:::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby Баясаа » Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:42 pm

Гарчиг тавихаа мартчихаж, засчлаа
You'll never walk alone
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby amka13 » Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:46 pm

ахлагч эцсийн эцэст дуугарлаа гж. гэxдээ сүртэй юм яриагүй бн өө.
Premier League - Gerrard: Torres 'let us down'
Steven Gerrard believes Liverpool are better off having sold Fernando Torres to Chelsea and brought in Andy Carroll and Luis Suarez.
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby QttO » Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:41 pm

садам гэж хэний
Байгаад л байгаа, харагдахгүй байгаад л байгаа
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby Tomroo_Kop » Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:16 am

Виллагийн Albrighton гэсэн шуум өнөөдөр гарч...

Яанг энэ 2г цугаар нь авчих юм биш биз дээ :ногоон:
never forget you. YNWA!!!
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby Kaka_CR » Mon Mar 28, 2011 10:24 am

amka13 wrote:ахлагч эцсийн эцэст дуугарлаа гж. гэxдээ сүртэй юм яриагүй бн өө.
Premier League - Gerrard: Torres 'let us down'
Steven Gerrard believes Liverpool are better off having sold Fernando Torres to Chelsea and brought in Andy Carroll and Luis Suarez.

Гэхдээ л Торрэс-г дахиж гоолдохгүй хүн мэт хэлсэн бнлээ
Наад зах ни анх Торрэс-г ирж бхаас Суарэс илүү гэх мэтээр
Зүгээр боловсон маягаар Торрэс сн бсн Суарэс ч тийм бн гэхгүй муухай лдаа
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby MJ » Mon Mar 28, 2011 10:43 am

Kaka_CR wrote:
amka13 wrote:ахлагч эцсийн эцэст дуугарлаа гж. гэxдээ сүртэй юм яриагүй бн өө.
Premier League - Gerrard: Torres 'let us down'
Steven Gerrard believes Liverpool are better off having sold Fernando Torres to Chelsea and brought in Andy Carroll and Luis Suarez.

Гэхдээ л Торрэс-г дахиж гоолдохгүй хүн мэт хэлсэн бнлээ
Наад зах ни анх Торрэс-г ирж бхаас Суарэс илүү гэх мэтээр
Зүгээр боловсон маягаар Торрэс сн бсн Суарэс ч тийм бн гэхгүй муухай лдаа
Суарэз ч гоол-н тэнгэртэй залуу шүү уг ни

And Gerrard told Sky Sports 1: "Suarez has only played a few games but we know he will be a top player. Training and playing with him in his first few games he has been strong and technically good, but Fernando in his first year with us was frightening as well."

Энэ өгүүлбэр: Суарэз аймаар гар байна гэхдээ Торрэс ч бас анх ирсэн жилээ бас л аймаар гар байсан гээд байгаам бус уу? :smile:
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby Kaka_CR » Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:38 am

Тэгсэн спортс.мн дээр бол миний хэлснээр бнлээ
Би тэх-р ни бс гайхаад, хүн 1 хэсэг муу бж болно гэхдээ хамт цөөнгүй жил тоглочоод яваад удаа чгүй бхад ни ингэж хэлдэг гээд гайхаад л...
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby MJ » Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:41 am

Kaka_CR wrote:Тэгсэн спортс.мн дээр бол миний хэлснээр бнлээ
Би тэх-р ни бс гайхаад, хүн 1 хэсэг муу бж болно гэхдээ хамт цөөнгүй жил тоглочоод яваад удаа чгүй бхад ни ингэж хэлдэг гээд гайхаад л...

Тэгвэл буруу л орчуулждээ манай үндсэн сайт дээр бүтэн ярилцлага нь байна
Юу гэж тийм муухай юм хэлхэв дээ
Маниус л энд уурлаж бухимдаад байгаа болохоос тамирчид хоорондоо тэгж бие биенээ үгээр идээд байхгүй байлгүй дээ...
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby Оргил » Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:45 am

сая зорьж орж харлаа тэр сиспортс.мн лүү.. ямар ч **н** хүн нэгээс хоёр илүү гэдгийг мэднэ гэж хэлснийг нь торрэс муу гэж ойлгоод байгаамуу..
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby MJ » Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:03 pm

Оргил wrote:сая зорьж орж харлаа тэр сиспортс.мн лүү.. ямар ч **н** хүн нэгээс хоёр илүү гэдгийг мэднэ гэж хэлснийг нь торрэс муу гэж ойлгоод байгаамуу..

Тийм л бололтой... Тэр өгүүлбэрийг одоо Торрэс хэзээ ч дахиж гоолдохгүй юм шиг үг гэж ойлгоод байгаан байлгүй :smile:
Гэхдээ ч ямар ч **н** хүн энээ тэрээ гэж хэлээгүй л дээ
Жи: Би 1 Торрэс оос Суарэз, Энди 2ын хослолыг илүүд үзэж сонгоно л гэсэн байсан.
Дор нь худлаа буркуу шүү гээл коммэнт үлдээчлээ...
Тэгээд яаж ч бодсон энэ 2 оос илүү Торрэс ийг сонгох байсан гээл ахлагч нь хэлээд зогсож байвал утгагүй л дээ одоо байгаа багийнхнаа л урамшуулж нэгтгэх юм хэлнэ үү гэхээс.
Тэгэхдээ яаж ч бодсон 1 ээс 2 нь илүү гэдгийг үнэндээ ямар ч **н** хүн мэдээж ойглох л байлгүй дээ .... :ногоон:
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby amka13 » Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:33 pm

тоглолт бxгүй элдэв юм уншаад л сууж бxаас. TheKop дээр ийм нийтлэл бн.
Dr.Dre, сүүлийн James Bond манай талын xүмүүс юм бн шүү. бас бус чөөгийнүүд бас xарж л явдийм бн.

Celebrities that support LFC

бас ийм юм сая цайны цагаар урлав. family guy үздэг бол ойлгоx бизээ.
Last edited by amka13 on Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby Тэгшээ » Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:07 pm

Манайх одоогоор нийт 46 тоглолт хийж 20 тоглолтонд хаалгандаа гоол алдаагүй clean sheet хийсэн бна. Энэ үзүүлэлтээр Европдоо 6-д ПЛ-т 3т орж бгаа юм бна.

Real Madrid 45 25
Barcelona 47 24
Man City 49 23
Napoli 42 22
Man United 46 21
Liverpool 46 20
B.Dortmund 37 18
Milan 40 18
Marseille 41 18
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby Баясаа » Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:28 pm

Тэгэхээр манай хамгаалалт сайн л байгаа гэсэн үг юм байна.
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby Tomroo_Kop » Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:30 pm

Келли бэлтгэл дээрээ дахин бэртсэн гэсэн шуум гарч...Уг нь бэртлээсээ дөнгөж ирээд л хөнгөн бэлтгэл хийж эхлэж байсан юмсан. :sad:

Энэ шуум үнэн бол улирал дуустал тоглохгүй гэнэ дээ.

Үндсэн сайт дээр мэдээ гарахыг хүлээгээд худлаа байгаасаа гээд залбираад сууж байхаас :) ...
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby Баясаа » Mon Mar 28, 2011 10:05 pm

Энди Керролл Ганатай хийх нөхөрсөг тоглолтонд гараанд гарахаар болжээ.
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby Tomroo_Kop » Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:47 am

Скай спортын "Goals On Sunday" гээд телевизийн шоу нэвтрүүлэгт Жеррард болон Каррагер нар оролцож. Мэйл болон твитерээр дамжуулан фанатуудаас ирсэн асуултуудыг хөтлөгч Крис Камара Бен Шепард нар зочдоос асуудаг юм байна. Энэ удаад Ливерпүүлийн нүүр царай болсон унаган тоглогч нараас Английн шигшээн талаар, өөрсдийнх нь шүтдэг тамирчид, Рой Хожсон болон Кеннигийн талаар гээд олон сонирхолтой зүйл асуужээ.



Нэвтрүүлэг эхлэхийн өмнө Каррагер 2 хөтлөгчийн хамт ахлагчийг бага зэрэг тавлаад авсан байна. Учир нь Жеррард багачуудад хэд хэдэн удаа шоглуулаад амжсан бөгөөд түүнийг шоглож чадсан эзэд нь Челси болон Вэст Бромвич клубын бяцхан дэмжигч нар юм.

On England

GERRARD: "It's a great buzz playing for England - it's the peak of any footballer's career. We (Gerrard and Carragher) are lucky, we're at a fantastic club and we love Liverpool more than most people, but it's still a great honour to play for England and when those games come around you still want to give it everything you've got, be involved and be successful. There's no-one more frustrated than us when it doesn't happen."

CARRAGHER: "I stopped being involved with the national team because I didn't feel I was getting enough games, or chances if you like. I had a young family as well and was going away a lot, playing as well as ever for Liverpool and I was thinking: 'If I'm not going to play now, it's never going to happen' and maybe if I stop going away for the internationals and have a free summer, maybe it will help my career with Liverpool - and I'm still playing every week at 33. It's doing something at the moment for Liverpool, but England I have just always seen as a bonus. Liverpool has always been the one for me; even as a child I was more interested in the club side of things."

On their football heroes

CARRAGHER: "Mine was Peter Reid. I was an Everton fan as a kid, which has been well-documented, but I was lucky to go and see them when they had a top side and were winning things. They had a lot of good players but he was the PFA Player of the Year in 1984, and I started watching them in '85. He was the main man in that Everton side, the one that got them playing, got them ticking."

GERRARD: "My hero was John Barnes. When I first started going to Liverpool games Johnny Barnes was flying down the wing, taking everyone on, setting up goals, so he was my hero. I just didn't have the ability to be a winger myself!"

On their Liverpool careers

GERRARD: "We just want to get out there and play as many games as we can. Jamie's played a lot more games than me and I think he can go on and break even more records. It's fantastic that we've got good appearance records but the most important thing is we want to win more trophies - that's more important for us than break personal records."

CARRAGHER: "It's important to me because it means I'm still playing! I want to play as much as I can and obviously the more I play the more appearances I get, so if I am breaking records it means I'm still in the side, still making a contribution. What's the secret to it? My secret is no-one has ever come in for me... no-one wanted me! I'm delighted to have stayed at Liverpool and I'll finish my career there - and will be privileged to do so."

On their debuts

GERRARD: "My debut came about because there were a few injuries or suspensions in a European away game and me and Stephen Wright, who had come through together, were brought into Gerard Houllier's office. He told me I'd be making my debut and I'd be up against David Ginola; I was terrified to be honest! We played 3-5-2 that day so I was playing more like a wing-back but to make my full Premier League debut marking Ginola was a real wake-up call. I got dragged (off) after 52 minutes and think I was lucky to make it that long. For those 52 minutes it just felt like Hell; I didn't feel I was fit enough, strong enough and everyone I was running into, it was like a boy in a man's game really. It was a big shock."

CARRAGHER: "To be honest I was playing at the back at the time and we had a new signing Bjorn Kvarme and they were waiting for clearance for him to play. So I think I'm playing in a three at the back but about six o'clock on the Friday it came through - but I didn't get the call because I didn't have a mobile phone back then. So I get to the game thinking I'm playing, then not, but Patrick Berger had gone sick the night before, so there I am playing in midfield. There's the little but of luck because if I'd have been at the back I might not have been up for the corner and scored."

On tackling

GERRARD: "The game has changed. You've got these players that are so quick like Nani that if you get there late, even one millisecond, you're making a bad tackle. Jamie gets 99 out of 100 tackles right but if you get one wrong you get a lot of stick, but you've got to take it. That's the reason we've got one of the best leagues in the world; the fans are passionate, the players are passionate, it's exciting and I think taking tackling away would lose something big that the Premier League has got."

CARRAGHER: "You've got to get the balance right. Tackles like mine on Nani, you don't want to see tackles like, even as a defender you don't want to defend that. You want defenders to win the ball but you want them to defend properly, but I think the way it's going it's getting more and more for the attackers, like the off-side rule. Basically you want the best players to play well and the best players are attacking players - which is why I'm at the back! That's what the games about and that's right, that's what we want to see, but I think in this country we've got it in our cutlure and we want it. And I think you can have both."

On Roy Hodgson

CARRAGHER: "We'd finished seventh the year before which is obviously why Rafa went in the end and obviously we felt we were better than seventh and the squad was better than finishing seventh, but we were thinking with a new manager it might change. So at that moment we were looking to build something, new players were getting involved, but you could say that Rafa had been there a long time and it was still his team really. But if you have not done that well for two years, it's not the manager's fault. You've got to look at the squad and ask, as a group of players, are we doing enough or are we good enough? Sometimes as a group you're not good enough."

GERRARD: "He'd done fantastically well at Fulham and we were really looking forward to him coming in. From an outsider looking in at Fulham, he looked suited to the job, perfect for the job. But he's such a good guy and he is a fantastic coach, it's just it didn't work out. The players never performed consistently as a team and maybe we have to take the responsibility of getting him the sack. You can't all point the finger at Roy Hodgson because that would be very unfair. It's not acceptable for Liverpool to be outside the European posotions but we can't just point at the manager, we have to look at ourselves."

On Kenny Dalglish

CARRAGHER: "I think with Kenny being there you have the fans bac on-side and unfrtunately Roy didn't have that. When you've got the fans with you at Anfield, even if you go a goal down or lose the odd game, you've still got them. They are a massive part of Anfield and everyone's together we can be unstoppable, Liverpool. Don't forget Roy had to deal with, as did Rafa, the last owners we had. I think it's fair to say everyone is a lot happier now and I am sure that will make it a lot easier for Kenny. Also because the fans love and respect him so much, if we get beat they will probably blame us rather than the manager now!"

GERRARD: "When the decision was made that Rafa was leaving there was a lot of speculation about who was coming in. Frank Rijkaard and Didier Deschamps were linked but the two frontrunners were Dalglish and Hodgson and the fans absolutely love Kenny, so I suppose a high percentage wanted him in from the first day of the season. We were obviously delighted when he was appointed in the end; we know him very well from growing up in the club, we know how much he wanted the job and how much he loves the club. It's fantastic to work with him; we all want the same thing - to get Liverpool back where we think we belong. There's no better person to spearhead that."
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby Мөнх-эрдэнэ » Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:57 am

Tomroo_Kop wrote:
орчуулаад өгчих буянтай хүн байхгүй биз?
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby amka13 » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:47 am

xөөе энэ оффишл сайт дээр гарсан дээрx ярилцлаганы зургийг xарсан чинь Ж 9 дугаартай бэлтгэлийн цамц өмссөн бxийн. аxлагч нь байж яадаг туучий вэ? :ногоон:
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby Chin-T-Mac » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:49 am

ахлагч болохоороо дээрэлэхдээ размер нь адилхан бол аваад өмсчихдөг юм бишүү...
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby Aagii_03 » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:53 am

Fabio tells Carroll: You booze you lose
Нилээн гусдаг болоод л ингэж анхааруулж байгаа байх даа айн
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby Баясаа » Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:12 pm

өөрийнх хиртэй байхаар нь Кэрроллынхыг аваад өмсчихсөн юм биш үү
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby Tomroo_Kop » Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:37 pm

Баясаа wrote:өөрийнх хиртэй байхаар нь Кэрроллынхыг аваад өмсчихсөн юм биш үү

За тэр нь ч юу юм бэ. Бэлтгэл нтр дээр бол заавал өөрийнхөө дугаартай цамц өмсгөлийг өмсөнө гэдэггүй байлгүй дээ...

Дээр чөтгөрийн сэдэв дээрээс харж байсан. Эвра билүү хэн нь билээ гэрээгээ сунгаж байна гээд 7 дугаартай t-shirt өмсчихсөн байсан. Бэлтгэл дээр бол тоглогчид ямар ч дугаартай юу өмсөх нь чухал биш байх өө
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby Amaraa1010 » Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:39 pm

Харин тиймээ орчуулаад өгөөөчээ.... гах гах гах сайхан том томоор нь ишлээд ишлээд явчий...
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby Tomroo_Kop » Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:49 pm

Amaraa1010 wrote:Харин тиймээ орчуулаад өгөөөчээ.... гах гах гах сайхан том томоор нь ишлээд ишлээд явчий...


:eek: :-o :-o :-o
never forget you. YNWA!!!
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Шинэ цэрэг
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Re: :::Ливэрпүүл 2010-2011:::You'll Never Walk Alone

Postby Ladykop » Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:54 pm

Энэ нээх **н** ээ. :-o
Lady Kop
Lady Kop
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