"Chelsea FC" - True Blue

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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby mick » Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:08 am

Sainaa wrote:
mick wrote:http://www.sport-tsonh.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=1960&p=167849&sid=0656813b8199f05bc8b23bf5f9a7a852#p167849

:beer Ороорой гаруудаа

password ni bolohgui orj bolohgui bhiin uur neesen league bain uu esvel zuv pass ni .

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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby MrO » Tue Jun 03, 2008 2:53 pm

mick wrote:Заа:

Бас л сайхан харагдаж байна шүү.

Mick-ийг одоо л ойлголоо...
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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby mick » Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:42 pm

Үсний засалт нь л минийхтэй... :mrgreen:
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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby TJ » Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:03 pm

Сор мортой, гангаан бас.... :mrgreen: Гэснээс ахын аваатар тусгайгийн дээрхи зурагтай төстэй харагдаж байна... Залуугийнх нь зураг юм биш биз дээ...

Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby Trafford Devil » Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:22 am

танаах Carlo Ancelotti-тэй гэрээ хийх тухай тохирсон гэж байна.

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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby Ggoal » Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:49 am

Contrary to reports Chelsea Football Club has not reached agreement with any individual to become manager, nor have we sought permission from any organisation to talk to their manager. We are extremely happy with how our search is progressing.

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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby Gooner » Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:11 am

RegleD wrote:Тусгай нэгэн чинь ирэхгүй байхаа.

Нусгай нэгэн гэнүү...
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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby Mr S » Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:35 am

Вилла 17 сая фунт гэнэ уу.........
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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby Mr S » Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:36 am

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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby Mr S » Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:37 am

Какаг авчирах гол даалгавар огсон болтой........
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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby mick » Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:42 am

Гүүнэр битгий бүүнэртээд бай. :grin:

За ямар ч байсан нөгөө зарлана гээд байсан нэг дэх өдөр Парист Жоорж V 4 улирал зочид буудалд 2 талын гаруудын уулзалт болсон юм байна.
Манайхан £24m ийг санал болгосон ч 2 тал тохироонд хүрч чадаагүй гэнээ.

Тиймээс ч Анчелоти ч тэр Челси ч тэр яаран ямар ч яриа болоогүй мэдэгдлүүдийг гаргасан байна.

Ашгүй нөгөө Хьюзийг Ситигийнхэн авсан юм шиг байна. Хөөрхий Свэн хонь харин Мексикийн босс болсон гэнээ.

Жозэ суудалдаа суусны дараа би хуучин тоглогчидтойгоо их сайн харьцаатай байдаг. Тэд бүгд л ирэхийг хүсч байгаа гэсэн байна. Гэвч Драгба л ямар ч байсан явах юм шиг байна. Гэхдээ Миланы аль багт нь очих юм бол?

Харин Эссьен явахгүй гэжээ.
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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby SAVAGE » Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:45 am

Ancelotti stays at Milan

Анчелотти болон Галлиани нар аль аль нь үгүйсгэсэн байна шд...
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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby Aagii_03 » Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:21 am

Анчелотти ирээд, ирэхдээ Кака-г дагуулаад ирвэл ч болж л байна шүү хэхэ.
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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby SAVAGE » Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:22 am

Mourinho: I'm not Special one
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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby mick » Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:23 pm

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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby mick » Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:28 pm

Помпэй Шооныг 10-т авна гэжээ.

Анчелотти уурандаа Драгбаг заавал зулгаана гэжээ.

Кларкыг ямар ч байсан үлдээх шийдвэр боордоос гаргасан гэнэ.

Чех гэрээний мунгалтын талаар жаахан хүлээгээч гэжээ...Арай...
Last edited by mick on Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby mick » Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:36 pm

Mourinho: I'm still Special


He said: “My life in football is simple to understand.
“In my last six seasons, I won 12 titles. It’s a natural consequence to want to come back and win something very important.”
Asked if he is still the Special One, he said: “I am Mourinho. I think I have come to a special club. When a club is special, the manager becomes that.

“I have never forgotten that I am a great manager but I don’t want to be special.
“I want to be Jose Mourinho who does not change and is always the same person.
“A man who always has the same ambition, motivation and a great passion for his work in football.
“I always wanted to work in Italy and, if possible, at a great club. Inter have given me the chance to work in this fantastic footballing country. It’s a very important challenge for me.
“The president has asked me to be Jose Mourinho. To be Jose Mourinho means I always work with great passion and with great empathy for the players, fans and the club and to start a new cycle.
“A cycle with a great manager like Roberto Mancini has ended and this is a new page for Inter.
“I am different, I think differently and work differently.
“I am certain that after a few weeks we will be able to talk of a rapport which is real, strong and honest with my players. Positive results are a normal consequence of those who work well.
“I expect positive results and entertaining football. I’ve a very positive philosophy for the players and it is a great motivation for me.
“I don’t need to make a dramatic change in the squad. We all think that we need three players to improve and be more competitive.
“Inter don’t want to be the king of the summer transfer window. We simply want to improve our squad with a maximum of three players.”
Mourinho’s fluency in Italian proved he has been having lessons for a long time. But he claimed he only spoke to Inter for the first time on March 12.

When asked how long he had been having lessons, he quipped: “I’m very intelligent. I understand the question. You’re asking me when Inter started talking with me.

“I think the truth is important and the truth is the first time the club spoke to me was the day after the second game against Liverpool.
"But nothing was decided at that moment and I didn’t start to learn Italian at that moment.
“I think it’s a maximum of one month or three weeks or something like that.”
And then he said the words that will make fans, players, managers, refs and Premier League big-wigs back in England sit up and take notice.
He continued: “I may be wrong but I feel that Serie A is about to improve a lot and become the most important league once more At the moment, Serie A is not the best league in the world.
"But then you hear that Milan will improve a lot, Juve also, you see Roma have a great squad and that some of the great players in Europe will arrive in Italy.
I think Serie A will return to the way it was in the 1980s and 90s — the biggest in the world.
“That is the motivation for me. I want to simply be one more of you.
“And I feel it’s the responsibility of everyone — players, managers, referees even the Press to make this again the best league in the world.
“One that everyone loves, not only in Italy, but also in Europe and in Asia and all the important sporting and commercial markets.
“I want to make a small contribution and it will give me great pride to help in this direction.
“I am in love with England and with English football.
“I have never forgotten it but in the same way I made a small contribution to English football, I want to do the same for Italian football as this is now my life. In this moment, I am in Italy.”
In typical fashion he then insisted he has come to win everything and bragged he has the wherewithal to do it.
Mourinho said: “It’s very easy for those who want to work well and think of the team more than of themselves.
“And it is very difficult for those who are lazy and don’t want to work hard.
“The challenge is to win the Champions League, Serie A, the Coppa Italia and the Italian Super Coppa.
“It’s difficult to win everything but I have the ideal methodology and work ethic for this. My teams are always strong mentally.”
Then he delivered his arrivederci to Chelsea: “I always will be a Blues supporter and I wait to see who is their new manager.
“But if Chelsea play Inter in the Champions League, I don’t know any of them.
“Chelsea is finished for me. It’s not finished in my heart but it’s finished from my thoughts.
“I want to start a new life and I don’t want to talk about Chelsea.
“It will be difficult but I want to have the same passion with the fans of Inter, the same rapport with the players and to bring joy for Inter in the same way that I brought to Chelsea.
“I want to stay at Inter for the three years of my contract or more, you never know.
“And I want to forget Chelsea and simply say they have my best wishes.”
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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby Mr S » Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:52 pm

манай хуний ярилцлага мон доо..........

шинэ нэр дэвшигч.......
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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby Г.Баяраа » Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:31 pm

Тусгай нэгэн чинь ирэхгүй байхаа.

онцгой нэгэн..
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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby mick » Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:39 am

Манайхаас хамгийн түрүүн Эшлиг салгана гэсэн байх юм.

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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby mick » Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:53 am

Грант эзнийг шүүхэд өгчээ.
Жозэг явахад нөхөн төлбөр гэж 12-ыг өгсөн. Надад 5 ханыг өглөө гэж.
Тэгээд Британы хамгийн нэртэй өмгөөлөгч Энтони Джулиусыг хөлсөлсөн байна.
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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby Mr S » Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:50 am

омхий омбуу явах мороороо явахгуй..........
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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby mick » Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:23 pm

Анчелоти Драгбаг £25m аар авах юм шигээ.
Английн багуудын эсрэг тоглочихоор бие бялдартай гэчихжээ...
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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby mick » Thu Jun 05, 2008 4:56 pm

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Re: "Chelsea FC" - True Blue

Postby TJ » Thu Jun 05, 2008 5:03 pm

Манай Буржгар ирэхгүй юм байх даа.... Танай тоглолт хамаагүй үзүүштэй болно доо гэсэн.... :mrgreen:


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