FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby mgl_fcb » Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:20 am

сайт маань яачаа вэ заримдаа орохгүй байхий?
Ялсан ч ялагдсан ч шилдэг нь......
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Цоомоо » Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:45 am

Ер нь Фабрегасын асуудалд нээх 5 саяас болоод ингээд будлиад байгаа ч хэрэг биш байх.
Ингэж заваарсаар байгаад авахгүй салсан ч яахав, ирэх жил гэхэд үнэ бүр л бууна гэсэн бодол байж ч магадгүй.
Юу юугүй ирэх улиралд заавал хэрэгтэй хүн ч бас биш. Тиаго байна, Чави өвгөрчхөөгүй.

Ирэх жил Арсенал дахиад л цом авахгүй биз.
Фабрегас үлдвэл сэтгэл дундуур хүн 1 улирал тоглоно л биз.
Тэгж гүрийж авч үлдэх хэрэг Венгерт нээх байгаа ч юм уу үгүй ч юм уу. Тэртээ тэргүй сэтгэл нь хувирцан хүнийг.
Венгерийн хүссэн мөнгөөр биш, Росселийн хүссэн үнээр л Фабрегасыг авч таарах байх даа.
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Цэнгүүн » Fri Jul 15, 2011 2:07 am

8 сарын 22-нд Joan Gamper-н цомд Италийн Napoli-той тоглохоор болжээ..
Napoli-той албан ёсны анхны тулаанаа хийнэ гэнэ үү.. Copa Catalunya-аад Girona-тай тоглох юм байна..

Xavi: "We have a good enough team to make history"

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... gigF84z0EE

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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Цэнгүүн » Fri Jul 15, 2011 2:09 am


Bielsa and Xavi think that this signing is good for Barça, even if it has not been signed yet

Bielsa: “I think that Alexis fits Barça very well”

Xavi: “It would be a spectacular signing”


Alexis already told his Chilean team mates

The player received tons of congratulations in the hotel

The transfer has not been signed yet but the deal is closed

Xavi: “Cesc is suffering a lot”

Kameni, to Roma for 3 million euros
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Цэнгүүн » Fri Jul 15, 2011 2:14 am

Sergio Busquets with Woody Woodpecker and Betty Boop!
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby addictive » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:48 am

Beltgel ch ehellee dee. Copagiinhan temtseene duusgaad bagtai negdene genee bitgii gemtchiheesei. Latino football ch tackle ihtei evgui dee.

Sorianog hed heden baguud sonirhood l
Jds iig zaragoza avch bgaa genuu
Cules sanchez geheesee kun-d iluu taltai bn daa
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby addictive » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:52 am

АLves twitter deeree ingej bichij "If they criticise you it's because they envy you, if they envy you it's because they admire you, if they admire you because they want to be like you..."

Goyo l helj, onookhiig ni end tendgui retweet hiigeed l bn
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Ggoal » Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:26 am

ингэхэд танай сэдэв яагаад тусдаа байгаад байдаг юм.. би ерөөсөө ойлгохгүй юм... Испаний лийг нь 2хон гиганттай нэг нь нээх тусдаа утгагүй юм бишүү орж ирхэд ч төвөгтэй юм...эсвэл барса орчлонгоос тасарцан гурвалжин бөмбөг эд нараар тоглодог юм уу
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Могжоохон » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:53 am

Гөгшин гишүүн юм байжийж энийгээ мэддэггүйээ??? Хуучны топикуудыг унш!!!
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Ggoal » Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:01 am

Надаа нээх сонин бишлдээ...олонтойгоо байвал дээр юм бишүү л гэсэн юм.гөгшин гишүүн нь буруу ярьж байвал уучил :RD
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Алтангэрэл » Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:15 am

Копагаас Аргентина, Бразил мултарсанаар манай 5 тоглогч 7 хоногийн өмнөөс амарч эхэллээ.
Багтайгаа эртхэн л нэгдэж байвал клүбт л сайн.
Чили ч мултарлаа, Санчесын асуудал хурдан шийдэгдээсэй.
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Mr S » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:18 am

хн...... гол 2 наймаа хийгдээгүй бна ш дээ..... :smile:
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Цоомоо » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:58 am

За ингээд зуны амралт дууссан байна.
Бэлтгэл эхэлж байна.
Пэп эхний бэлтгэлд Боян, Жеффрен 2-ыг лав ямар ч байсан дуудсан л байна.
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Mr S » Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:26 pm

ямар ч шинэ хүнгүйгээр бэлтгэлдээ гарлаа даа........

Буучид Фабри-д шинэ гэрээ санал болгосон сурагтай..... 2017 он хүртэл...... жилийн 8 сая евро..... + 2 саяын бонустай......
одоо Фабри өөрөө л мэдэж дээ......

манайханд болохоор 45 сая евро гээд 14 хоног гэсэн дэдлайн тавьсан гэнэ........

Санчэз-н наймаа энэ вийкэнд гэхэд дуусна гэнэ....... бараг л гэрээ зурагдчих юм бх аа........

Мэсси маань Копа Америка-с мултараад амралтаа авлаа даа.......
8 сарын 3 хүртэл....... тэрээр шууд Америкт очиж багтайгаа нийлэх аж....
энэ хооронд багийн анд Ди Мария-н хуриманд оролцох гэнэ........ мөн 2 ч нөхөрсөг тоглолтонд /Чили, Мэксикт/ оролцоно гэнэ......

Монтояа гэмтчихэж......
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby addictive » Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:11 am

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x95SS-0f ... e=youtu.be

Дрийм Тим-ийн үед Лаудруп.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7EK0Izj ... r_embedded

Баг нь унаж буй Риверийн фанат хэхэ. "Бөмбөгөө алдалгүй гуравхан пасс хаялцаадахаач!!! Би ямар та нарыг Барса шиг бай гэж хүссэн үү!!!"
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby addictive » Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:21 am


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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby addictive » Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:28 am


Пеп, Суби нарын хэвлэлийн бага хурал болоод дууслаа.

Guardiola: "There's always room for improvement, there are always things you can do better, and that's what we'll try to do."
Guardiola: "Bojan wants to play more, I understand he needs more minutes and now there's the offer of Roma.
Zubizareta (sports director): "The transfer of Bojan to Roma is close, we're in the last stage of talks. It'll be announced soon
Guardiola: "We're trying to sign Cesc, I hope in the end it will be possible.
Guardiola: "We have a good team, but if you look at the calendar, we need a bigger squad. We have time until 31 August."
Zubizarreta: "The talks on Alexis Sanchez are getting to the end, and I hope it will be a happy end. But our attempt can still hit the post"
Guardiola: "Sanchez can play on all three positions up front, he works hard, good one-on-one, good guy. He's closest to what we look for."
Guardiola: "Udinese, like all clubs, can defend their interests. You can't expect to arrive and sign who you want just like that."
Guardiola: "If we can't sign Alexis Sanchez, we'll go for a less expensive player or see what we have in the B-team.
Guardiola: "I propose players to the club and then they decide, based on the financial possibilities of the club."
Guardiola: "Cesc is an Arsenal player so he has to do what they say, every coach would like it that way. So I'm sure his injury is real."
Guardiola: "Everything we have done has been with permission of Arsenal and mister Wenger knows that. Cesc owes them.
Guardiola: "Between a midfielder and a forward, our priority is a forward.
Guardiola: "Cesc will make us better, we're interested, but if it's not to be then maybe next year and we use the money for something else."
Zubiezarreta: "We have maximum respect for Arsenal and starting from that base, we are trying to bring our positions closer."
Guardiola: "We're as motivated as ever and the objective is to improve where we can."
Guardiola: "Transfers Madrid? If Madrid signs those players it's because they are good."
Zubizarreta: "Pep and I talked with Jeffren. We're looking for the best solution. But the market is not as active as the media say."
Zubizarreta: "Milito has a contract and he'll be here on 8 August [until when Copa America players can take holidays]."
Zubizarreta: "We made Abidal a renewal offer before his condition and now we're taking up the talks again trying to reach a deal."
Zubizareta: "The Copa America players are expected back at 8 August, but some could join the team earlier."
Guardiola: "I want the players who played the Copa America to have at least two or three weeks of holidays.
Guardiola: "Thiago has great skills, a lot of personnality, there's a lot of competition but we'll try for him to have minutes."
Guardiola: "It was always clear to us we wanted to keep Thiago. At his age now, Xavi and Iniesta weren't playing at his level."
Guardiola: "The priority is a forward byut there's money for two players.
Guardiola: "Puyol is doing great, recovering almost without any problem. He's very motivated, we can count on him this season."
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby barca_10 » Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:36 am

Zubizarreta, on Bojan and Alexis: “We’re near the end”

Andoni Zubizarreta has recognised that the negotiations to sign Alexis Sánchez and for Bojan Krkic¡s departure are almost complete. On Cesc, he insists that the negotiations have been clean.

No force over Cesc
The name of Cesc Fàbregas copped up once again. Zubizarreta defended the way the club has dealt with the issue. “Our position is to show the utmost respect to Arsenal, because that club owns the player. From here, our job is to make proposals and to create proposals that might be of interest to Arsenal. It is not our way to use force, although there are some people that are only interested in the way things finish. The negotiations have to be face-to-face, not behind backs”.

Solutions for Jeffren

Zubizarreta then discussed Jeffren Suárez. “He knows his situation in the squad. We are looking at the best options with him and his agent in order for him to find the best place to carry on playing football … but the market is not as active as the media is making out … the club is only receiving very limited offers.” This, he claims, is reflected by the small number of transfers this summer involving the biggest clubs in Europe.

Abidal’s new contract

Other than these comings and goings, Zubizarreta also mentioned Éric Abidal, whose contract ends on June 30, 2012. “We had proposed the renewal of his contract before his illness, and once he recovered, we restarted negotiations. From there, we shall be looking to reach an agreement” he said.

The last name he mentioned was that of Gabriel Milito, where there is no change. “Milito has a contract, he will be here on the 8th and we’ll work with him”.

гэж тэгхээр Бояан хүү удахгүй Ромаруу явах нь мөн Алекс Санчес ч ирэх нь бол тодорхой болчихлоо, Фабрегасын хувьд сүүл манайх 42 сая Еврогийн санал тавьсан байсан.

Абидалын гэрээг сунгачих хэрэгтэй, Милито бол байж л байх юм байна яахав сэлгээнд л сууж байна биз, харин Жеффренийг нэг багруу зээлчээсээ болвол Ла лигтэй гараанд байнга гараад байхаар
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Mr S » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:31 am

Ла лиги болон доод лигийн шилдгүүдэд нэр дэвшигчид....... байрлал болгонд манайхан дэвшжээ......... :-D

First Division
Best Goalkeeper: Iker Casillas (Real Madrid), De Gea (Atletico Madrid) and Victor Valdes (Barcelona).
Best Defense: Eric Abidal and Dani Alves (Barcelona), Marcelo (Real Madrid).
Best Midfielder: Xabi Alonso (Real Madrid), Xavi Hernandez (Barcelona), Javi Martínez (Athletic Club).
Attack Best Midfielder: Andrés Iniesta (Barcelona), Özil (Real Madrid), Borja Valero (Villarreal).
Best Forward: Kun Aguero (Atletico Madrid), Lionel Messi (Barcelona) and Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid).
Revelation Player: Antoine Griezzman (Real Sociedad), Iker Muniain (Athletic Club) and Ruben Perez (Deportivo).

Second Division:
Best Goalkeeper: Cobeño (Rayo Vallecano), Keylor Navas (Albacete) and Roberto (Granada).
Best Defense: Bartra (Barça B), Coke (Rayo Vallecano) and Nyom (Granada).
Best Midfielder: Beñat (Betis), Abel Gómez (Granada) and Mikel Rico (Granada).
Best Midfielder Attack: Armenteros (Rayo Vallecano), Dani Benítez (Granada) and Sergi Roberto (Barça B).
Best Forward: Ruben Castro (Betis), Javier Guerra (Real Valladolid) and Jonathan Soriano (Barcelona B).
Newcomer: Bartra (Barça B) Beñat (Betis) and Sergi Roberto (Barça B).
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Mr S » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:37 am

Фабригас-н хэлэлцээр нааштай бгаа гээл бхийм...... харж л байя даа.... Пэп ч Фабригас-г авахын тулд бүхнийг хийнэ гэчиж......

Санчэз ч ирэх нь тодорхой болсон бна...... Удинэзэ-н боссын хүү нь үндсэндээ тохирчихсон....... ирэх өдрүүдэд бичиг цаасны ажлаа дуусгана гэж....

Пэп 9 сарын 8-нд Каталаны Парламэнтаас Алтан медал гардах гэнэ........

бэлтгэлийн 2 дахь өдөр......
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby chegevara » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:53 pm

хаха тэр Ривэрийн фэнийг :-o
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Цоомоо » Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:46 pm

“The midfield is our strength, we will try to sign him until August 31st.” гэж Пэп хэлж.
Энэ операд дахиад сар гаруй үлдэж дээ.
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Cule » Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:08 pm

Бэкс Мэссиг маань баахан л магтаж....

“He is the best in the world, simple as that. He is a player that when any kid watches him, wants to be him. They wanna watch everything he does; the way he conducts himself and the way he works hard for the team. He is not just a player – technically he is the best in the world – [but] he works hard for the team and that’s what makes him the person and the player that he is. You watch him and it’s like watching an eight or nine year old play. He just goes and enjoys himself. I think he goes into every game thinking that if this is my last game, this is how I’m going to play and every game he plays, he plays like that. He is a special player.”
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Mr S » Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:50 pm

7, 8 сарын хуваарь...... баахан л тоглолт хийх нь дээ......
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Mr S » Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:52 pm

Barca make official today the signing of Alexis
ашгүй дээ......
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