Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby Aagii_03 » Fri May 06, 2011 11:34 am

За Алексийнхаа буучдыг буудсан цохилтод саналаа өгчихлөө.
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby Aagii_03 » Fri May 06, 2011 11:37 am

Улирлын шилдэгт Дидидээ саналаа өгчлөө.
Дидиер Дрогба лалалала
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby fortitude » Fri May 06, 2011 11:39 am

Aagii_03 wrote:Улирлын шилдэгт Дидидээ саналаа өгчлөө.
Дидиер Дрогба лалалала

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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby Abra » Fri May 06, 2011 11:45 am

Одоо чэлси шаалгавал манайхан өөрсддөө л гомдох хэрэгтэй харин шаачих юм бол жаст фэрфэкт ... Уул н бол мануд дарамттай бгаа гэхдээ бас давуу байдал ч бгаа тэнцэх энэ тэр гээд ... миний бодлоор торрэс гараанд гараад хэрэггүй байх ...
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby Lenin » Fri May 06, 2011 11:50 am

Abra wrote:Одоо чэлси шаалгавал манайхан өөрсддөө л гомдох хэрэгтэй харин шаачих юм бол жаст фэрфэкт ... Уул н бол мануд дарамттай бгаа гэхдээ бас давуу байдал ч бгаа тэнцэх энэ тэр гээд ... миний бодлоор торрэс гараанд гараад хэрэггүй байх ...

Торресд одоо л итгэл үзүүлэхгүй юм бол хэзээ үзүүлэхэвдээ. Энэ тоглолтонд л гоолдох гэж ирсэн хүн байх.
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby Saiza » Fri May 06, 2011 11:51 am

Энэ жилийн шилдэг миний бодлоор Чех шүү дээ.. тэр байгаагүй бол бүр л доройтох бсан...эсвэл Терри
Хараал идсэн тамхийг ч татахгүй... Хараал хэлэхгүй... Муу бодохгүй... Муухай зүйл хийхгүй... Тэнэхгүй... Тэнэгтэхгүй...
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby Abra » Fri May 06, 2011 11:54 am

Торрэсийг гаргаснаар дарамт бас нэмэгдэнэ . Манай багийнхний ч өөрийнх н ч .. тэрнийг хагасд гаргавал зүгээр .. зүгээр л өмнөх чэлси байвал зүгээр . торрэс манутай сайн тоглодог ч бас л итгэж өгөхгүй байна .
Монгол Монголoo дэмжиж байж л Эх орон хөгжинө .. Нэгнээ дэмжие, нийтээрээ хөгжие
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby Shaggy » Fri May 06, 2011 12:09 pm

Энэ содномын өөр айди юу...

Торресийг гаргахгүй бол эзэн чинь гомдоно, уурлана, тэгээд Карлог халнашт... Эзэн чинь эхний үе гүйдэг 50 саяа харж баясдагийн бишүү?
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby Abra » Fri May 06, 2011 12:12 pm

Last edited by Abra on Fri May 06, 2011 12:15 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Монгол Монголoo дэмжиж байж л Эх орон хөгжинө .. Нэгнээ дэмжие, нийтээрээ хөгжие
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby Abra » Fri May 06, 2011 12:14 pm

Shaggy wrote:
Торресийг гаргахгүй бол эзэн чинь гомдоно, уурлана, тэгээд Карлог халнашт... Эзэн чинь эхний үе гүйдэг 50 саяа харж баясдагийн бишүү?

Абра одоо ухаажиж бгаа өмнөх шэвагийнх шиг асуудал одоо байхгүй . дээр н чи наад ювэнтүсээ яахаа л санаа тавиж бсан чин дээр манай багийн асуудал чамд арай л хүнддэнэ хөгшөөн :-o
Монгол Монголoo дэмжиж байж л Эх орон хөгжинө .. Нэгнээ дэмжие, нийтээрээ хөгжие
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby Shaggy » Fri May 06, 2011 12:37 pm

Abra wrote:
Shaggy wrote:
Торресийг гаргахгүй бол эзэн чинь гомдоно, уурлана, тэгээд Карлог халнашт... Эзэн чинь эхний үе гүйдэг 50 саяа харж баясдагийн бишүү?

Абра одоо ухаажиж бгаа өмнөх шэвагийнх шиг асуудал одоо байхгүй . дээр н чи наад ювэнтүсээ яахаа л санаа тавиж бсан чин дээр манай багийн асуудал чамд арай л хүнддэнэ хөгшөөн :-o

Гах гах хүнддээд байхдаа яахав дээ... Тостой хоол, хулхи архи, дэвтэй газар ярьж байгаа биш...
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby Abra » Fri May 06, 2011 12:48 pm

миний хувид бага байхдаа лам байж байсан ажгаамуу чини яриа арай өөр тийшээ хэлбийх гээд байх шиг бгаад ажаамуу гүн ухаан ярих гэж бгаа болбоос нэг тааралдуул уулзаж болмоор юм шиг бн . бусдаар болбоос хүнтэй бусдийн багийг хүндэтгэн юм бичиж баймаарой .. өөр зүйлгүй xичээлдээ орлоо мэдээбээ .
Монгол Монголoo дэмжиж байж л Эх орон хөгжинө .. Нэгнээ дэмжие, нийтээрээ хөгжие
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby rednasca » Fri May 06, 2011 12:50 pm

манай нөөцүүд Ситигийн нөөцийн багт 4-0 арчуулжээ...
гэхдээ сүүлийн тоглолтод Чононуудыг хожвол бүсдээ түрүүлэх болзол нь хэвээр байна...
сонирхуулахад Ситид Робертогийн хүү Андреа Манчини тоглодог юм байна...
итгэл, найдвар хэзээ ч бөхөхгүй, мөхөхгүй...
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby rednasca » Fri May 06, 2011 1:02 pm

Карло 4 дүгээр сарын шилдэг дасгалжуулагч болжээ...
энэ улиралд 3 дахь удаагаа авч байна...
авсаны дараа л чадардаг гэж байгаа...
яая дөө байз... ккк...
итгэл, найдвар хэзээ ч бөхөхгүй, мөхөхгүй...
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby robinhood » Fri May 06, 2011 1:13 pm

тэгүүл энд нэг бодлого яваад байна уу даа...xэxэ тэxдээ яаж ч бодсон Карлогоос өөр xүн энэ сард аваxааргүй байгаа байxаа
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby fortitude » Fri May 06, 2011 1:42 pm

Abra wrote:Торрэсийг гаргаснаар дарамт бас нэмэгдэнэ . Манай багийнхний ч өөрийнх н ч .. тэрнийг хагасд гаргавал зүгээр .. зүгээр л өмнөх чэлси байвал зүгээр . торрэс манутай сайн тоглодог ч бас л итгэж өгөхгүй байна .

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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby Болжмор » Fri May 06, 2011 1:50 pm

fortitude wrote:

Дүү нь амжихгүй ээ. Одоо баахан шалгалт эхэлнэ. Багш нар дүн гаргахгээд байгаа. Соккертоо л хааяа орж амжих байх. Олон пронтод чадахгүй байхөө. Сорри
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby richie_d4 » Fri May 06, 2011 1:52 pm

болжморыг сүүлд бичлэг хийсэн бхаар нь баярлаад ороод ирсэн чинь мэдээ оруулаагуй бсан бна шдэ кк
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby Aagii_03 » Fri May 06, 2011 1:53 pm

Which Chelsea danger man should United fear most?

JAMIE REDKNAPP: Didier Drogba - his presence and power make him so formidable. I think he'll get the nod to play up front on his own and he loves being the top man.

MARTIN KEOWN: Whichever of Didier Drogba or Fernando Torres is up for it. Drogba is best up front on his own and has the intelligence in his game to smash the title race wide open, but Torres's pace is more likely to worry Rio Ferdinand and Nemanja Vidic.
Big game temperament: Didier Drogba scored the winner at Old Trafford last season

Big game temperament: Didier Drogba scored the winner at Old Trafford last season

MATT LAWTON: Frank Lampard. This match will be decided in midfield. As good as Ryan Giggs and Michael Carrick have been this season, Lampard has returned from injury at the peak of his powers. He has it in him to dictate the pace of any match - even one as big as this.

IAN LADYMAN: Simple. Didier Drogba. He loves big occasions, can handle them and has a point to prove. It's a deadly combination.

MATT BARLOW: Didier Drogba. He appears to have taken the signing of Fernando Torres as a personal insult and has a new-found energy and desire. He must start at centre forward at Old Trafford if Chelsea are to have a chance.

ANDY TOWNSEND: Not one man but the three in the middle. United don't dominate the ball in the middle of the pitch like they used to. If Michael Essien, John Mikel Obi and Frank Lampard can rediscover their best form in a three-man midfield, they can win it for Chelsea.
Crucial battle: Can Chelsea's three-man midfield outshine Man United's?

Crucial battle: Can Chelsea's three-man midfield outshine Man United's?
Who is the key man in the United team for Sir Alex Ferguson?

REDKNAPP: Wayne Rooney - he gives United a different dimension. When he plays well, United are great. David Luiz could be the weak link on Sunday. He'll be a good player but at the moment he is defensively raw.

KEOWN: It has to be Rooney. Against Arsenal he lapsed back into getting involved with the referee but at his best he can forget about all that and play calmly. When he does, he's up there with Europe's best because he's quick, strong and hits beautiful passes.
Key man: Wayne Rooney has been in fine form

Key man: Wayne Rooney has been in fine form

LAWTON: Michael Carrick - for the very same reason that Lampard is so dangerous. The United midfielder was outstanding in the two Champions League matches but must be on his game on Sunday to help shield his defence and provide a platform for Rooney to play.

LADYMAN: Nemanja Vidic. The key to United this season has been a refusal to yield against teams who have a lot of the ball. Chelsea will spend a lot of time in United's half and the home team's season will stand or fall on their ability to keep them out.

BARLOW: Nemanja Vidic - the key man in the task of keeping Drogba under control. A clean sheet will keep United in control. Chelsea need a goal.
Defensive rock: Nemanja Vidic (left) is key for Man United

Defensive rock: Nemanja Vidic (left) is key for Man United

TOWNSEND: Ryan Giggs. He's got the big-match temperament and the telling pass that could determine the result. If United need somebody to break a deadlock or get them back in the match - he'll be at the hub of it.
It’s all or nothing in the title race, so who’ll win the match and who’ll win the title?

JAMIE REDKNAPP: I'm not sitting on the fence here, but I think it'll be a score draw. Chelsea have to go for it. It's the game of the season - there's so much riding on it. United will win the title and I've been involved in enough title races to know the winners deserve their crown, every time.

KEOWN: United will win both. Their dominance at home has been incredible. It is a big ask for Chelsea. It should be an open game with the full backs bombing on. But United will edge it.
Clash of the titans: Sunday's winner will be hot favourites for the title

Clash of the titans: Sunday's winner will be hot favourites for the title

LAWTON: United will not lose their three-point advantage and will go on to win the title, deservedly so. They've been the best team in the country.

LADYMAN: Here's a thought. Chelsea to win the game. United to win the title. Would just about sum up this peculiar (in other words, sub-standard) season.

BARLOW: I don't think Manchester United will lose, which will give them the edge in the title race.

TOWNSEND: United will win the title, but I would not be surprised to see this match finish 1-1. It will follow a similar pattern to their previous meetings this year. United will look like they are about to dominate, then Chelsea will sneak back into the game.
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby Aagii_03 » Fri May 06, 2011 1:54 pm


I have backed Chelsea for the title all along. People laughed at me when they were 15 points adrift, but now anything is possible.

If Chelsea win, I think they will be champions, but it is very difficult to back against United.
Backing Chelsea: Roberto Mancini has fancied the Blues all season long

Backing Chelsea: Roberto Mancini has fancied the Blues all season long

There are so many fantastic players on both sides. I don't know whether Torres will start, but he is an incredible player. Next season, he will score many, many goals.

I don't see Manchester United being defeated at Old Trafford. However, in one sense Chelsea have nothing to lose and that could have a bearing upon it.

I do sense that Chelsea have been building towards this fixture and when we played them a couple of weeks ago they looked comfortable with the 4-3-3 formation when they had their more established players back in the team.
Fergie's fledgling: Alex McLeish (left) was coached by Sir Alex Ferguson at Aberdeen

Fergie's fledgling: Alex McLeish (left) was coached by Sir Alex Ferguson at Aberdeen

Manchester United have been formidable at home and the point will suit them more than Chelsea. I just think that might tip it in Manchester United's favour.

The events of Wednesday have convinced me to go for United.

After they lost at Arsenal, which I didn't expect, and making so many changes against Schalke, a bit of a wobble could easily have set in.
'Brave man': Ian Holloway believes Ferguson's side will win

'Brave man': Ian Holloway believes Ferguson's side will win

Instead, they were even more convincing than in the first leg. What a brave man Sir Alex is.

It just showed there is an X-factor about Old Trafford that I think will prove decisive.

Chelsea have come very much back to the fore recently.

Maybe two or three weeks ago, everybody thought it was done and dusted and United's title. But, credit to Chelsea, they've kept going and got right back into the mix, and this game's a tough one to call.
Divided loyalties: Fulham boss Mark Hughes played for both clubs

Divided loyalties: Fulham boss Mark Hughes played for both clubs

I'm leaning towards my fellow Scot, Sir Alex. I just think home advantage will make the difference.

I think Chelsea have their edge back. There's no doubt they are moving into form. They have been grinding out results and doing what they are good at, but I feel Manchester United will be too strong.

It's a tough game for Manchester United. Chelsea are in the groove so that's where I would put my money for Sunday.
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby otgoo99 » Fri May 06, 2011 1:56 pm

Энэ жаальiг таргидлаад авчихвал. Сантосин тоглолт узэхэд унэн идэвхтэй гар бнлээ
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby Jo_amka » Fri May 06, 2011 2:02 pm

rednasca wrote:Карло 4 дүгээр сарын шилдэг дасгалжуулагч болжээ...
энэ улиралд 3 дахь удаагаа авч байна...
авсаны дараа л чадардаг гэж байгаа...
яая дөө байз... ккк...

3 сард аваад чадарчаагүй л байшд... ккк
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby Mr S » Fri May 06, 2011 3:36 pm

Giggs: We'll attack Chelsea - we won't park the bus
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby Mr S » Fri May 06, 2011 3:41 pm

Эссиэн-г МИЛАН линкдээл..... 18 сая фунт.....

Буучид Микэл-н төлөө 15 сая фунт гаргана гэнэ.......
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Re: Челси 10/11 True Blue: THE DOUBLE WINNERS

Postby MyLoVe » Fri May 06, 2011 3:46 pm

алийн ч өхгүй давар аалзнууд
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