•~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby Gunnerz » Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:25 pm

паркер ч шувуу стилийн бокс ту бокс гар ш д манайд зохицохгүй байхөөөө
мексес харин гоё сонсогдож байна
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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby Буучин » Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:27 pm

Ленинд төрсөн өдрийн мэнд
:birthday :birthday :birthday
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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby NikkEi_Hotspur » Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:30 pm

Буучин wrote:
Wenger Has £40 Million - Who Will He Buy?

your "Nauhgty Professor" will buy а whole bunch of kids. :-o :-o :-o
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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby Lenin » Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:31 pm

Буучин wrote:Ленинд төрсөн өдрийн мэнд
:birthday :birthday :birthday

Гэхдээ Владимир Ильичийх шүү. Яг минийх биш.
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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby Realist » Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:37 pm

:-o :-o :-o
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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby !~MuRuN~! » Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:47 pm

NikkEi_Hotspur wrote:
Буучин wrote:
Wenger Has £40 Million - Who Will He Buy?

your "Nauhgty Professor" will buy а whole bunch of kids. :-o :-o :-o

Correction: *Naughty. :ногоон:
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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby Beb » Fri Apr 22, 2011 3:02 pm

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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby CrossBonez » Fri Apr 22, 2011 3:20 pm

Happy birthday fellow gunner Lenin!
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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby Shaggy » Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:45 pm

CrossBonez wrote:Happy birthday fellow gunner Lenin!

Өнөөдөр орос өвгөний төрсөн өдөрштээ хэхэ...
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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby CrossBonez » Fri Apr 22, 2011 6:07 pm

Орос өвгөн Буучин байсымаа... :RD
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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby Буучин » Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:46 pm

Wenger unhappy with Cesc interview

Өвөө ярилцлага өгчээ... Цескийг ярилцлага таалагдаагүй нь тодорхойлдоо..ккк
http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528, ... 44,00.html

Ер нь зуны цонхоор манай баг халуухан бүсд орох нь дээ.. Цеск ,Моцарт энэ тэр гээл багагүй тоглогчид шил шилээ дагаад зарагдах байх.

Миний бодлоор Арсеналын эзэд хөрөнгө оруулагчид Өвөөд жаахан шахалт шаардлага тавьмаар юм.. Яадийн ганц ч гэсэн тоглогч 25 саяаар авч үзэх хэрэгтэйшдээ..
Багийн Рекорд нь Шава 15 саяаар ирсэн. Ер нь ганц нэг Класс тоглогч авуул гоё шүү..(Шнайдер мэтийн) Залуучуудыг Дэлхийн түвшиний тоглогч болтол хүлээсээр л ... Гайгүй сайн тоглогч болонгуут нь зарах төлөвтэй (Цеск).

Сүүлийн хэдэн тэнцсэн тоглолт үзээд урамгүй байна. Болтоныг хага шаагаасай..
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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby Nomer 10 » Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:13 am

Үгүй шд. Евроспорт дээр бичдэг блогтоо учиргүй магтсан бна даг.

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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby Nomer 10 » Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:14 am

Wenger - I've funds for big summer transfer
big summer transfer = 10 Mio Pounds
Hup Holland Hup
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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby TiMeRz » Sat Apr 23, 2011 12:26 pm

нөгөө манай хэн шиг ашигт үйлийн коэфциент ихтэй л дасгалжуулагч юм да, олон ч жил зөв гүйж бн даа..
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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby Izzy Slevin » Sat Apr 23, 2011 2:20 pm

Sport-in toimch David Hirshey ESPN deer EPL-iin hamgiin dissapointing starting 11 team-d Cesc-iig oruulsan bn.
EPL All-Disappointing Team 2010-2011

Expectations: After last summer's teenage-girl romance with his childhood club, Barcelona, Fabregas chose to return to Papa Arsene to personally lead the charge to end the Gunners' six-year trophy drought. With Fabregas as Arsenal's leading goal scorer from last season, and its youngest captain of the modern era, this was finally the year in which the 23-year-old would morph from adolescent pizza-flinging promise to the Gunners' mature field general.

The Reality: Making Fabregas captain may have been Wenger's biggest mistake, and that's saying something. As skillful and creative as he is as a player, as a captain Fabregas ranks somewhere between Morgan and Crunch. His leadership this season has consisted of waving imaginary yellow cards in referees' faces and questioning their integrity on Twitter and in the tunnel. Even one of his teammates, Denilson, felt compelled to tell the British press "Cesc is a captain but not a leader."

Meanwhile, Fabregas' goal production has gone the way of Wenger's sangfroid. It hasn't helped that Wenger has gambled by playing him in games when he wasn't totally fit -- he's been dogged by a recurring hamstring problem -- but there is no excuse for the mental lapses that have caused Arsenal fans such bloodcurdling pain this season. Note to Wenger: Take the $35-plus million and let Cesc go to Barca and look pretty. On their bench.

Goalkeeper spot deer Almunia/Fabianski/Szczesny 3 bichigdsen bn. shameless.
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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby Izzy Slevin » Sat Apr 23, 2011 2:24 pm

Cesc: Incredible that people try and twist everything to make headlines. Arsene Wenger has had a huge impact on me and my career. Great man.

source: from his twitter
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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby BLGN » Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:32 pm

Юун алиа шил вэ? :-o
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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby BLGN » Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:44 pm

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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby BLGN » Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:00 pm

Энэ залууг улирал дуусахаас өмнө ганц харчих юмсан.Шууд гоолдоно доо. :RD
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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby rednasca » Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:40 pm

I said a few weeks ago that Chelsea would be our main challengers but I don’t know if anyone was listening. Now they are above Arsenal. Looking at them, Chelsea are far more experienced than Arsenal – strong team, strong experience. Arsenal are better footballers, but Chelsea are the better, stronger team.” – Sir Alex Ferguson.
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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby rednasca » Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:44 pm

итгэл, найдвар хэзээ ч бөхөхгүй, мөхөхгүй...
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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby CrossBonez » Sat Apr 23, 2011 6:12 pm

Ферги манайхтай тоглохын өмнө иймэрхүү юм яридаг нь уламжлал болж дээ, цэнхэрүүд тэрэнд нь хөөрч нтр...
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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby Mr Chelski » Sat Apr 23, 2011 6:13 pm

CrossBonez wrote:Ферги манайхтай тоглохын өмнө иймэрхүү юм яридаг нь уламжлал болж дээ, цэнхэрүүд тэрэнд нь хөөрч нтр...

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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby Olzii » Sat Apr 23, 2011 6:41 pm

CrossBonez wrote:Ферги манайхтай тоглохын өмнө иймэрхүү юм яридаг нь уламжлал болж дээ, цэнхэрүүд тэрэнд нь хөөрч нтр...

Бид хөөрөх яахав, тануус тэгэнгүүт нь бачимдаад хожигдоод байдийм биш үү :ногоон: Эр өсөж эсгийн сунах болоогүй юу... кк..
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Re: •~ARSENAL 10/11: It's time to rise and shine~•

Postby Shaggy » Sat Apr 23, 2011 8:10 pm

Тэр хамгийн сэтгэл гонсойлгом 11ын хаалгачид танай 3, 3уулаа байншт хэхэ

GK -- The Unholy Arsenal Trinity of Almunia/Fabianski/Szczesny

Expectations: Unlike the other players on this list, who labored under lofty expectations, Arsenal wasn't demanding any jaw-dropping heroics from its keepers. Instead Wenger -- continuing his stubborn refusal to buy an experienced, sure-handed keeper -- maintained his faith in the three-headed monster that he felt could perform the tedious exercise of catching the ball as it entered the goalmouth while the rest of the Gunners dazzled their opponents en route to filling their dusty trophy case with silverware. At least that was the plan.

The Reality: Wenger has yet to learn the lesson that Sir Alex Ferguson has taught him time and again: Kids in the front, adults in the back. It's no accident that United's twin periods of ascendancy were led by Peter Schmeichel and Edwin van der Sar, two rock-solid veteran keepers. Manuel Almunia, whom Wenger was hailing as England's next No. 1 just three years ago, was almost singularly responsible for the Gunners' most pathetic home defeat of the season (a 3-2 dump-fest against West Brom). He was dropped in favor of Lukasz Fabianski -- affectionately known as "Flappyhandski" -- who committed his share of ham-fisted mistakes before injuring himself and forcing Wenger to play Wojciech Szczesny, a cocky 20-year-old who endeared himself to the Emirates faithful with his hilarious Ashley Cole-bashing tweets. The lovefest ended with Woj's howler against Birmingham City in the Carling Cup that cost the Gunners their best chance at silverware. (He also "minded" the net in the Gunners' epic 4-4 implosion at St. James's Park.) After Szczesny injured himself -- he went off in the 17th minute of the second leg of the CL quarterfinal with Barcelona because of a boo-boo on his finger -- Wenger was forced to exhume the desiccated corpse of Jens Lehmann from the graveyard of Arsenal goalkeepers.

The German may be 107, but at least he's a grown-up.
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