Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby Адмирал » Mon Mar 24, 2008 1:45 pm

:-o :-o :-o :-o
You'll never walk alone!
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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby Mr S » Mon Mar 24, 2008 1:45 pm

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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby Deck » Mon Mar 24, 2008 1:46 pm

Тоглолтын эхнээс л Торрес урд гацаардаж байсан даа. Өнгөрсөн жилийн аваргуудын лигийн финалд Миланы эсрэг нэг иймрэхүү схемээр гарч тоглож байсан өчигдөр ч гэсэн бас тэр формат нь болсонгүй. Шкртел харин тоглолт эд өрнөж байхад гөлийж зогсож байгаад Браунд мангасдуулдаг наасан. Бас дээрээс нь шүүгч гэж шүүгч л юмдаа.

Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby Аагий » Mon Mar 24, 2008 1:47 pm

Бахыг нь ч ааааль уже хангасан л даа...
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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby SAS Duncan » Mon Mar 24, 2008 1:49 pm

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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby TJ » Mon Mar 24, 2008 1:50 pm

Хахаха 3 удаа уншлаа, элэг хөших нь..... хахаха

Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby Адмирал » Mon Mar 24, 2008 1:56 pm

Алонсо муу байна бас Шкертэл арай л болоогүй байх шиг байна.
Энэ 2 баг ЧЛ-д л нэг таараасай юу болох нь их сонин байна.
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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby Deck » Mon Mar 24, 2008 1:58 pm

Бобоз :-o :)

Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby SAS Duncan » Mon Mar 24, 2008 2:05 pm

Шүүгч одоо МАНУ -ийн фэн юм байхдаа. :grin:
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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby SHuRiK » Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:07 pm

Хаха ганган бичсэн байна ... ажил дээрээ хүн амьтан гайхаж эргэж хартал нь инээв шд ...
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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby tamir_b » Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:08 pm

Өчигдөр үнэхээр харамсалтай юм боллоо. Гол буруутан бол Маше. Мэдээж шүүгч буруу шүүж байсан. Гэхдээ л шүүгч картаа харамгүй өргөж байгаа тийм үед чимээгүй л байх хэрэгтэй ш дээ. Бас хамгаалалт маш муу байсан. Ер нь л маш хангалтгүй тоглолоо.
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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby Gooner » Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:58 pm

Бэннэт баагий гоомой юм хийсэн гэж бодоод байгаа шд. Яг улирал дуусах дөхөж байгаа тэгээд ийм чухал тоглолтонд иймрэхүү хөнгөн зүйлд 2 шарлуулдаг.

Гэхдээ СЛ-дээр бол шарлуулахийг бол дэмжээд байгаа шдээ :beer :RD
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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby zizu » Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:27 pm

ПЛд аль нь босс болохоо харууллаа даа....ккккк
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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby Адмирал » Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:50 pm

Лалрийн шүүгч. Хайрхан тоглолт.

Нээрээ сайхан алаан болох байсан тоглолтыг шүүгч алаа хаяцан даа.
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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby boboZ » Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:01 pm

Манай рэсэрвийнхэн Dallas Cup-ийг авлаа. Авах авахдаа өрсөлдөгчөө 3:0-дов гэнэ.. Том Хиккс залуусаа магтжээ: "Би энийг залуусдаа үнэхээр их туршлага болж байгааг нь мэдэж байна.. Тэд хожихийг хүсэж байсан хожиж ч чадсан.." гэсэн байна.
What are they smoking at Emirates?
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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby boboZ » Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:04 pm

Some pics...
What are they smoking at Emirates?
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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby boboZ » Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:07 pm

More pics...
What are they smoking at Emirates?
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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby boboZ » Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:13 pm

Mascherano said: "I do not know why I was sent off.

"I asked the referee what was happening. I did not swear, I was not aggressive and I did not confront him.

"All I did was ask him what was happening, nothing else.

"So when he showed me the second yellow card and sent me off I could not believe it.

"I am sorry to my teammates because that meant we went down to 10 men and that made things even more difficult for us."
What are they smoking at Emirates?
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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby Бамбууш » Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:54 am

yoooy piz yostoi hereg algaa. Nedhiin heden mangar aalznuudtai mQrii tavitsan baisan. Buur 2-1 ene ter gej shaasan chine 1 ch gui baidag yumdaa.
Shuugch gej neg Halzaisan har **l** odoo Haa hamaagui shar kard savj baihiim.
Mache giin aldaa baih ni baisan. Gehdee 2 dahi shar bol shal hudlaa...
iimerhuu duirtsen baagii nar iim togloltiig shuuheer odoo yana daa
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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby El Payaso » Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:17 am

Character is something you have to have to succeed in the world of football.
A player without it is a forgettable player. He can have good games, bad games or excellent games, but people will eventually forget about them.
But there are a lot of ways to have character. To ask for the ball a zillion times after you've been kicked all over the park and keep going at defenders without complaining takes a lot of character, even many think that to have character a player must come in with a crunching sliding tackle or talk to the ref or fire up the supporters.
Well...if you have that kind of character, you are liable of living on the edge all the time.
That's MASCHERANO's case. He goes for everything all the time. He doesn't save anything for later and he gives his all in every ball he plays.
And on Sunday, against Manchester United, he went over the line. No doubt about it. He looked nervous and he had that look in his eye every time he went to have a word with the referee.
In a derby as crucial as it was (I believe that Liverpool is completely out of contention after this result), you are supposed to be able to control your temper and use it to your advantage. Masche did just the opposite. He lost it.
In one of the earliest actions in the match, after a strong foul that the referee signaled but wasn't going to give him a yellow for that, Javier clearly gestured and told the referee to "Fxxk off".
I believe MASCHERANO doesn't have a complete control of the English language and everybody knows that the first words you learn are: "the book is on the table" and "fxxk off". Right? But he shouldn't be saying those things to the referee under no circumstances.

It doesn't matter if your pulse is beating over 300. There are no excuses. He is a professional athlete and he should behave better.
What happened after his yellow? He continued gesturing and talking to the ref. After Fernando TORRES was booked for a hard challenge, MASCHERANO, who had no business doing there, said something else to the man in black and he was sent for an early shower. Leaving Liverpool with 10 men and doomed.
Xabi ALONSO, Steven GERRARD and I would think the entire KOP were trying to stop a crazy Masche that wanted to continue arguing with the referee.
Even Rafa BENITEZ had to leave his comfy seat to stop the Argentina midfielder and said a few words in his own language.
It was very sad to see a quality player like MASCHERANO losing his temper like that and not making the most of his unique character. He still has all it takes to become a legend at Anfield Road and I'm sure he'll continue with his great career there.
Hopefully it was a lesson that Masche has learned now. Because I wouldn't like to see something like this when he plays for Argentina.
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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby .boldoo. » Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:55 am

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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby boboZ » Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:14 pm

Шүүгч-д буруу байх нь байсан гэхдээ эцсийн дүнд тоглогч өөрөө болон баг нь хохирох учраас Машэ л буруутай. Үүнтэй маргахгүй.. Эхний алдаа гаргасанийхаа дараа тэгсгээд дуугуй явчихгүй F**k off мэтийн юм хэлсэн бол би ч гэсэн улаан өгөх л байсан байх... За одоо энийг ингээд орхицгооё.. Өнгөрсөн юм өнгөрсөндөө л үлдэг... Эвэртонд л Машэ тоглохгүй болсон нь харамсалтай байна..
What are they smoking at Emirates?
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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby meesh » Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:34 pm

Машераногийн буруу л даа биеэ барих байсан юм.Залуу хүн сургамж аваа байлгүй.......Бабелыг солисоны дараа 2 үеийн дунд үеэс Лукасыг Алонсогоор солиод үзсэн бол гэж бодогдсон арай л хөдөлгөөнтэй.
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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby avarga » Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:31 pm

Ter teneg uhnad hariutslaga tootsoh heregtei sh d... Yu ch boloogui bhad Torrest shar uguud tegsnee aldaagii ni tailbarlah gej ochson Masched nemj shar uguud ter odoo haan uu, zaan uu?
Umnuus ni gants shirheg ch ug duugarch boldoggui, uuriiguu darhan erhtei gej bodson biye tooson teneg... ManU-iin ter usee geeldej, hudlaa jujiglej unaad bdag hen bilee? Ronaldo biluu?
ter chini aldaa garah bolgond l shulsee uschuulj shuugch deer ochij bdag biz dee? Tegsen murtluu gants ochson Mascheg huuj bdag ter nuhur avilgal avsan baij magadgui...
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Re: Liverpool FC : You Will Never Walk Alone

Postby Forza Juve » Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:12 pm

Хэ хэ шүүгч нар чинь тоглолтын талбай дээр ХААН ч ЗААН ч шдээ хө...
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