfield


The entire squad is confident that they can they are still capable of making it through the round against Liverpool FC. They admit that it is going to be difficult but have their faith in the quality and commitment of the team.

The initial reaction among the players after tonight's 2-1 defeat to Liverpool is that they need to put the disappointment behind them and start thinking about the second leg in England. And the general mood is of optimism and faith in their own possibilities.


"We have to be confident about what is to come. We haven't lost anything yet".

"It is a difficult situation for everybody, for the fans and for us. We have lost to a good opponent and will try to do a good job over there."



"The return will not be easy, they have the advantage of the goals they scored here. By the way we played today and the team we have, we can win there in just the same way that they have won here."

"In the Champions League all the teams are good, we all know how difficult it is".


"Not better (in reference to the way Liverpool played), we tried to play football our way. They played on the counter attack and scored in two isolated occasions."

"Just as they won here, we can win there"


"Teams like Liverpool make things very hard for us and sometimes we don't take our chances."

"We have to be optimistic."


We have to go to Liverpool and win.

Deco breaks the run

Deco's 15th minute goal was the first that Barça have ever scored against Liverpool at the Camp Nou. Amazingly, in all three previous meetings, the Merseysiders have managed to keep a clean sheet, in two draws and one away win in the UEFA Cup and Champions League.

Laporta, optimistic

The President of FC Barcelona, Joan Laporta, believes that the best thing will be "to forget this game, where we have let in some strange goals". Speaking to Barça TV, the president considered that "we have the team to beat Liverpool and at moments like this I prefer to stay optimistic".

Rijkaard ready to work for comeback


Despite defeat to Liverpool, Frank Rijkaard believes that "work, work and work" is the only solution if the team is to make amends for tonight's performance and deliver the goods at Anfield Road.

Rijkaard knows full well that nothing can be done now to change tonight's 2-1 reverse at home to Liverpool, but that with plenty of work the reaction will come, and that they can't afford to waste a moment of time. The Barça coach also admitted that the first Liverpool goal tonight had a serious mental affect on the players and they "did not know how to score against Liverpool when they had the chance" and already had a one goal advantage.

The options

Looking ahead to the return leg, the Dutch coach admitted "it's complicated" after losing at the Camp Nou and that "Liverpool's advantage is that they continue playing their way, which is being well placed tactically on the pitch". But he also reminded listeners that "there are still 90 minutes to go in which anything can happen, and the team has to believe in its options". He can only look forward to "a great night at Anfield where everything is going to have to work". The second leg is on March 6.

Equaliser agony

"I think their goal affected us mentally. It was more a question of not knowing how to finish off the game than anything tactical. It was the right moment to finish the game, because Liverpool did not look like they had the confidence they had after they had made it 1-1".

Bellamy's goal came just before the break, always a psychologically important time to score, but Frank Rijkaard believes that "when the team lets a goal in, it's everybody's fault, just like any goals we score are thanks to everybody."

Tactics and strength

Asked if he felt he had lost the tactical battle to Benítez, Frank Rijkaard replied that "whenever you lose a game you have lost tactically, but I don't think that was the reason. For the first goal we let in, one of their players was clever and took the free kick quickly". He later said that "I could easily tell all my players to play it tight at the back like they do, but I don't think that is Barcelona's strength".

манайхан арай Анфэлдэ гайхамшгийг бүтээх юм биш биз ааан..............
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Postby Mr S » Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:02 pm


Бэллэтти маань 10-15 хоног талбайд гарахгүй гэнэ.........
улаануудтай хийсэн тоглолтонд тэрээр тоглолт дуусах мөчид зүүн хөлийн шагайгаа гэмтээсэн билээ......... солилцоо дуусан тул шүд зуусаар тоглолтыг дуусгасан билээ............
тэрээр БИЛБАО Сэвилл-н Лигийн тоглолтуудад оролцох боломжгүй аж......... мөн Бэтистэй хийх цомын тоглолтонд орохгүй аж..... харин Анфэлдийн тоглолтонд эргэн ирэх аж..........

манайхан өчдөрийн 11,45-с эхлэн БИЛБАО-тай хийх тоглолтын бэлтгэлд гарсан билээ.... Ла Масия талбайд...........
Дэку, ЭтоО, Бэллэтти-с бусад нь бүгд оролцжээ.........
Дэку жимд бэлтгэл хийж бгаа бол Бэллэтти гэмтэлтэй бгаа харин ЭтоО-д багийн удирдлагууд бэлтгэл хийх зөвшөөрөл хараахан өгөөгүй бгаа гэнэ...........
энэхүү бэлтгэл дээр тоглогчид өөр өөрийн дасгалжуулагчтай ярилцаж бсан бөгөөд Райкаард Валдэстай хэдэн минут ярилцсан аж............

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Postby TJ » Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:40 pm

за яадаг ч байсан Это асуудлаа хурдан дуусгаад тоглож эхлээсэй, өнгөрсөн жилийнхтэй харьцуулахад хар сувд маань яалт ч гүй дутагдаж байгаа нь мэдрэгдэж байна даа. Харынхаа гоолыг нэг харах юмсан.... (санаа алдах)

Postby Hristos » Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:08 pm

Бүх юм чөтгөр шулам, хараалаас болсон. Жирийн үед бол Расингтэй сүүлийн 5 минутад ЭтоО гараад жоохон гүйгээд, тэгээд дараа нь валенситэй 30 минут гүйх байсан. тэгээд дараа нь Ливертэй дор хаяж нэг үе тоглох байсан. чөтгөр шулмаас болоод Расингтэй тоглолт дээр тэрмуу 5 хан минут дотор бүх юм өөрөөр эргэсэн. Беллетти билүү хэн билээ гэмтээд тэрийг солихоос аргагүй болсон. тэгээд хараал хүрээд ЭтоО гарахгүй гээд . тэгээд л бүх юм эхэлж байгаа юм. ЭтоО жирийн үед бол зүгээр гараад л тоглох байсан. Энэ бол хараал байлаа. Харин хэний?
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Postby Mojul » Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:39 pm

real he he :D :D :D :D
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Postby Mr S » Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:40 pm

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Postby a_odko » Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:43 pm

кэ кэ...Манайхны л лав биш.......:mrgreen:
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Postby Mojul » Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:50 pm

Real iimerhuu zavshaan alddagguishdee Eto'ogoo odoo l argalj setgeliig ni urwuulah heregtei :D :D :-D :-D :-D
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Postby soccer » Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:56 pm

Тэрүүгээр яахийн...
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Postby Nomer 7 » Sat Feb 24, 2007 12:48 am

хэхэхэ Реал маань арай ийм юм хийхгvй ээ хэхэхэ.Арай єєр баг байх гэж бодож бна. Бенитез ч юм билvv хэн байг гэхэв дээ.
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Postby a_odko » Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:09 am

Христос угаасаа болохгүй байгаа юмаа бусдад нялзааж байхгүй юу...:sad:
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Postby soccer » Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:04 pm

Гэн биш зан...манайхан бол лав тэгээгүй... :mrgreen:
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Postby chukcha2002 » Sat Feb 24, 2007 3:28 pm


Роналдиньогийн жин нэмэгдсэн гэж шуугиж байна. Ердєє хагас жилийн ємнєх зураг нь єєр харагдаж байгаа болохоор аргагvй биз дээ.
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Postby amar2mn » Sat Feb 24, 2007 4:03 pm

Бразилчууд Испанид идээшдэггүйм байлгүй... Карлос бас анх жин нэмж баларч байсан шд...
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Postby khulgee » Sat Feb 24, 2007 4:59 pm

bas ronaldo bna...
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Postby Цоомоо » Sat Feb 24, 2007 5:00 pm

4-3-3 гэж тоглоход жигүүрийн 2 хамгаалагч довтолгоонд оролцсон үед буцаад жигүүрээрээ хурдан довтолгоо алдах магадлал асар их байна.4-4-2 схем дээр жигүүрийн хагасууд хамгаалагчдынхаа онгорхой орхисон зайг нөхөж байдаг бол Деку, Чави, Мотта 3 бүгд талбайн төвд тоглож байдаг, жигүүрийн тэр довтолгоог нь сарниулах бололцоо муутай, Месси-Ронни нар довтолгоонд байгаа хүмүүс мэдээж буцахгүй. Энэ үед 2 жигүүр бол хоосон л болоод байна. Захын 2 хамгаалагчид маш их ачаалал ирж байгаа нь мэдээж...Ийм байдлаар болоод ардаа их алдаад байна...
Гэхдээ л урьд нь болоод л байдаг байсан даа...
Роннигийн тоглолт муудсан уу, сайн хамгаалаад байна уу, мэдэхгүй ямар ч байсан багийнхаа тоглолт, довтолгоонд оруулдаг байсан хувь нэмэр маш багассан гэдэг нь л үнэн байна...
Эвээ олохгүй л яваад байна, тэгсээр байтал улирал дууслаа...
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Postby Hristos » Sat Feb 24, 2007 5:24 pm

Сэтгэл зүйн юм байна даа. Ноднин дийлсэн, энэ жил бүгд залхуураад байна уу? ронни 3 жил амралтгүй байгааг бас бодохгүй бол. Шигшээ гээд амралт ер байгаагүй гэж байна. Америкийн аварга гээд бас нэг балай юм, конфедерац кап билүү уржнан бас нэг юм болоод байсан. тэгээд ДА, Энэ зун Өмнөд Америкийн кап бас байгаа. Ронни бол тоглохгүй гэж хэлсэн. дунга хүчээр тоглуулж магад. тэгвэл 4 жил амралтгүй болно.
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Postby Hristos » Sat Feb 24, 2007 5:36 pm

Ядаж байхад энэ энэ хуваарь гэж. 3 сарын 3 «Севилья» ,3 сарын 10 «Реал» , Сарагоса» - 2 сарын 28 , тэгээд 3 сарын 6 Ливер
Хатуу байна шүү
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Postby orangeman » Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:41 am

Наад хуваарь чинь арай биш байгаа юмаа ...........
Бас дээр нь Реалаас бусад нь AWAY гэж байгаа .... 8+)
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Postby Nomer 7 » Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:44 am

хэхэхэ ихл хvндхэн сар болхон дээ.
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