FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby kaze » Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:22 am

энэ барсаг дараа жил хэсгээсээ гарахад нь нөгөө талаас рубиныг 2-оор гаргаж зогсоохгүй л бол болохоо байлаа шүү
нөгөө рубин нь харин СЛ-д орохым болуу яахым бол :ногоон:
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Admirals » Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:55 am

"Спорт цонх"-ын хамт олон, тэр тусмаа БАРСА-гийн үнэн ч шүтэн бишрэгчидтэй нэгдсэндээ баяртай байна.
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Mr S » Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:13 am

ACB Champions - Regal Barça

Sagna: "Cesc wants to play for Barcelona"

Thiago Silva: "I have spoken with Barca"

Алэксис Санчэз-н тулаанд 2 ч Манчэстэрийн клуб үзэж бгаа........ гэсэн ч манайхан гэрээ хийхээр ажиллаж бгаа гэнэ....

Лийдс-н 16 настай залуу тоглогч Эллиотт Кэббиг авахаар баахан английн багуудтай өрсөлдөөл...... МАН Чэлси Эвэртон Ливерпул гээл......
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby suldees » Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:22 am

Admirals wrote:"Спорт цонх"-ын хамт олон, тэр тусмаа БАРСА-гийн үнэн ч шүтэн бишрэгчидтэй нэгдсэндээ баяртай байна.

тавтай морил
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Gunnerz » Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:45 am

boldoo moment wrote:The Front: El Mundo Deportivo (14.06.2011)

Fàbregas asks Wenger to not delay his signing for Barça

Villarreal’s striker tells Roig that it’s “my great chance”

Messi: “Barça’s secret is confidence and a lot of work”

Rosell presided at the cantera‘s goodbye to La Masia.

The Front: Sport (14.06.2011)

He asks Roig to let him sign for Barça

Bartomeu presented a 20 million euros offer which Villarreal considers insufficient

Arsenal admits that Cesc is leaving. A member of the directive staff admits that Wenger is negotiating the transfer of some important players.

Cristiano Ronaldo: “Barça has been the best”

сонин дээрээ заавал ч гүй аль нэг булан мулан хамаагүй фабригийн зургийг шаахгүй бол сонин нь зарагддаггүй юм биш үү
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Могжоохон » Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:57 am

Valdes, Dani Alves, Puyol, Pique, Abidal, Busquets, Xavi, Iniesta, Villa, Pedro, Messi
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Могжоохон » Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:58 am

Admirals wrote:"Спорт цонх"-ын хамт олон, тэр тусмаа БАРСА-гийн үнэн ч шүтэн бишрэгчидтэй /КҮЛЭ/ нэгдсэндээ баяртай байна.

Виска эль Барса!!!
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Mr S » Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:06 pm

Фабри Испанид иржээ....... өөрийн агэнт Даррэн Диэн-н хамт.....
Мадрид өчдөр буусан тэрээр Angel Schlesser-н танилцуулганд оролцох.... тэгээд дараагийн зогсоол Барса..... ирэх нь дээ....
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Могжоохон » Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:27 pm

За болж болж
Valdes, Dani Alves, Puyol, Pique, Abidal, Busquets, Xavi, Iniesta, Villa, Pedro, Messi
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Цэнгүүн » Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:27 pm

Admirals Сэдэвтээ тавтай морил :sup:

Eden Hazard
Barça? Can I even get into their team? It’s an honour to be linked with the best team in the world but I have nothing else to say. It is great to hear news like that.“

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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby mig28 » Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:40 pm

Фабригийн асуудлыг хурдан шийдээсээ билээ....
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Буучин » Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:55 pm

Mr S wrote:Фабри Испанид иржээ....... өөрийн агэнт Даррэн Диэн-н хамт.....
Мадрид өчдөр буусан тэрээр Angel Schlesser-н танилцуулганд оролцох.... тэгээд дараагийн зогсоол Барса..... ирэх нь дээ....

Уул нь Цеск Арсеналынхаа хамт ганц ч гэсэн цом өргөчихөөд Испани луу нүүр бардам явмаар юм.

Энэ зун Фабри Барса руу явахыг зорьсон бол эртхэн явчаасай..
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Могжоохон » Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:30 pm

The Front: El Mundo Deportivo (15.06.2011)



Bilbao 55 – 64 Barça

Adding up the Basket Liga, Barça has won 15 titles this season.

Today Cesc will talk. Maximum expectancy. Today, in the press conference in Madrid, the player will have to talk about his future and put himself closer to Barça

Read more: http://www.totalbarca.com/#ixzz1PLpYDAsA


The Front: Sport (15.06.2011)



Barça wins Basket Liga too.

55 – 64 Pascal’s team ends the play-off unbeaten and wins the third title.

Winners of both Ligas (football and basket) for the third time in history.

Cesc, the home stretch . He will speak today in Madrid.

Read more: http://www.totalbarca.com/#ixzz1PLpPuEFo
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Энэрэл » Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:12 pm

Энэ ямар хачин жигтэй мэдээ вэ?
FC Barcelona to sell David Villa to Chelsea FC or Manchester City?
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Цэнгүүн » Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:13 pm

Сагсны баг даа баяр хүргэе, гар бөмбөгний баг бас түрүүлээд байлуу, бахдам амжилттай улирал болж өнгөрлөө..
Россель-н анхны жил маш сайн байлаа.. Мөнгө санхүүгийн хувьд ч дажгүй ажиллаж, баг өөрөө бас амжилттай байгаа, гэвч бас эргүү, эргүү үйлдэл гаргасаар, дэмжигчдын дунд нэр муутай хэвээр л.... Өөрийнхөн явуулж байгаа бодлого надад лав одоог хүртэл таалагдахгүй л байгаа.. Одоо яахав баг амжилт арвин байгаа болохоор бүх зүйл сайхан байна, Хэр ерөнхийлгөч болохыг нь шинэ улирлаас л жинхэнээр харж болох юм..

Mazinho: “Thiago’s future is Barça” :eek:
Үнэхээр олон Күле үлдээсэй гэж хүсэж байгаа байх даа.. Фабре-н асуудал аль болох хурдан шийдэгдэвэл хоёр багт их дээрсэн.. Залхамаар ядаргаатай шүү нээрээ.. Нэг тийш нь болгочихвол нөхцөл байдлаа хараад дараагийн нүүдлүүдээ хийнэ.. Миний хувьд яагаад ч юм ирчих юм шиг санагдаад байгаа.. Эртнээс хамгаалагчаа авчихаасай бас..

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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Цэнгүүн » Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:39 pm

"GLORY CLUB" a magazine about the best football clubs
First episode is about Barca

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIm91UN5 ... r_embedded

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeFcaYHj ... r_embedded
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Цэнгүүн » Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:50 pm

Pruna (team doctor): "Puyol wants to play until he's 40 years old, and I think he'll get there."
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Могжоохон » Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:49 am

Valdes, Dani Alves, Puyol, Pique, Abidal, Busquets, Xavi, Iniesta, Villa, Pedro, Messi
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Могжоохон » Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:31 pm

Barça equal record winning season with 15 trophies
After winning basketball’s ACB League, FC Barcelona have now won 15 professional titles this season. If the futsal team wins their league, that would make for an all-time record of sixteen titles in a season for the Club.
Valdes, Dani Alves, Puyol, Pique, Abidal, Busquets, Xavi, Iniesta, Villa, Pedro, Messi
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Mr S » Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:51 pm

ахлагч ч сайхан амарч бгаам бна даа....... :ногоон:
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Mr S » Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:52 pm

boldoo moment wrote:Barça equal record winning season with 15 trophies
After winning basketball’s ACB League, FC Barcelona have now won 15 professional titles this season. If the futsal team wins their league, that would make for an all-time record of sixteen titles in a season for the Club.

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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby barca_10 » Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:19 pm

Sport (16.06.2011)

He spoke at last when Barça is negotiating his signing

“My feelings towards Barça are really deep”

“I feel frustrated for the lack of titles and being a Barça player would be a warrant”

Secret meeting to sign Rossi

Bartomeu admits it: “There are negotiations to sign Alexis”

El Mundo Deportivo (16.06.2011)

Fàbregas decides to change the strategy and this year he acts prudently.

“If I voice my wish of playing in another team, the situation could go worse”

“My dream has always been to play in Barça. It’s not necessary to repeat it in each and every event”

Guardiola’s reasons to sign Rossi and Alexis

Rosell will review the successful season today and will dedicate a little warning to Madrid.
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Mr S » Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:08 am

Тиаго Алкантараг ЧЭЛСИ линкдээл.......

манайхан Данийн залуу тоглогч Nicolai Boilesen-г ихээхэн сонирхож бгаа аж........

Ботия-н баяклаус нь 20 сая евро гэнэ........

Мартин Монтояаг ГЭТАФЭ сонирхоол.......

Cesc: "My feeling for the club is very deep"

сагсны багийн Рики Рубио НБА руу явж бгаа аж....... Миннесота руу
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby Cule » Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:12 am

Sandro Rosell answers Madrid

"FC Barcelona is coming to the end of what is already the best sports season in its history, thanks to the 15 titles won by our teams, with its methods being praised and admired around the world.

The football first team has won the league championship for the third year in a row and the fourth European Cup is now in the Museum. After overcoming all kinds of difficulties, Barça has been rewarded in wonderful fashion, in the form of titles and global recognition of its unique approach to football.

Despite the many provocations received, we decided to stay loyal to two convictions: that above all we had to protect the sporting interests of the team and that we had to comply with our social responsibilities as the representatives of almost 180,000 members. Our hearts wanted something else, but our honour and integrity led us to opt for prudence. We were provoked, but we stayed calm. And so did our members and fans. And I would like to thank you for such exemplary behaviour.

Now we are enjoying the fruits of that. Once again, football has put everybody in their place. The display at Wembley was the most powerful response to the attacks on FC Barcelona this season. Our team has come to be admired and recognised everywhere for its marvellous football and the values that represent and define our institution. And the values we represent include dignity and honour. Because there have situations that must not be repeated in the future.

I would like to speak in the name of all Barça fans that have felt assaulted or damaged by the serious accusations and slander that has been directed at our Club of late. Premeditated accusations with only one objective: to achieve off the pitch what could not be achieved on it. Accusations that certain media have manipulated without any sign of rigour or scruples.

Given all the above, in the name of FC Barcelona, I wish to express the following:

1. Clubs have a social responsibility that we must assume and respect above any rivalry. We are entrusted with many collective desires. We set an example for the behaviour of many millions of people, especially children. In our case, moreover, we are aware that we represent the feelings of a large number of a people. And we consider that this season Real Madrid has gone beyond all the limits of necessary sporting rivalry, with its totally unfounded accusations against our Club.

2. It wanted to justify our team’s extraordinary sporting performances with pathetic accusations against our doctors and players regarding the use of drugs. We defended ourselves, and went to court to deny the accusations made by Cadena COPE, who repeatedly gave the name of Real Madrid as the source and origin of the information. I can assure you that if anybody, in the name of FC Barcelona, had dared to make such an accusation, we would have acted firmly, denying this immediately and taking those responsible to court. We would have liked a similar response from Real Madrid, but sadly we never got one.

3. Comments by the protagonists have always served to enrich footballing debate. But this season a Real Madrid employee, its coach, also went beyond all the limits of necessary sporting rivalry. He even went as far as to say that our coach should feel ashamed of some of our victories. The press conference given by the Real Madrid coach after the first leg of the Champions League semi finals at the Bernabéu would certainly have made any sportsperson feel ashamed. He accused our Club of having won titles thanks to some kind of national and international conspiracy, implicating in this conspiracy the good name of Unicef and the football authorities. We obviously defended ourselves, by presenting a formal complaint to UEFA, who finally decided to exert their authority and penalise him.

4. Surprisingly, Real Madrid’s response to our legitimate right to defend our honour was a formal complaint against eight of our players, who they accused of unsportsmanlike and even racist behaviour to try to get them suspended for the return leg. We also defended ourselves and Real Madrid did not get their way, as UEFA twice rejected their accusations.

5. The rivalry will continue next season, but we cannot allow the limits of fair play to be passed again. Because football deserves fair competition and FC Barcelona will do all it can to protect it. If we can, we shall return to the corresponding courts and sporting authorities. However, nobody should expect us to go as far as certain behaviours. Our values, which we teach the youngsters at the Masia, and which we have defended and respected for decades, do not allow that.

6. Our social responsibility towards millions of football fans requires us to maintain certain standards. Real Madrid and FC Barcelona both have more than one hundred years of history, with a huge level of commitment to their members, fans and society, and are obliged to work together in certain affairs. However, if the limits of fair play are passed once again, we shall be obliged to end our institutional relations, something we have absolutely no desire to do. We do not want to do that, but we are not afraid of doing it if we have to.

7. A few days ago, the president of Real Madrid said he will not stop until they win “the tenth”. We hope he tries to do that on the field of play, in a sportsmanlike fashion and returning to the methods that, we feel, many Madrid fans prefer. The president of Real Madrid has the opportunity to revive our relations, both on and off the field. Football, which tends to give back what you give it, will be the major beneficiary.

By means of this institutional statement, FC Barcelona wishes to put an end to this lamentable episode, which we hope will never be repeated again, for the good of football, of sport and of all of us that love it."

Sandro Rosell i Feliu
President FC Barcelona
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Re: FC BARCELONA 2010-2011

Postby barca_10 » Fri Jun 17, 2011 5:58 pm

FC Barcelona Transfer Rumours: Who Are Pep Guardiola and Barça Really Chasing?

1. Central Defenders
Rumours on whom they're after: Thiago Silva (AC Milan)
Pep really wants: no one

Thiago Silva would be a world-class signing, but given Barça only has around €50 million to spend, and that it feels very comfortable with Eric Abidal's conversion to centre-back and youngsters Andreu Fontás and Marc Bartra, it'll be hard to see the Blaugrana spend €30 million-plus on a central defender.
Good options that neither the press nor Barça are considering: Mats Hummels (Borussia Dortmund)
Odds for the press rumours being right all along: 5 percent

2. Strikers
Rumours on whom they're after: Kun Agüero (Atlético de Madrid), Leandro Damiao (Internacional Porto Alegre BRA), Diego Forlán (Atlético de Madrid)
Pep really wants: no one


The striker position is Lionel Messi's to hold for as long as he likes. What Barça is looking for is a winger that can also play as a false number nine when the Argentinian number 10 won't play.
Good options that neither the press nor Barça are considering: Edinson Cavani (Napoli)

Odds for the press rumours being right all along:
0 percent

3. Midfielders

Rumours on whom they're after: Cesc Fábregas (Arsenal FC), Javier Pastore (Palermo), Samir Nasri (Arsenal FC)
Pep really wants: Cesc Fábregas (Arsenal FC)

Pep Guardiola sees in Cesc the opportunity to remain competitive for the next five years and to replace Xavi Hernandez outright in a year or two. I've talked about why I personally don't like the move myself, but Pep definitely wants the Arsenal skipper bad.

So, Barça wants Cesc and he wants Barça back. The problem here is that, if the team pays a fair price, Fábregas is worth €60 million.
Barça would love to cut that price in half, but that will prove a hard task even if Cesc hands in his transfer request.
At this point, there's still a lot of negotiating to be made for this transfer to happen.

Good options that neither the press nor Barça are considering:
Borja Valero (Villarreal), Xabi Prieto (Real Sociedad).

Odds for Pep getting his man: 40 percent

4. Left Backs
Rumours on whom they're after: José Enrique (Newcastle), José Ángel (Sporting Gijón), Gaël Clichy (Arsenal FC), Gareth Bale (Tottenham), André Santos (Fenerbahce), Fábio Coentrao (Benfica)
Pep really wants: José Ángel (Sporting Gijón)


Ángel has everything you expect from a Barça player. He is the attacking-minded back and technically refined player Barça likes to employ as a side back. He played as a midfielder when he was younger and is very comfortable with the ball on his feet.
The problem with him is that Sporting wants €4 million and one of Barça's youth stars to let him go. And that combination won't happen soon.
But in all likelihood, the signing will come eventually.
Good options that neither the press nor Barça are considering:
Yuri Zhirkov (Chelsea FC)
Odds for Pep getting his man:70 percent

5. Wingers
Rumours on whom they're after: Alexis Sánchez (Udinese), Giuseppe Rossi (Villarreal), Neymar (Santos), Eden Hazard (Lille), Willian (Shakhtar Donetsk)
Pep really wants: Giuseppe Rossi (Villarreal), Alexis Sánchez (Udinese)

Bojan Krkic and Jeffrén Suárez are leaving, so Barça needs at least one man up-front to bring competitiveness and balance. Barça's management and Pep Guardiola really like two men: Alexis Sanchez and Giuseppe Rossi, with the Italian being the leader of the race at this point.
He is better at passing football and fits into Barça like a glove, even if he's doesn't have dribbling flair the Chilean has. He is also the cheaper alternative of the two and won't cost more than €30 million.
Good options that neither the press nor Barça are considering:Andrei Arshavin (Arsenal FC)
Odds for Pep getting his man:

85 percent for Rossi, 15 percent for Sánchez
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