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Postby Tmshinoda » Wed May 31, 2017 9:08 am

Ламар маань юу хийж яваан болдоо..
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Postby Saiza » Wed May 31, 2017 9:09 am

Tmshinoda wrote:Ламар маань юу хийж яваан болдоо..

Уолтан урьсан юм шиг бна лээ.
Одом өөрөө арын албанд ажилламаар бга гэсэн.
Хараал идсэн тамхийг ч татахгүй... Хараал хэлэхгүй... Муу бодохгүй... Муухай зүйл хийхгүй... Тэнэхгүй... Тэнэгтэхгүй...
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Postby Tmshinoda » Wed May 31, 2017 9:25 am

Saiza wrote:
Tmshinoda wrote:Ламар маань юу хийж яваан болдоо..

Уолтан урьсан юм шиг бна лээ.
Одом өөрөө арын албанд ажилламаар бга гэсэн.


гоё гоё
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Postby Boogey » Thu Jun 01, 2017 6:42 pm

Saiza wrote:

нэг трэйнортой 3 долоо хоногийн бэлтгэлийн дараа гэнэ.

Нэг бандагатайгаа 3н 7 хонов гэдэг зураг байна шд
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Postby Saiza » Thu Jun 01, 2017 6:52 pm

pro combat байхад юун бандага хэхэ.
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Postby Saiza » Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:03 pm

Jared Dudley Says Kobe Bryant Was More Difficult To Guard Than LeBron James Or Kevin Durant

Хараал идсэн тамхийг ч татахгүй... Хараал хэлэхгүй... Муу бодохгүй... Муухай зүйл хийхгүй... Тэнэхгүй... Тэнэгтэхгүй...
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Postby Saiza » Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:26 am

Одом, Мэжик нар залуустай бэлтгэл хийгээд л бгам бна..

Инграм ер нь зааланд амьдарч бган бх өө
Хараал идсэн тамхийг ч татахгүй... Хараал хэлэхгүй... Муу бодохгүй... Муухай зүйл хийхгүй... Тэнэхгүй... Тэнэгтэхгүй...
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Postby El Payaso » Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:28 am

Энэ Мэжик үеийнхэн энэ тэр ирээл их бэлтгэл хийхийн залуустай сүрхий хэрэг болдог л юм байх даа... эдний үеийн сагс одооны сагс хоёр ч тэнгэр газар бидээ...
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Postby fond » Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:31 am

Гол нь тэгээд сэтгэлзүй л байлгүйдээ..
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Postby Tmshinoda » Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:42 am

Хэдэн рүүкий софомор нарт их эерэг нөлөө болдог биз..

Гэхдээ нэг хэсэг чинь Хакиймаас баахан одууд зөвлөгөө аваад байдаг байсан биз дээ.. Амаре, Коби гм
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Postby Lakers Barca » Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:20 pm

El Payaso wrote:Энэ Мэжик үеийнхэн энэ тэр ирээл их бэлтгэл хийхийн залуустай сүрхий хэрэг болдог л юм байх даа... эдний үеийн сагс одооны сагс хоёр ч тэнгэр газар бидээ...

Заадаг хэдэн хөдөлгөөн үлдсэн байдаг байхоо. Бас тэгээд байнга сагс үзсээр байгаад аналист,ур чадварын дасгалжуулагч маягтай болчдын бишүү. Жишээ нь чи урт учраас ингэ хүчтэй биетэй юм чинь биеэрээ шахаад ор гэх мэт. Бичлэг дээр бол заслан тойрч гараал шууд дээрээс цацсан маягийн шидэлт хий гэсэн зөвлөгөө өгөөд байх шиг байна ш дээ. Бид нарч бас худлаа үнэн өндөр юм байж тэгэхгүй ингэхгүй гэдэгтэй төстэй биз нэмээд сэтгэлзүй байхдаа.
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Postby Saiza » Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:59 pm

Walton ер нь ГСВ-н энэ ноёрхолын үед өөрсдийн залуу өсөх боломжтой тоглогчдоо нэг супер одын төлөө солилцох нь дэмий зүйл гэжээ. Ганцхан од аваад угаасаа тэднийг дийлэхгүй л дээ.
Тэгээд энийг нь Мэжик, Пелинка нарыг мэдэж байгаа байлгүй дээ л гэж.
Хараал идсэн тамхийг ч татахгүй... Хараал хэлэхгүй... Муу бодохгүй... Муухай зүйл хийхгүй... Тэнэхгүй... Тэнэгтэхгүй...
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Postby Saiza » Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:47 am


Нөхөр ирээд бэлтгэлээ ч хийлээ, дасгалжуулагчид болон эзэдтэй тус тусад нь хоолонд ч орлоо доо.
Дажгүй л ярилцлага өгсөн байна.

Коби-г зодог тайлсаны дараах хамгийн их сэтгүүлчид цугласан бэлтгэл болсон байна.

Q: How did the workout go?

Lonzo Ball: I thought it was a lot of fun, got me tired, I’m going to sleep for the rest of the day.

Q: Were you a little bit nervous because you were the only one the Lakers were working out today?

Ball: No I don’t get nervous, I play basketball.

Q: Anything surprise you about the drills?

Ball: No common drills, they get you tired and you just gotta stay focused.

Q: What do you feel like you did the best today out there.

Ball: I try not to just pick one thing out of my game. I just try to get the whole thing done and I’m glad I came in. It was a lot of fun

Q: How much of this was about shooting?

Ball: A lot of shooting, a lot of pivots, a lot of pullups, typical shooting drills.

Q: What type of message did you get from yesterdays meetings?

Ball: It was a good dinner, a lot of fun meeting Magic and the coaches for the first time and I’m glad I came.

Q: What type of feedback did you get after the workout?

Ball: Just positive vibes, like I said I had a lot of fun, it was great meeting everyone here and they were very welcoming.

Q: Is this the place you want to play?

Ball: Of course I want to stay home

Q: Did you grow up watching Magic at all?

Ball: My dad loved him loved the way the Lakers play, so I kind of patterned my game after that.

Q: What do you think you can bring to this team to help turn it around, cause they’ve had some down time the last few years?

Ball: They have a lot of good players, but they need a leader, a point guard, and I feel like I can bring that to the team.

Q: What type of leadership qualities do you think you can bring?

Ball: Just bringing in a winning attitude, banding everyone together, and getting this done together.

Q: Did you get any assurance, or did they talk about that they would take you if they had the opportunity to?

Ball: Pops is worrying about that, it was more about me meeting them, them meeting me. It was a fun atmosphere and I’m glad I got to do it

Q: What made it so much fun?

Ball: Magic Johnson is one of the greatest players to ever play and I love the way coach Walton coaches and Rob’s a great dude too, so meeting all them was just a blessing.

Q: How do you see your game complementing these young players?

Ball: Like I said, they’re young, I’m young. I see they like to run, I love to run so, I think we’d complement each other very well

Q: What do you say to folks that say if the Lakers draft you, your father could be a huge distraction here in town?

Ball: They said that about me in high school, they said that about me in college, and I don’t think that will affect me.

Q: What did you do best during the workout? What kind of feedback did you get after?

Ball: I can’t pick one thing out, they get you tired, it’s a lot of fun. Positive feedback, a lot of tips, a lot of helpful hints and I’m just grateful.

Q: Who watched your workout?

Ball: Coaching staff, Magic Johnson.

Q: Any players?

Ball: Not that I know of

Q: Were you in a little bit of awe today walking in and seeing all the trophies up there?

Ball: No Im from here so I know about all of the championships all the trophies so I’m not really in awe, just grateful to be in here.

Q: Bryce Alford (UCLA teammate) said that just the fact that your dad has been so outspoken has kind of created an unfair perception of you, what’s your perspective on all that?

Ball: Everybody has an opinion, I know who I am people that know me know who I am and that’s all that matters.

Q: They didn’t run a lot of pick and roll at UCLA so there’s not a lot of numbers on that with you… how do you feel comfortable as the point guard running the pick and roll? Is that a strength you feel you just haven’t been able to really show yet?

Ball: I feel great in pick and roll. I can read defenses pretty well, so I don’t have a problem with it.

Q: Is leadership about what you do on the court or how much of it is about talking and being a vocal leader.

Ball: I think a lot of it is just natural. I think you’re either born a leader or you’re not.

Q: So you were born a leader?

Ball: Yes, sir.

Q: What wisdom did Magic impart on you?

Ball: A lot of stuff I can do on the court, help the guys off the court and like I said he’s the best point guard to ever play so I can learn a lot of things from him.

Q: In what way did you model your game after him?

Ball: He’s a big point guard, I’m a big point guard. He likes to push it, I like to push it. He likes to pass, I like to pass.

Q: Did you go to a lot of Lakers game growing up?

Ball: I never went to the games. My daddy didn’t really like the seats because I guess they were too small for him so I would usually just watch in the living room with him.

Q: Do you think the Lakers need you?

Ball: I think I can come to any team and help them.

Q: What do you make of all the media attention right now?

Ball: I’m kind of used to it by now.

Q: Do you plan to work out for any other teams?

Ball: I’ll leave that up to my agent, whatever he tells me to do I’ll do.

Q: When did this media kind of hit you as far as the volume of it?

Ball: Probably after my first game at UCLA. After that, it’s been like this every time.

Q: Have you thought about what would happen if the Lakers chose not to draft you?

Ball: Like I said, I’ll go to any team and do what I do and just play basketball.

Q: When you went to UCLA you went there and wanted to change the culture there, do you feel like you want to change the culture here as well?

Ball: Yeah, everything you do, you’ve got to do it for the team, bring a winning atmosphere in here and I feel like I can do that.

Q: Why should the Lakers draft you?

Ball: They need a leader, they need a point guard, I feel like I can fill that hole.

Q: A one on one workout, isn’t your strength, how hard do you think it is to evaluate you, do you think this really matters to them?

Ball: I don’t know how to answer that. I guess it kind of matters, it kind of doesn’t. It just depends on who you ask. For me, I’m just grateful to be here around the people, showing what I can do, and just let the chips fall where they may.

Q: Was this workout what you expected and what’s the one thing you wanted to gain most out of this?

Ball: The workout was just me coming in here doing what I love to do, with people helping me. This was my first workout, and I’m proud I got to come in here.

Q: Any nerves because it was the Lakers:

Ball: I don’t get nervous when I play basketball.

Q: Did you watch any tape or film with Magic?
Ball: No

Q: With all the stuff that happens of the court, does that make you a target sometimes with fans?

Ball: It definitely doesn’t help, definitely makes it a little bit harder. But any good player is going to have attention on him at all times and I’m pretty used to it by now.

Q: What are your plans for draft day?

Ball: I’ll be at the draft with a lot of my family. I’m looking forward to having a good time.

Q: Anything that you got from the dinner last night with what Magic Johnson, Rob Pelinka and Luke Walton about the culture of the team and what they would want from you? conveyed to Ball at their Tuesday evening dinner:

Ball: They said they want me to come in, and if I get picked, to come in and be a leader. Play with a lot of pace. The stuff they were saying was very positive, and it kind of fits my game.

Q: What did you feel like they wanted to know about you that was maybe a mystery to them?

Ball: They just wanted to know what type of person I am. I never met them, they never met me, and it was the first time and it was a good sit down dinner. I had a lot of fun.

Q: What kind of person are you

Ball: Calm, mellow, off the court, on the court. I just want to win.

Q: Did they ask much about your dad?

Ball: They said they love him. That’s about it.

Q: What were your impressions of them (Magic, Luke and Rob) at dinner?

Ball: They seemed like great guys. I’m grateful I got to meet them. It was a lot of fun sitting down with them and talking. I didn’t look at them as coaches, I looked at them as friends, so, it was a lot of fun.

Q: When did you find your love or that joy of basketball?

Ball: Since I started playing when I was six. something about having the ball in my hand. Everything kind of stops. Ever since then, I’ve been playing with passion.

Q: How do you develop that court vision, at what point did you start to develop that as a point guard?

Ball: My dad asked me what position I wanted to play. I told him point guard. He was like, ‘All right, if you’re gonna play point guard, you gotta get the ball up’, and ever since then I’ve just been passing.

Q: Have you talked with any of the other Lakers? Have they recruited you to the team or anything like that?

Ball: No I have not.

Q: What was it like when you first met Magic?

Ball: It was a blessing. Best point guard to ever play. Me being a point guard I looked up to him my whole life. To finally get a chance to meet him, it’s just a blessing.

Q: I know its only one workout but what did you learn to today that you didn’t know about the NBA?

Ball: You definitely gotta be in shape. It’s a lot of stamina stuff. As long as you stay focused and do everything with pace, you should be all right.

Q: Where do you think you’re at defensively?

Ball: I think I’ll be fine defensively in the league. I think I can guard one through three.

Q: What would you say are the areas in your game that you need to work on the most specifically?

Ball: You can always work on everything. But for me, probably just strength, get stronger and the mid-game pull-up stuff.

Q: Any plan to change the delivery on your shot or as long as it works are you going to keep using it

Ball: As long as it works, I’m going to keep using it.

Q: Are you the best player in the draft?

Ball: I think I am.
Хараал идсэн тамхийг ч татахгүй... Хараал хэлэхгүй... Муу бодохгүй... Муухай зүйл хийхгүй... Тэнэхгүй... Тэнэгтэхгүй...
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Postby CAHAKA » Thu Jun 08, 2017 4:02 pm

500$ пvvз мvvз гаргаад байсан хардентай тууж явна ш д кк
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Postby Villa_Bayaraa » Thu Jun 08, 2017 4:19 pm

Хэвлүүхэн хүү юм... бас том амбицтай юм... багт ирээд шууд лийдер нь болно л гэж...
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Postby Boogey » Sun Jun 11, 2017 8:59 pm

Tmshinoda wrote:Хэдэн рүүкий софомор нарт их эерэг нөлөө болдог биз..

Гэхдээ нэг хэсэг чинь Хакиймаас баахан одууд зөвлөгөө аваад байдаг байсан биз дээ.. Амаре, Коби гм

Дуайт нтрт пост хөдөлгөөн зааж өгөөд байдаг байсан. Одоо пост тоглолт бараг хэрэггүй болсон үед бол Хакиймийн хичээл ч үнэ цэнээ алдсан бололтой :ногоон:
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Postby Saiza » Wed Jun 14, 2017 7:13 pm

Жош Жэксон гээд залууг 2 дахаа дуудаж бэлтгэл хийлгэжээ. Нөхөр Келтүүдтэй хийх бэлтгэлээ цуцласан юм байна.

What was different from today’s workout (in comparison to your first workout with the Lakers)?

Today I just felt like I was a little more in shape, but other than that I don’t think there was much of a difference. It was good to come out here and just show what I can do to the organization and feel happy with my performance.

What do you think you could show to the organization?

Just that I’ve been improving on a few of my weaknesses a lot of things people know I can do. I’m athletic, I’m long, lanky, just trying to show that I’ve improved since the end of the season at Kansas.

What was the focus of the workout today?

The focus was just to see if I was in shape, I think just shooting and like I said before trying to see if I’ve been improving on my weaknesses, ball handling a little bit, shooting and I think I did pretty good.

What was your reaction when you heard they wanted to bring you in for a second workout?

I was excited, all for it, course I’m not going to tell them no, but it was just an honor to be here again today, I just want to thank the whole organization for having me.

Was this workout any different from the one up in Sacramento?

The one up in Sacramento, I was kind of training with my trainer a little bit, so I was doing a few things that I was used to doing, so I was kind of in my comfort zone back then, but today I kind of got out of my comfort zone a little bit working out with their training staff and I think both went pretty good.

Do you think they were impressed that you could make changes that quickly?

I don’t know if they were impressed or not but hopefully they were.

Versatility has become an increasingly important thing in the NBA, where would you say offensively and defensively are positions that you can guard and position that you would play best?

The way the game is going today I think I can guard 1-4. But back then 10 years ago, your 4 man probably would have been 6’10” or something like that so probably not, but the way the game is changing so much today versatility is really important and I think I bring a lot to the table especially being able to switch on pretty much any position, except the 5.

You played a lot of 4 at Kansas, what do you think on the offensive side, could you do some 2-3 or would it be more small 4, how would that develop?

I think I can play pretty much 1-4 for an NBA team, playing the 4 at Kansas really helped me out a lot. I wasn’t too excited about playing the 4 coming in at Kansas but we caused a lot of mismatch problems and I think it really bettered me as a player.

Since a lot of people don’t realize that you were actually playing out of position that entire season at Kansas, how do you think that might have helped you or could have hindered you as well?

It just made me more versatile and prepared me to be bale to play multiple positions in todays NBA league and also guard multiple positions.

Do you think you could play the 4 right off the bat as a rookie in the NBA or do you think that’s something you’re not ready for yet?

I think I would have to develop into that a little more, get a little stronger, put on a little more weight, but it’s definitely something I can develop into.

What are you strengths/weaknesses?

My strengths are quick, versatility, athletic, a great passer. Weaknesses, probably ball handling a little bit and probably still my shooting stroke but both of those are coming along.

What’s it like working out in front of Magic Johnson?

It’s an honor, just having such a legend here watching me and kind of mentoring me a little bit and giving me advice just glad to be here in front of him and hopefully I impressed him.

What’s it like being one of the few non point guards at the top of the draft?

It feels good, the point guards in this draft are really really really good, they are special. I don’t think you can really look past anybody in this draft, point guard or forward, doesn’t matter. I think this is a really good draft class and probably one of the better ones I’ve seen in the last couple years.

What are some examples of doing things in your comfort zone in your workout in Sacramento versus today?

When I was in Sac I was working out with my trainers, I was working out with him everyday. I’m comfortable with him, I know what he wants to do, we’ve got the same terminology, we’re familiar with each other, but coming out here I have to learn a little bit more about their terminology and things they like to do and they put me in a few instances where I would probably be in their offense and hopefully I impressed them.

When they decided to bring you in for the second workout, was there any thought that maybe you’re their guy?

Yeah, but it was definitely just more of a come in and try to impress them and hopefully I impressed them enough, but they can’t look past any guy in this draft, because we’re all really, really talented and I think we all bring a lot to the table.

How do you think having another big wing like Brandon Ingram could complement each others games?

The NBA is changing so much, you look at two of the best teams in the league, the Cavs and the Warriors and at the end of the game, when it’s winning time, there is no 5 man on the court, there is no 4 man on the court, there’s pretty much forwards and guards all playing at the same time, so I don’t really think me and Brandon being the same position would cause any problems, I think it would be really special honestly.

Not to put you on the spot, but after the lottery there were some reports that came out about you taking anger management classes. Is there any truth to that?

There is truth to that. I have been taking an anger management course, I’m just about wrapping it up right now. It’s just something that I had to do, and I learned from the mistake that I made and I’m making it through it.

What did you get from that (the anger management courses) overall?

One of the biggest things I got out of it was just to control the things that I can control and not to worry about the things that I can’t and it sounds so simple but I went home and thought about that a lot and I went home and it made a huge amount of sense to me, because there are a lot of things in this world that we can’t control but yet frustrates us but we just can’t worry about them too much.

I would imagine that one of those things you can control is how you do perform on the basketball court. I know some of your high school coaches have said that there is a switch in you that changes, when you get on the court. What are they referencing?

Just my will to win, growing up I’ve always hated losing and loved winning. I’m just one of the guys that will do whatever I have to do to help my team win, whether that’s play defense, dive on the floor for a loose rebound, or score, whatever I have to do to win, I’m going to do it.

Бас Лонзо Баллыг 2дахаа дуудах, Фулзийг бас бэлтгэл хийлгүүлмээр байгаа юм бна лээ.

Деннис Смит гээд залуу холбогчийн үсрэлт нь Нэнсээс 4 инч өндөр байна л гэнэ. Манайхныг шагшруулсан юм бх.

Д.Аарон Фокс нь бас сайн бсан гэнэ.
Хараал идсэн тамхийг ч татахгүй... Хараал хэлэхгүй... Муу бодохгүй... Муухай зүйл хийхгүй... Тэнэхгүй... Тэнэгтэхгүй...
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Postby Saiza » Fri Jun 16, 2017 2:14 am

Эхнэр нь өдөрт 4 хоол хийж бгаа гэнэ шт. :eek:

5 долоо хоногийн дараа
Хараал идсэн тамхийг ч татахгүй... Хараал хэлэхгүй... Муу бодохгүй... Муухай зүйл хийхгүй... Тэнэхгүй... Тэнэгтэхгүй...
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Postby Saiza » Fri Jun 16, 2017 2:19 am

Нэг нөхөр Коби-ЛЖ нэгийн эсрэг нэг аль нь дийлэх вэ гэсэн хариултыг нь ингэж өгчээ гэж.

Бас нөхөр манайхыг сонирхсон л юм байна.
Хараал идсэн тамхийг ч татахгүй... Хараал хэлэхгүй... Муу бодохгүй... Муухай зүйл хийхгүй... Тэнэхгүй... Тэнэгтэхгүй...
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Postby Наагий » Fri Jun 16, 2017 10:22 am

Рандл нээрээ ямар аймар болжийнаа.. Одоо дундаас үсрэлттэй шидэлтээ сайжруулах ...
Инграм заалны бэлтгэл сайн хийж байгаа сурагтай байсан. удахгүй Кобитой бэлтгэл хийхийн гэсэн.. бас л үсрэлттэй шидэлтээ сайжруулах хэрэгтэй...
Дло байхгүй ээ байхгүй.. Мэргэжлийн тамирчин хүн бэлтгэл хийж л байгаа байлгүй.. Инста дээрээ мөнхийн зугаа, цэнгэлийн зураг ..
гэснээс Бос драфтаар Канзасын Жэксонг сонгох шуум яваад эхэлж өглөөнөөс, манайх Фулзыг сонгох магадлалтай болоод ирлээ гоё л тоглогч санагдсан.. Болл бол дух дух.. Шидэлт, амнаасаа авахуулаал дух лол..
You"ll Never Walk Alone..
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Postby Saiza » Fri Jun 16, 2017 11:00 am

Dlo байнга л зааланд бгашт.
Бараг наад 2 оос чинь илүү ихээр бгаа

Хараал идсэн тамхийг ч татахгүй... Хараал хэлэхгүй... Муу бодохгүй... Муухай зүйл хийхгүй... Тэнэхгүй... Тэнэгтэхгүй...
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Postby Lakers Barca » Fri Jun 16, 2017 11:02 am

DLo бэлтгэл дээрээ шидэлтээ яаж алдаггийг мартсан юм шиг байна лээ.
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Postby Lakers Barca » Fri Jun 16, 2017 11:06 am

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Postby Saiza » Fri Jun 16, 2017 11:43 am

Гэснээс №2 эрхээ солилцож болно л гэж.

Тэгээд Санстай №4 эрх дээр нь нэмээд ирэх жилийн 1-р роундын эрхтэй нь хамт тулах гэээд бгам бх өө.
Хараал идсэн тамхийг ч татахгүй... Хараал хэлэхгүй... Муу бодохгүй... Муухай зүйл хийхгүй... Тэнэхгүй... Тэнэгтэхгүй...
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Postby Saiza » Wed Jun 21, 2017 12:28 pm

Сая хийгдсэн солилцоог юу гэж байна? Хуучин удирдлагын балаг Мозговыг зайлуулж чадлаа гэж баярлах уу :ногоон:
Расселлыг тэгээд эхний 14-өөр энэ жил драфтаас сонгох багуудтай солих гэж үзсэн ч ямар ч баг тоогоогүй бололтой.
Хараал идсэн тамхийг ч татахгүй... Хараал хэлэхгүй... Муу бодохгүй... Муухай зүйл хийхгүй... Тэнэхгүй... Тэнэгтэхгүй...
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