Хөлбөмбөгтэй холбоотой бүх архив энд

Postby victor valdes » Fri Dec 15, 2006 5:37 am

4:0 eer hojloo Ronni maani ene togloltond uneheer sain togloj bnlee bumbug avanguut ailiin 2oos 3 hun irj hamgaalaad tegeed suuld tsag duusch baihad neg shon tsohison manaih erunhiiduu bumbug ezemshilt bolon buh yumaaraa iluu bailaa odoo avarga boloh l uldlee.

Eidur Gudjohnsen (11)
Rafael Marquez (30)
Ronaldinho (65)
Anderson Deco (84)
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Postby Barcik » Fri Dec 15, 2006 1:30 pm

Dos Santos-iig suuld yagaad gargasangui we...

Unendee edlesen. Suuld shon husdag bol bas l... muu togloson hun baisangui ee.... Yalanguya Deco, Iniesta, Ronnie 3!!!
Ene bagtai pre-season-oor 4:4-oor tentsen gehed itgemeergui yalgaatai bn lee, class...
Rosell dimissio!!
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Postby kayo » Fri Dec 15, 2006 4:09 pm

poseidon wrote:Манайхан кириллээр бичицгээе... Хvмvvс унтууцаад байна. кэкэкэкэ
http://www.tsahimurtuu.mn/horvuul.php Энэ маягаар бичиж болж байна. Латиндаж бичээд л хєрвvvлэгч ашиглаад л гvйцээ!!!

Гэхдээ латиндана гэдэг чинь утгыг нь ойлгохоосоо илvvтэйгээр хvний vгний єє хардаг хvмvvсийг залхаадаг гоё арга ч юм уу?

Ene hurvuulj yer bolohgui yom,uur iimerduu pro baina uu?
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Postby Mr S » Fri Dec 15, 2006 4:25 pm

Мэксикийн багийг 4-0-длоо........... Ёокохама цэнгэлдэхэд 72300 хүн үзсэн...........
0-1, Gudjohnsen (minut 11) мань эр Инэста-н кроссыг хусч......
0-2, Márquez (minut 30) Дэку-н булангийн цохилтыг мөргөж..........
0-3, Ronaldinho (minut 65) авч орон хусч...........
0-4, Deco (minut 85)






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Postby Mr S » Fri Dec 15, 2006 4:27 pm

тоглолтын дараа манайхан..........


Rafael Márquez

"The main thing was to win and we took our chances".
"I've dedicated the goal to my children."
"America wasnt the same team as on the pre-season tour but then neither were we. However, we focussed more on ourselves than on the rival".

Xavi Hernández

"With the scoreboard at 3-0, we concentrated on passing the ball around more but in the first half we found it hard because they were also passing the ball well and their counterattack was very dangerous".
"I enjoyed myself a lot playing football for the time I was on."


"We've started very well and we're very happy. The final will be hard. Internacional are a very tough team, a very strong team. We have to play the game to enjoy ourselves".
"It wasn't an easy match. It was complicated, with a lot of difficulties against a well positioned team".
"Every time I come to Japan they treat me really well and I'm very happy about this".
"There's no pressure on us for Sunday's final because we're not the favourites. Internacional are a great team with one of the best fitness coaches in the world. Because of all of this, we have to go out and enjoy the final".

Víctor Valdés

"The aim is to win the World Club Cup but first comes the semi-final. We're taking it a game at a time".
"We're feeling better day by day and overcoming the jet lag. We'll be even better for the final. What we have to do now is analyse the next opponent, Internacional".
"It was a match with a lot of short passing. We were well set out on the pitch and so we didn't have to make a very big effort".

Carles Puyol

"Jet lag has an effect but the main thing is that we had a good match. Scoring early on calmed us down".
"We can't control what other people say, but in the dressing room we know that the next match will be difficult".

Andrés Iniesta

"Winning this title motivates us. If you don't do what's needed it's difficult but things went well for us and we dominated".
"We have to win on Sunday or it's all been for nothing."
"We know it'll be difficult because we're up against a very good team. It's the kind of final you don't play every day. It's a challenge and we'll try and achieve it".
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Postby Mr S » Fri Dec 15, 2006 4:28 pm

бүтэн сайнд финалд Internacional Porto Alegre-тай тоглоно............
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Postby Mr S » Fri Dec 15, 2006 4:32 pm

манай Райкаард багийнхаа амжилтанд сэтгэл хангалуун бгаа ч зорилгодоо хараахан хүрээгүй бгааг анхааруулжээ............

"We had to suffer at times. Now is when the real final will begin". "With the score at 0-3, it all seemed easier but there were times when the team had to suffer and Valdés had to save the result".

тоглогчиддоо баяр хүргэн..........
"We're very happy with the result. It's important to start well. But I noticed that at certain times during the match, we had to suffer. It's a good result. I congratulate the squad. But we mustn't forget that there were moments in the first half when Víctor Valdés had to save the result. With the score at 0-3 it all seemed easier but we had trouble getting into the rhythm of the team. Yes, we have good individuals but I didn't see a very well organised team and America were unlucky. We have to prepare to the maximum for the final. The job isn't finished yet. Now the real final starts"


"Deco positioned himself well between the lines. We know how he creates danger and that his passes do a lot of damage. He must be congratulated but, in general, I repeat that we have to improve before the final. You can make a tape of all our players' good moves but we lost the ball easily and we gave them options. Fortunately, the team performed well in the second half".
"Some of the players told me after the match that they were very tired. In the first half we weren't well organised but despite the jet lag, we were OK. We have to improve still. I'm not criticising. A 0-4 win is exciting but the team knows that there is still a lot of work to do here. I haven't noticed any euphoria in the dressing room".


мөн сэлгээгээр орж тоглосон Сави, Эзкьюро нарыг магтаж
"It's quite complicated to talk about first team regulars in our squad. In the last game against Real Sociedad, Thuram played, who for me is a regular. I don't want to talk about a fixed eleven and rule out the rest. For example, Santi Ezquerro came on today and played like a regular".
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Postby Mr S » Fri Dec 15, 2006 4:39 pm

Эйдур ДЭЛХИЙН КЛУБЫН АВАРГА болсон анхны Исланд хүн болж чадах уу............

Эйдур Барсад тоглож бгаа ганц исланд хүн биш гэнэ........ түүний хүү Свэйн Барса-н өсвөрийн багт тоглож бгаа гэнэ.......... тэдний гэр бүлийн уламжлалыг хадгалж бгаа энэ хүү Барса-н 10 настны шигшээ багт тоглодог аж........... түүний өвөө Арнор Исландын нэртэй хөлбөмбөгчин билээ........ Андэрлэхт-д тоглож бсан...........
ямар ч бсан түүний гэр бүлийнхэн Малдини-нхэнтэй өрсөлдөх юм бна даа......... 3 үеэрээ тоглоод гэхдээ Малдини-нхэн 3-уулаа нэг багт зүтгэж бгаа бол тэд өөр өөр багт ч гэсэн хөлбөмбөг тоглодог..........


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Postby poseidon » Fri Dec 15, 2006 5:07 pm

Нээрээ цахим өртөөгийн хөрвүүлэгч яагаад ажиллахаа больсон юм болоо... Мэддэг хүн байна уу?

Кайод туслаач... "Элэг нэгт" Форумчдаа... Манай нэг Culer кириллддэг болмоор байна гээд байгаа хүслийн жигүүрт нь хөнгөн өд наагаад өгөөч....... кэкэкэкэ

Эрхэм С таны бичлэгүүд маш таалагдаж байна. Гудигийн аав нь бас л сайн хүн байсан байна лээ шүү... Андэрлэхтэд байсан гэлүү?
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Postby Hristos » Fri Dec 15, 2006 6:59 pm

Дос Сантос их жижигхэн юмаа. Хэврэг юм гарж ирэх вий дээ.
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Postby Hristos » Fri Dec 15, 2006 7:03 pm

Ронниг Дэлхийн шилдэг боллоо гээд зарим газар гараад байна. Албан мэдээ байна уу?
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Postby .batka. » Fri Dec 15, 2006 7:19 pm

[align=center]Лааанааа танайхыг за[/align]

[align=center] :england: :england: :england: :england: :england: :england: :england: :england: [/align]

[align=center] :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: [/align]
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Postby chukcha2002 » Fri Dec 15, 2006 7:21 pm

Suuliin 2 jiliin avarguud uchirsan.
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Postby Hristos » Fri Dec 15, 2006 7:44 pm

Ливерпуль нэгээр гарсандаа харамсах болно доо
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Postby Hristos » Fri Dec 15, 2006 7:47 pm

Порту" (Португал) - "Челси" (Англи)

"Селтик" (Шотланд) - "Милан" (Итали)

ПСВ (Голланд) - "Арсенал" (Англи)

"Лилль" (Франц) - "Манчестер Юнайтед" (Англи)

"Рома" (Итали) - "Лион" (Франц)

"Барселона" (Испани) - "Ливерпуль" (Англи)

"Реал" (Испани) - "Бавари" (Герман)

"Интер" (Итали) - "Валенси" (Испани).

Шилдэг 8 ийн сугалааг яаж явуулдаг юм бол?
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Postby a_odko » Fri Dec 15, 2006 7:49 pm

Барса-н фанатуудын 35 буюу хамгийн олон хувь нь Ливертэй тоглохыг илүүд үзэж байна гэсэн судалгаа гарсан байсан.... Энэ ч биеллэээ...
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Postby Reda » Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:17 pm

Alintai ni ch taarsan yahav dee, dairaad l garna shd ugaasaa, Liverpool ingeed 8-d uldej chadahgui ni haramsaltai l yum.
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Postby Цогоо » Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:10 pm

Улаанууд шаачаасай. Чадна даа. Уул нь ч потенциальтайшт.
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Postby Barcik » Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:31 pm

Liverpool muu baigoo... Yur ni awraga awdag jildee ch muu l baisan... Yag hussen bag taarlaa...
Rosell dimissio!!
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Postby Hristos » Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:35 pm

2 sar boltol haa ch baisan yum. ter ued hen ni formtoi baih gedeg uur l dee
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Postby Barcik » Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:42 pm

2 sard liverpool-iin form orood orood... manaih ch bas Eto'o, Messiah 2 irdiim baigaaz dee...
Rosell dimissio!!
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Postby kayo » Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:54 pm

Goyo goyo,yostoi alaan bolondoo.Liverpool-iig basj bolohgui ,play-off d sain togoldog bag,yalanguya Jerrard.
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Postby victor valdes » Fri Dec 15, 2006 10:09 pm

Aimer naadtsan hehe Liverpooliig husaasai gej
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Postby Breathe! » Fri Dec 15, 2006 11:35 pm

Breathe! wrote:Liverpool Barcelona gesen toglolt uzmeer bna...
zahialgaa ugchihyo

Захиалга хүлээн авсанд баярлалаа........ :D

Жеррардын Роналдиног нистэл нь таклдаж байгаа нь нүдэнд сайхан харагдаж байна :D :beer
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Postby Аагий » Sat Dec 16, 2006 12:38 am

Хэхэ ямар ч байсан ийм тоглолтонд Жерардаа дэмжилгүй яахав Image
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