::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby Барнаба » Fri Jun 24, 2011 5:54 pm

Breathe! wrote:энэ бол Лпулын 2009 оны тоглолтуудад шүүгчийн үзүүлсэн нөлөөлөл...
хэдий ийм байгаа ч энэ тухай хэн ч анзаараагүй, яриа ч гүй.
ялагдагсдыг хэн ч тоохгүй. анзаарах ч гүй.

Наад фактуудынхаа бичлэг бүрийг энд тавиад өгөөтхөөч... шүүгч яаж шүүж вэ гэдгийг хүмүүс хараг... чадахгүй бол ийм юм бичээд яах гэсийн...
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby LeMoN » Fri Jun 24, 2011 6:20 pm

Энэрэл wrote:За Янг ирснээр Нани ч эвгүй болж байна даа. Тэгсэн Италийн багууд Нанигийн талаарх шинэ мэдээллийг тэсэн ядан хүлээж байгаа гэнэ. Юве, Милан 2 сонирхож байгаа..

Нани-г манайх авахгүй байхөө дор хаяж 30-г нэхнэ биз. Бастосыгаа хямда авч байгаам чинь авахгүй байх.
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby Хулганаа » Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:12 pm

nani ugni bj bwal ywuulmaarguil bh yum young maani shine jerseygee hezee omoh yum boldoo avatar deeree zuumeer bhiin
Үнэн байсан учираас
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby Villa_Bayaraa » Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:47 am

За манай хүүг сайхан тосож аваад хамтдаа зөндөө олон цом аваарай...
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby Miro Klose » Sat Jun 25, 2011 2:19 am

CB wrote:
Breathe! wrote:хэн нь ч билээ допинг илрээд авсан бангаас урт хугацаагаар рио зүгээр л мартаад дараа нь өгсөн шалтгаанаар бандуулдаг.

Сая шитти Турэ допинг хэрэглээд 6 сарын бан авсан. Тэр үед гарч бсан зарим нэгэн харьцуулалтууд:

In April 2003, Mark Bosnich was banned for 9 months and fined £10k for failing a drugs test.
In December 2003, Rio Ferdinand was banned for 8 months and fined £50k for missing a drugs test.
In November 2004, Adrian Mutu was banned for 7 months and fined £20k for failing a drugs test.

Player: Christian Negouai (Manchester City)
Offence: Missing drugs test
Punishment: No ban, £2,000 fine

Player: Rio Ferdinand (Manchester United)
Offence: Missing drugs test
Punishment: 8 month ban, £50,000 fine

Player: Kolo Toure (Manchester City)
Offence: Taking banned substance (in diet pills)
Punishment: 6 month ban

Player: Paddy Kenny (Sheffield United)
Offence: Taking banned substance (in cough medicine)
Punishment: 9 month ban

Риогийн шийтгэл чинь допинг биш хар тамхи болохоор илүү хүндрүүлсийн биш үү

Гэхдээ л манайд бол арай л хатуу ханддаг шд ялангуяа Сэр Алексд жижиг сажиг юм л болвол шууд 3 тоглолт бандана гээл Рүүнийг бас хэдэн ч удаа бандлаа даа.

Жеррардыг бааранд хүн зодоход ер нь шийтгэл өгч байсын муу.
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby Ggoal » Sat Jun 25, 2011 3:15 am

Баранд шоудаа л биз хүнтэй түр тар хийгээ л биз энд ФА ямар хамаатай юм шүүгчийг цохисон биш...туйлширлаа гэж :RD
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby ТӨӨГӨӨ » Sat Jun 25, 2011 4:20 pm


ийм хөзөр бна. Покерийх! 3Д 15.0


Түлхүүрийн оосор энгэрийн тэмдэгтэй 15.0


Ороолт 20.0


Бас түлхүүрийн оосор товчтой юу ч гэдэг билээ дээ 15.0
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby Төрналдо » Sat Jun 25, 2011 4:36 pm

Ороолтоо хамаг доошоо хамаг доошоо :Д
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby ТӨӨГӨӨ » Sat Jun 25, 2011 5:15 pm

Би мэдкүэ! Тэр хүн нь тавиад өгөөч гэсэн шд. Англиас ирсийн
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby Mojul » Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:10 pm

Нани үлдэнээ гэдгээ хэлж... Үлдээх хэрэгтэйлдээ. Нөөцтэй байж олон фронтод үзнэ... Одоо 2хон наймаа л хэрэгтэй. Ядахнаа ганц сайхан ГК хэрэгтэй байна...
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby Amaraa1010 » Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:13 pm

Turnaldo wrote:Ороолтоо хамаг доошоо хамаг доошоо :Д

Хөршөөн чи чинь UNITED-н дэмжигч, хэлсэн үнэд нь цохиж аваад бахархалтайгаар зүүж
явах хэрэгтэй ш дэээ. Хэрвээ боломжгүй бвал энэ удаадаа өнжөөд дараа нь боломжтой үедээ
авхад оройтохгүй...

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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby the kop__b_none » Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:29 pm

:-o :-o
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby Amaraa1010 » Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:31 pm

Nani үлдэх нь ер нь бол тодорхой л доо. Дөнгөж одоо л энэ чинь багын гол хэсэг нь болоод
бна. Тэгээд тийм амжилттай нэг улирал үдчээд бхад өөрөө явах, түүнийг явуулах тийм амар биш
л бх. Яахав өрсөлдөөн бол зайлашгүй ширүүсч бгаа. Гэхдээ Nani арай ч ялагдагч нь болчоогүй бна.
Яахав түүнд хэд хэдэн дутагдалтай талууд бий. Түүний шийдэвэр гаргалт хааяа тун хангалтгүй бдаг,
бас хамгаалалт, стамина (монголоор одоо юу ч гэмээр юмб дэээ, тэсвэр энэ тэр гэх юм уу дааа)
энэ тэрээр бол Valencia-г бодуул бага зэрэг дутмаг, зааа тэгээд нөгөөө элдэв шалдав бааштай
жүжигчин энэ тэр гэсэн илүү дутуу юм бгаа бх. Гэхдээ л одоогоор EPL-н жигүүрүүд дотор л
хамгийн аюултайгаасаа 1,2-т л орох бх. Би түүнийг ягааад багаа орхих, Sir Alex-г ягаад түүнийг
явуулах талаар 1 ч шалтагаан олж харахгүй л бгаам даа....

Яахав саяны финал дээр ягаад түүнийг сэлгээнд суулгасныг бол ойлгож болох л юм. Учир нь тэр
тоглолт хожигдож болохгүй тоглолт бсан болхоор хамгаалалт арай илүү гэж болхоор Park, Valencia
нарыг илүүд үзсэн бх. Тэрнээс заавал хожих тоглолтонд бол Nani өдөр шөнийн алинд нь ч 1-р сонголт
бх бол гэдэгт би л хувьдаа итгэлтэй бна. Нэг зүйлийг сануулхад бид улиралыг бараг 90%-д нь заавал
хожих тоглолт хийдэг гэдгийг мартаж болохгүй....

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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby Miro Klose » Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:26 pm

Гиггс ирэх улирал гарааны 11 т орж чадахгүй гэдэг нь ойлгомжтой болчихлоо харин сэлгээгээр орж ирээд бусниулаад бна байх Аш. Ёонг зүүнд гараад, баруунд Валенсиа, Нани сэлгээд байж чадна сайн формтой байж чадвал аль нэгийг нь суулгана ийм л зүйл болчихлоо л доо. Манай бүрэлдэхүүн их сонин дээрээс нь тоглогч бүр өөр өөрсдийн онцлогтой үүрэгтэй Жишээ нь Паркийг Арсеналтай тоглоход заавал гаргадаг мань хүн гарсан нөхцөлд зоолттой хусдаг, Челситэй тоглоход Гиггс гарвал хусдаг гээд сонин шүү. Рүү Ситиг гашраадаг гээд. Дунд ер нь хүн авах шаардлагтай муу Том Клеверли гээд сайхан залууг дэмжээд өгвөл өсөөл явчихна даа.
The mentality and grandeur that this club (Real Madrid) has is different to the rest. Roberto Carlos
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby Breathe! » Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:32 pm


энд санаандгүй манай ногоон нүдэнгийн тун гайхалтай рекорд оллоо...
шүтэж амьдарёоо
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby Ozilla » Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:07 pm

Наниг явуулаад дэмийл юм бгамда, одоо шнайдэрийг л авчихвал....алэксис санчэс, нэймар нарт манайх мөнгө хаяхгүй нь харамсалтай
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby J@x » Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:15 pm

Breathe! wrote:Image

энд санаандгүй манай ногоон нүдэнгийн тун гайхалтай рекорд оллоо...
шүтэж амьдарёоо

Гоолын тэнгэртэй залуу шүү. Энэ наймааг хийгээгүй бол ч танайх эвгүйтэхээр байсан.

Удахгүй тэгээд олон тоглолтонд ороод ирэхээр хэлбэлзээд эхэлнэ л дээ
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby enkuna » Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:46 am

Чичарито шигшээ багтайгаа голд капд түрүүлжээ. Мань хүн 7 гоолтой тэмцээний шилдэг мэргэн буучаар тодороод зогсохгүй тэмцээний шилдэг хөлбөмбөгчин болжээ. :-D


Сонирхуулхад Чичарито 2009 оноос хойш Гуадалахара, МанЮтд болон шигшээ багийнхаа төлөө 101 албан ёсны тоглолтонд оролцож 62 гоол хийгээд байгаам байна.
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby Norman_Whiteside » Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:29 pm

Чичо найс байнааа. Очиж үзмээр л байлаа даанч ажилтай яваад амжсангүй. тэгээд ч билетыг нь аваагүй байсан яахав яваад очвол гаднаас олдох л байсан байх. ЛА-д мексикүүд машин тэрэгэнд дээрээ ЧИЧОРИТО болгоод бөөн ногоон өмсгөлтэй хүмүүс баяраа явж байнадаа. Дараа ЧиЧо-гийнхоо тоглолтыг үзэх боломж олдох байхаа
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby Amaraa1010 » Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:32 pm

Нэг гоё юм оллооо...

Sir Alex-н хэлсэн зарим нэг quote-д (юуу гэж орчуулхаа мэдэхгүй юм. Ишлэл энэ тэр гэвэл бурууддаг юм болуу) бна.
Мань хүн ч бас гамгүй гамгүй авсан бна лэээ. Ер нь бодсон санасанаа шулуухан хэлчидэг, айж ичээд бдаггүй, хэний ч
өмнө эрхэмсэг бдаг чанар нь энэ хэдэн ишлэлээс харагдаж бгаам.

Доорхь жагсаалт нь ямар нэгэн байр эзлүүлсэн дараалал биш ч гэсэн эхэнд бгаа Ишлэл (ишлэл гээл аваад бгаа ш дэээ)
бол яаалтчгүй миний хувьд хамгийн шилдэг нь....

Зааа тэгээд манайхан өөр бусад ишлэлүүд бвал нэмээд бгаарай.....


1 My greatest challenge is not what’s happening at the moment, my greatest challenge was knocking Liverpool right off their f***ing perch. And you can print that.
(Sir Alex, speaking to The Guardian in 2002, endears himself to Liverpool fans the world over as he responds to Alan Hansen’s suggestion that winning the title in 2002/03 would be his greatest feat.)

2 At the end of this game, the European Cup will be only six feet away from you and you’ll not even able to touch it if we lose. And for many of you that will be the closest you will ever get. Don’t you dare come back in here without giving your all.
(Half time talk during the 1999 European Cup Final)

3 That lad [Filippo Inzaghi] must have been born offside.
(Sir Alex Ferguson response to the news that Filippo Inzaghi is the most offside player in the history of the game)

4 I am such a bloody talented guy. I might go into painting or something like that.
(life after management)

5 It’s getting tickly now - squeaky-bum time, I call it.
(Speaking about the title race at the end of the 2002/2003 season, Fergie coins a phrase the British media still uses. The Red Devils ended the season as champions despite behind eight points behind Arsenal in March.)

6 I can’t believe it. I can’t believe it. Football. Bloody hell.
(The Red Devil attempts to describe his feelings to the world after United score two late goals to claim the European Cup on May 26, 1999)

7 David Beckham is Britain’s finest striker of a football not because of God-given talent but because he practises with a relentless application that the vast majority of less gifted players wouldn’t contemplate.
(on David Beckham)

8 Cole should be scoring from those distances, but I’m not going to single him out.

9 Whether dribbling or sprinting, Ryan can leave the best defenders with twisted blood.

10 The philosophy of a lot of European teams, even in home matches, is not to give a goal away.

11 It is totally out of the question. There is no way we would sell him, or any of our best players.
(before selling David Beckham)

12 They say he’s an intelligent man, right? Speaks five languages! I’ve got a 15-year-old boy from the Ivory Coast who speaks five languages!
(The Scot dismisses Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger’s linguistic talents in 2003.)

13 On you go. I’m no f***ing talking to you. He’s a f***ing great player. Yous are f***ing idiots.
(Ferguson blasts the media in 2002 for criticising his signing of Juan Sebastien Veron, despite the Argentinean making little impression after joining the Red Devils for a then British record fee of £28.1 million.)

14 I’m privileged to have followed Sir Matt because all you have to do is to try and maintain the standards that he set so many years ago.
(after equaling Sir Matt Busby's Premiership record)

15 Just fucking patch him up.
(to a physio after kicking a boot at Beckham's head!)

16 It was a freakish incident. If I tried it 100 or a million times it couldn’t happen again. If I could I would have carried on playing!
(The Scot explains to the BBC in 2003 how a flying football boot in the United dressing room managed to hit David Beckham in the face, leaving him in need of stitches.)

17 Sometimes we can get too emotional as a club with things that are happening. But we’re both of a common denominator - we don’t want the club to be in anyone else’s hands.

18 The big challenges are the biggest stage and it is a true test of all footballers in Europe.

19 As with every young player, he’s only 18.

20 If he was an inch taller he’d be the best centre half in Britain. His father is 6ft 2in - I’d check the milkman.
(The United boss gives his thoughts on right back Gary Neville in 1996)

21 The lads ran their socks into the ground.

22 He could start a row in an empty house.
(on Dennis Wise)

23 We have people coming here to admire the scenery and enjoy their crisps.
(on United fans)

24 If we can play like that every week, we’ll get some level of consistency.

25 He was certainly full of it, calling me Boss and Big Man when we had our post-match drink after the first leg. But it would help if his greetings were accompanied by a decent glass of wine. What he gave me was paint-stripper.
(on Jose Mourinho)

26 Wayne Rooney doesn’t score tap-ins.

27 I have always tried to be the bridge between the club and the fans and I have tried to support the fans in a lot of their pleas and causes.

28 They have those fans who are so emotional and fanatical, they expect to win the World Cup.
(on Newcastle fans)

29 I used to have a saying that when a player is at his peak, he feels as though he can climb Everest in his slippers. That’s what he was like.
(on Paul Ince)

30 I remember the first time I saw him. He was 13 and just floated over the ground like a cocker spaniel chasing a piece of silver paper in the wind.
(on Ryan Giggs)

31 They come out with the ‘English are so strong, we’re terrible in the air, we can’t do this, we can’t do that’. Then they beat you 3 - 0.
(on Italians)

32 We are catching them [Chelsea] and we just hope the finishing line doesn’t come too soon.

33 When we signed him [Rooney] at 18, everyone said ‘what will he be like at 21?’ Now he’s 21, people are saying ‘what will he be like at 25?’ It was always destined to be that way.

34 He demonstrates great hunger and desire all the time. Without doubt, he is the best 21-year-old I have ever had.
(on Wayne Rooney)

35 We will only be in trouble if we listen to Jose too much.

36 I bet him he wouldn’t get 15 league goals and I’m going to have to change my bet with him. If he gets to 15 I can change it and I am allowed to do that because I’m the manager. I’m going to make it 150 now.
(on Ronaldo)

37 I think it’s important to work and I’m entitled to work. Some people do not want to work but I want to continue working.

38 Wayne is truly blessed. He doesn’t just have ability, he has a fire inside him.

39 At half-time it could have been 20-all! But commonsense took over - or boring football took over!
(on Fulham match where Man united won 3-2 2005)

40 We’re suffering because of what happened against Arsenal… one of my players would have to be hit by an axe to get a penalty at the moment.

41 The crowd were dead. It was like a funeral out there.

42 The pace of the game demanded a referee who was fit. It is an indictment of our game. You see referees abroad who are as fit as butcher’s dogs. We have some who are fit. He wasn’t fit. He was taking 30 seconds to book a player. He was needing a rest. It was ridiculous.
(On Alan Wiley - referee)

43 It doesn't matter who leaves, the name of Manchester United does not leave.

44 It would have been Sir Matt Busby's 90th birthday today, but I think he was up there doing a lot of kicking.
(After winning the 1999 European Cup)

45 You're a fuckin' bottler Incey! You cannae handle the stage, can you? You are a fuckin' bottler!
(to Paul Ince at half time 1994 Barcelona)

46 If Chelsea drop points, the cat’s out in the open. And you know what cats are like – sometimes they don’t come home.

47 What the fuck are you lot playing at? That is the biggest load of shite I've ever seen. Not one of you can look me in the eye, because not one of you deserves to have a say. I can't believe you're come here and decided to toss it off like that crap you're playing out there.
(half time talk)

45 He’s a bully, a fucking big-time Charlie.
(on Paul Ince again)

46 It keeps those f***ers from the media out.
(Fortress Carrington)

47 We need Van Nistelrooy up there again because we missed some incredible chances at Portsmouth. He’s the best.

48 I thought the first 45 minutes were the best of my time as a manager.
(United's come back from 2-0 down to beat Juventus 3-2 in Turin - regarded as one of the greatest comebacks in history!)

49 I don't think I could have a higher opinion of any footballer than I already had of the Irishman, but he rose even further in my estimation at the Stadio Delle Alpi. The minute he was booked and out of the final he seemed to redouble his efforts to get the team there. It was the most emphatic display of selflessness I have seen on a football field. Pounding over every blade of grass, competing if he would rather die of exhaustion than lose he inspired all around him. I felt it was an honour to be associated with such a player.
(on Roy Keane in the match mentioned in the quote above)

50 When an Italian tells me its pasta on the plate I check under the sauce to make sure. They are the inventors of the smokescreen.
(Alex Ferguson, speaking before the last time Manchester United played Inter in the Champions League Quarter Final 1999)

51 Oh dearie me, the FA are going to be delighted with that!
(Alex Ferguson on Man U vs Arsenal in the Carling Cup)

52 He’ll be getting a hug and a kiss from me - maybe even two!
(on Sam Allardyce)

53 He was towering over me and the other players were almost covering their eyes. I’m looking up and thinking ‘if he does hit me, I’m dead
(Alex Ferguson on an argument with Peter Schmeichel)

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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby boboZ » Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:53 pm

Arrogant prick..
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby Marzan » Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:40 pm

Манайх төвдөө хүн авахгүй гээд бодоод сууж байгаан байхдаа аан .
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby ManchesterReds » Sun Jun 26, 2011 3:04 pm

авах байхаа гэнтийн л цохилт хийх бх даа
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby Miro Klose » Sun Jun 26, 2011 4:35 pm

Ливерпүүлийн Раулыг хусчихдаг бол хэхэ тас гар шд
The mentality and grandeur that this club (Real Madrid) has is different to the rest. Roberto Carlos
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Re: ::Манчестер Юнайтед 10/11:: CHAMP19NS

Postby rednasca » Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:04 pm

Quote of the day: “I have to confirm it’s 100 per cent true that Manchester United were following me and were interested in me. It was Alex Ferguson directly who made contact with the Celtic directors. I am aware also that Manchester United and Celtic agreed for a meeting in July. We have to see what happens if I stay or I go.” - Celtic left-back Emilio Izaguirre.
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