Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЭСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

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Re: 6 - Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby Zoe » Thu May 21, 2015 2:45 pm


Zubizarreta: "Xavi? Xavi is football."


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RR1jMC2 ... e=youtu.be


Xavi new boots!

Del Bosque (coach ESP): "I think it won't be possible to replace Xavi, a player who has led this national team that had so much success.

Zanetti: “So much of Barça's success is because of Xavi's intelligence to control the game's pace and movement. Still has a big role now.”
Javier Zanetti's 'Champions League Dream Team': Peruzzi: Cafu Ayala Samuel Maldini: Messi Vieira Xavi Giggs: Ronaldo Baggio

Busquets: "He is the brains of the team, he gives it balance and never loses the ball"

Abidal: "Xavi is like Puyol. A very good person and as player a symbol for Barcelona. He deserves the best after a life at Barça." [cope]

Iniesta: "Xavi is unique, there won't be another player like him. There are no words to praise him enough, as player and as person."
Iniesta: "With less and less time left as a player, manager is a situation that I like the idea of more all the time"
Iniesta: "He (Xavi) is a unique and unrepeatable player who has been fundamental for Barça and the national team. "-
Iniesta: "It's a real pleasure and privilege to have had my whole career by his side."

Tw Hristo Stoitchkov: "Thanks, Xavi, for the moments you gave us in all those years at FCB, your home. You are and will be a legend."
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 6 - Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby Zoe » Fri May 22, 2015 12:51 am

Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 6 - Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby Zoe » Fri May 22, 2015 12:57 am

Xavi is the last player to have given 4 assists in a single Liga game, in the 2-6 away win against Real Madrid




Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 6 - Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby Zoe » Fri May 22, 2015 1:05 am

Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 6 - Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby Zoe » Fri May 22, 2015 1:12 am

Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 6 - Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby hosko » Fri May 22, 2015 8:11 am

Агуу их Маестро алхам алхамаар л хөлбөмбөгөөс холдож байна даа... Одоо Пирлотой таарах сүүлчийн тулаандаа шаачихаасай... Хэрэг болно... :ногоон:
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Re: 6 - Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby Zoe » Sat May 23, 2015 12:26 pm

PrOXy wrote:
Цэнгүүн wrote:Image

750 тоглолт.
24 жил зүтгэлээ дээ... 17 жилийг нь 1-р багт. олон ч дасгалжуулагч, тамирчидтай ажиллаж янз бүрийн юмыг л үзсэн дээ. авч үзээгүй цом гэвэл тив хоорондын цомыг (конфедерейшн кап) л аваагүй байх. буруу санаагүй бол испани хоёр удаа тус тэмцээнд бүтэлгүйтсэн. нэг нь америкийн багт хагас шигшээд нухуулаад мултарч байсан байх, нөгөөх нь ней тэргүүтэй самбачдад хамгийн сүүлд болсон тэмцээний шигшээ тоглолтонд хожигдож байсан. өөр бусад бүх л цомыг хамсан бололтой. дийлдэшгүй испанийн хамгийн гол хүн нь байсан гэдэгтэй хүмүүс санал нийлэх бизээ.

өөрөө бол барсагийн номер 1 фен гэж хэлж болно доо. өөрөө ч энийгээ үргэлж хэлсээр ирсэн.. миний хувьд хамгийн хайртай тамирчин минь. манай ноён нуруу... системийн гол коэффицент... удирдаач...

барсадаа зодогоо тайлаасай л гэж хүсэх юм даа..

Цоомоо wrote:"Other teams win and they’re happy, but it’s not the same. The identity is lacking. The result is an impostor in football. You can do things really, really well but not win. There’s something greater than the result, more lasting – the legacy.” – Xavi (The Guardian)

“Тэр багийн уураг тархи. Чави багийн балансийг зөв барьж, бөмбөгийг эсрэг багт өгдөггүй. Надад болон академийн тоглогч нарт, 1-р багт дэвшхээр оролдож байгаа бүх залууст үлгэр дуурайлал нь болдог” – Sergio Busquets (FCB)

“Би хурдтай болохыг хүсэж байсан. Гэхдээ физикалл маань тийм биш, гэхдээ би толгойгоо ашигласнаар энэ сул талаа нөхсөн, аврагдсан” – Xavi (Marca)

“Tiki takaгийн зохиогчийн эрх Чави дээр гэж болно. Түүнийг эндээс явсны дараа бид үүнийг үргэлжлүүлж чадах эсэхийг би мэдэхгүй. ” – Sandro Rosell (FourFourTwo)

“Чави, Иньеста 2 амьдралдаа бөмбөгийг өөрсдөөсөө салгаж байсан гэж би бодохгүй байна ” – Sir Alex Ferguson (The Independent)

“I thought I’d get a T-shirt done up saying ‘Xavi loves me!’ and walk around with it all week.” – Matt le Tissier (FourFourTwo) when he learned that Xavi considered him one of his idols

“Түүнийг харахгүйгээр би хаана байгааг нь мэдэж байх тохиолдол заримдаа байдаг” – Andrés Iniesta (Wikipedia– Xavi and Iniesta Interview: The Beauty of Art)

“Чави сүүлийн 10 жилийн дэлхийн шилдэг хагас хамгаалагч” – Fabio Capello (Onda Cero’s ‘Al Primer Toque’)

“He is a leader, an example, on a footballing level, he is privileged because he is always ahead of the game, of what’s happening.” – Iniesta (FCB)

“You pressure, you want possession, you want to attack. Зарим баг бөмбөгийг дамжуулж чаддаггүй, эсвэл дамжуулдаггүй. Тэд юу тоглоод байна аа? Ийм тоглоомын пойнт юу вэ? Энэ лав хөлбөмбөг биш... Combine, pass, play. That’s football – for me, at least.” – Xavi (The Guardian)

Цоомоо wrote:Honors – Barcelona:

8 La Liga titles
3 Champions League trophies
2 Copa del Rey trophies
6 Spanish Super Cups
2 European Super Cups
2 Club World Cups

Honors – Spain:

1 FIFA World Cup – 2010
2 UEFA European Football Championships – 2008, 2012
Summer Olympics Silver Medal – Sydney 2000
FIFA Confederations Cup Silver Medal – 2014

Авч болох бүх цомыг авч дээ.

Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 6 - Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby Zoe » Sat May 23, 2015 12:34 pm






Xavi: "I didn't tell my mother about Barcelona's renewal offer, because she's an even bigger Barça fan than me…"
Xavi: "I will miss Leo, Andres, Busi, Pedro, all my friends... But that's life."

Puyol: "Xavi and Iniesta are the two best Spanish players in history. And among the best in the world." [ser]

Valdez: "Barca has never had a midfielder or a player like him, for all he has given and the way he feels the club colors"

Johan Cruyff: "The most spectacular player is Messi, but the best is Xavi."
Cruyff on Xavi: "He is the one who dominates the rhythm of the game. His play allows the team to function. He is different."

Pep Guardiola: "Xavi retired me."
Pep Guardiola: "From the first moment I saw Xavi play, I knew he would become the brain behind Barcelona."

Leo Messi: "I feel more comfortable when Xavi is on the pitch."
"He is a different player who makes things look easy. He sees passes that only he sees."

Zlatan Ibrahimovic: "Xavi is a perfect player."

Thiago Alcantara:" Xavi is Football, pure and simple."
Thiago Alcantara: "It makes me sad to think that I won’t be able to watch Xavi for more time."

Ivan Rakitić: "When you hear Xavi, you hear Football."

İlkay Gündoğan: "People talk about Messi and Cristiano, they are great but for me, Xavi is the best. He is more interesting to watch."
İlkay Gündoğan: "I watch Barça for Xavi. When you play at his position, you have to learn from him. He is a role model."

Puyol: “Xavi has been a great player. For me it's been a great pleasure to spend my whole career by his side. I really enjoyed it.” [ser]
Puyol: “Xavi has a talent to dominate the game. He can read games very well. He plays like how he wants to.”
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 6 - Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby Zoe » Sat May 23, 2015 12:38 pm






Sir Alex Ferguson: “It wasn't really Messi who was the problem. It was Iniesta and Xavi. They can keep the ball all night long.”

Dani Alves: “While we live in the present, Xavi lives in the future. He thinks ahead of everyone else and he makes everything so much easier.”

Iker Casillas: “People ask me every year who id take out of the Barcelona team to give us a better chance of winning and every year I tell them the same: Xavi. His control and use of the ball make him their best player.”

Andrés Iniesta: “I have run out of compliments for him. There is no-one who can compare to what he represents as a person and a player. His statistics, the years, the feelings he conjures up, his way of doing things are beyond words. He is a unique player, unrepeatable and he has been fundamental to the club and Spain. It is a true pleasure and privilege to have played alongside him for my entire career.”

Johann Cruyff: “If Xavi has a bad day then Barcelona do not play half as well as usual. He is the one who dominates the rhythm of the game. His play allows the team to function. He is different.”
Iker Casillas: "His control and use of the ball make him their best player.”

Ten Cate (ex-assistant): "Xavi has long been underestimated. In 2005, everyone talked about Ronaldinho, but it was more Xavi's season" [nos]

Maria (mother Xavi): "I know he'll be back in Barcelona - as coach. He'll continue the philosophy of Cruyff, Guardiola and Tito." [cuatro]

Mourinho:"I am honest enough to say Xavi is one of the best in the last decade. He deserves what he will never have: the Golden Ball."
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 6 - Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby goalman » Sun May 24, 2015 6:24 pm

XAVI бол хөлбөмбөгийг өөр түвшинд аваачсан хүн шүү дээ. Хүндлэхгүй байхын аргагүй сод тоглогч.Карьертаа найдвартай нэг дэлхийг шилдэг шагнал авах байсандаа уул нь.Тэрний ачаар Иниеста, Месси 2 потенциалаасаа илүү тоглосон, хүндлэгдсэн амжилтанд хүрсэн.Ер нь Барса болон Испаний шигшээ багийнхан ч гэсэн.Тэр бол хөлбөмбөгийн үлгэр дууриалал жинхэнэ домог.
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Re: 6 - Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby Цэнгүүн » Mon May 25, 2015 6:43 pm

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Re: 6 - Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby Zoe » Mon May 25, 2015 8:51 pm

It has always been a pleasue to listen to Xavi Hernandez talk about football. Here are some of his best phrases:

October 23, 2006: I feel more pressure talking in front of 300 people than playing in front of 90,000 in a stadium.
February 12, 2008: I am a flag bearer for this style and I feel very proud about that. (As Rijkaard came under criticism, Xavi appeared to have his back.)
April 3, 2009: I don't win prizes, I construct them; I get more enjoyment out of giving an assist than scoring a goal.
Septmber 5, 2009: The word 'football' in the dictionary should be next to a photo of Luis Aragones. (Pep Guardiola and Aragones have been his biggest influences.)
December 30, 2010: Winning is a drug; I have realised that once you start, you can't stop.
January 10, 2011: When I saw Messi collect the Ballon d'Or I had a feeling of football justice.
June 8, 2013: Mourinho has not left a legacy; I don't like anything about the way his teams play.
October 15, 2013: Anyone who tries to compare Messi with other players is an idiot. He is and will be the best in the world whether they like it or not. (On Ronaldo comparisons)
January 7, 2014: I am a football player and I say it loudly: One of my dreams was to play with Spain. What's wrong with that? (He was criticised after signing 'Viva España' in 2008 after winning the European Championships.)
January 7, 2014: It wont be nice for my successor; it was the same for me when they always compared me with Pep. (He began to talk about the possibility of leaving Barça)
April 16, 2014: The result can sometimes lie; playing well does not guarantee success, but it nearly always does...
(Xavi experienced the disappointment of losing the Copa del Rey final against Real Madrid. He said the defeat was because of small details and untimely errors.)






Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 6 - Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby Zoe » Mon May 25, 2015 8:58 pm










Ig Rafa Marquez: "A legend with whom I lived great moments on and off the pitch. #6raciesXavi #Attitude"

Iniesta: "We had the privilege to play with a legend. Many thanks for so many years."

Xavi (in tears): "Many thanks for everything."
Xavi: "You've made me the proudest man in the world, today and in those 17 seasons. This is the best club in the world."
Xavi: "I tried to control my emotions, but in the end it wasn't possible. I'll miss everything about Barça."
Xavi: "I will miss Barça more or Barça will miss me more? I will miss Barça more, no doubt."
Xavi: "I forgot to mention Zubizarreta in my speech, I was a bit nervous. I want to congratulate him too for this title."

Ig Alves: "An honour to have shared these years with you, I hope the end will be even better! Idol, end offfffff."

Tw Bartra: "An example in every way. Proud of the biggest culer I've ever known. Thanks, Xavi! #CHAMPIONS"


Tw Abidal: "Thanks #6raciesXavi, as natural on the pitch as in life. You'll forever be an @fcbarcelona great "
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 6 - Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby Zoe » Wed May 27, 2015 7:02 pm



Xavi has told his teammates last week that his wife Nuria pregnant. The couple got married in July 2013. [md] :-D



Xavi and his father during post-match interview with club tv



Xavi: "Van Gaal taught me a lot. He told me: 'You are better than Zidane'. I replied: 'Thanks, coach, but don't exaggerate'." [el pais]

Xavi: "Do I know a bigger Barça fan than myself? Yes, of course: my mother." [el pais]

Pep Guardiola: "Xavi loves Football. He breathes Football. Training sessions start at 11:00, at 10:40 you see him playing already."

Tw Lineker: "Xavi has played his final Liga game at the Camp Nou. One of the greatest midfielders of his time. A truly magical footballer."

"Xavi has done merits to become the best Catalan player of all time"- Pep Guardiola
Guardiola: "Xavi can watch a 4th division game and tell you the next day: I've seen a fantastic right winger. That's how he loves football."

David Villa: "It's a joy to have known Xavi as a person and an honour to have played with him. He's the best midfielder of all time." [efe]

Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 6 - Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby Zoe » Wed May 27, 2015 7:07 pm

Xavi has scored 97 goals for club and country at senior level #fcblive Most against Espanyol (6) and Real Madrid (5)




Xavi alone at the stadium after the celebrations

Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 6 - Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby maRS_mN » Wed May 27, 2015 7:28 pm

Нөхөр ПСЖ-д зээлээр 1 жил тоглох сурагтай..
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Re: 6 - Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby PrOXy » Fri May 29, 2015 9:46 pm

тэр худлаа л даа.

зойдоо баярлаж байгаа шүү. гоё гоё зурагнууд, ишлэлүүд, видеог цаг алдалгүй оруулж байдаг. бүгдийг нь үзээд л уншаад л явдаг. :eek:

ла лигагаас ийм видео бэлдэж дээ.

энэ ёстой гоё видео байна.




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Re: 6 - Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby PrOXy » Mon Jun 01, 2015 8:15 pm

сид лоу гоё ишлэлүүд цуглуулж... :eek:


Thiago Alcântara, former Barcelona team-mate “Xavi is eternal. Even when he is not at his very best level physically, he plays a kind of football that gives oxygen to a team, play, speed. It makes me sad to think that I won’t be able to watch Xavi [in Europe] for more time. He’ll always have that level. He is football. He is one of those players that has made Barcelona what it is today”

Hristo Stoichkov (on Onda Cero radio), former Barcelona team-mate
“I remember that little lad, fresh-faced, just a kid, coming on at Valladolid and scoring a header – a header that saved that Dutchman’s [Louis van Gaal] neck. If we’re talking about Xavi, we’re talking about a legend in world football, a genuine legend. From the very first game to the very last game he has been the most decisive player at Barcelona, the player who has done more for Barcelona than anyone else, the player who has lifted more trophies than anyone else, ever. That’s Xavi Hernández. There will be a Before Xavi and an After Xavi. It’s not fair that he never won the Balon d’Or, but he was ‘unlucky’ to coincide with Messi. I am sure that one day he will end up coaching Barcelona. There will never be another player like him.”

Jorge Valdano, former Real Madrid coach
"If football was a science, Xavi would have discovered the formula. With a ball at his feet, no one else has ever communicated so intelligently with every player on the pitch”

Santi Cazorla, former Spain team-mate
“There will never be a player like Xavi. I was fortunate to play with him and I learned something new every day. He’s a player that made the difficult look easy, simplifying everything”

Marcelino, scorer of the winner for Spain in the 1964 European Championship, their only international trophy until 2008 “Without doubt, the best midfielder there has been in world football over the last 30 years”

Julen Lopetegui, Porto manager, coach of Spain’s Under‑19s, Under-20s and then Under‑21s between 2010 and 2014
“Xavi changed football. He helped us to build, or to see, a new player profile that ended up running through all levels of the national team. He killed off the myth of physicality being above all else and opened people’s eyes to the qualities of small, technical players, proving that you can attack and also defend with the ball. There are lots of players who win things, but few who lay down concepts, ideas, who change the way we think, and Xavi did that. At club level, the idea already existed and he perfected it; at international level, he imposed it. Possession, the speed of pass. He made it simple, and that’s difficult. The intensity with which he played was vital and it showed that intensity is not what people often think it is. It’s the rhythm of the game, the speed and intensity of the play itself: quick, simple, constant. He made every other player better. He gave the right pass, he gave continuity and he was always well positioned”

Ander Herrera, Manchester United midfielder who scored for Spain Under-21s in the final of the 2011 European Championship “Xavi is unique; there won’t be another player like him. The style of Barcelona and the national team was forged through him”

Ronald Koeman (from Marca), former assistant manager at Barcelona, coinciding with Xavi’s arrival
“Everyone knew when he was coming through the youth system that he was the successor to Guardiola, if Pep ever left. He had huge talent and you could see that from very young. Tactically, he was excellent. He has done so many good things for Barcelona that one day he has to return.”

Michu, former Spain team-mate
“I was called up for Spain the day the national team qualified for the 2014 World Cup, against Georgia in Albacete, and I got changed next to him. He was really happy to have qualified but he said it would be his last World Cup. I told him that for the sake of those of us who love the game, he should never leave. It was an honour for me to share a dressing room with the best player in the history of Spanish football. If only he could stay for ever”

Fernando Torres (on Twitter), former Spain team-mate who scored in the Euro 2012 final
“It is the end of an era for one of the greats, but we will never forget that you made us great.”

Sergio Ramos (on Twitter), fellow European Championship and World Cup winner with Spain
“Football in its purest form.”

David Villa (on Twitter), former Spain team-mate and winner of 2010 World Cup ‘Silver Shoe’ with five goals
“Your class and your football made us great.”

Carlos Marchena, team-mate at 1999 World Youth Championships, as well as Euro 2008 and 2010 World Cup
“As a team-mate, Xavi stood out because of his approachability, solidarity, leadership and humility. His departure feels like the end of an era for me; he was the stamp of identity for a generation, the embodiment of a style. He represents a change of mentality, aims and ambition in Spanish football. He made it possible for Spain to throw off its complex and look other successful teams in the eyes. It is hard to say something new about him as a player, but he was a footballer who always made his team-mates better. Above all, I will remember him as a person. Xavi was always Xavi, the same Xavi he had always been”

Joan Laporta, former Barcelona president
“Xavi is the defender of the values of the greatest Barcelona team in history. He is the personification of a model based on effort and a commitment to touch and technique, that exquisite eye that Barcelona projected around the world”

Dani Aranzubia, goalkeeper in Spain’s 1999 World Youth Championship-winning team
“I played with Xavi for Spain, and against him many times at club level. He was the creator of a style for Barcelona and Spain. Without him, so much success would not have been possible. He will go down in history as one of the true greats”

Míchel, former Real Madrid player, coach of clubs including Sevilla and Olympiakos
“Xavi is not going to Qatar to end his football career but to begin another journey and to develop himself. He is one of the few footballers left who are truly interested in football in its purest sense and that’s why he wants to carry on helping the game, working in football. I am sure he will be a coach. It strikes me just how much respect everyone has for him and that is well deserved. He is a fundamental player, around whom a team gravitates. Everything revolves around him and will do even when he is not on the pitch, because the legacy he has left is so significant”

Guillermo Amor, Barcelona central midfielder for 10 years, then director of club’s youth system
“Xavi represents the values of Barcelona on and off the pitch. He lives the game with passion and is a true Barcelonista. An example and a reference point for world football”

Gerard Piqué, former club team-mate who played alongside Xavi during Spain’s record 29-match unbeaten run
“He signifies our way of playing, the culture of La Masía, everything. He is one of those emblematic players who have helped to make Barcelona even bigger”

Juan Manuel Asensi, former Barcelona player and Xavi’s first coach in youth system
“It’s an honour to have coached that little lad who is such a great. There will never be another player like him”

Josep Maria Bartomeu (on RAC1 radio), Barcelona president
“He’s the most important reference point this club has had. We told him: ‘If you’re going, you have to come back one day.’ He could be a scout, coach, technical director, because his concepts are very clear and we cannot lose talent like his.”

Cesc Fàbregas (on Radio Marca), former team-mate who joined Barcelona in 2011
“One of the big mistakes people make is to talk about who can be the next Xavi, to keep looking for him. We waste time constantly looking for the replacement for Xavi? There will never be another Xavi.”

Carles Puyol (from El Mundo Deportivo), retired centre-back who refused to leave Barcelona in 1998 having seen best friend Xavi make his first-team debut “The motor, the style, the brain of one of the best Barcelona teams in history. I hope he comes back soon.”

Luis Milla, former Madrid and Barcelona midfielder and Spain Under-21s coach
“It is a pity that he is going. When people look back on this age of success for Spain and Barcelona, he is the player who will come to mind. He is the profile, the player who lays down a style and has done so for a decade. Pause, vision, maturity, intelligence. Spain always had good players but we needed someone like Xavi, someone who gave it shape, order, someone at the controls, deciding on the flow and rhythm of the game. He brought a clear idea, one that was founded on having the ball. The midfield has been the secret for Spain and for Barcelona and he was the reference point”

Xabi Alonso, played in every game alongside Xavi as Spain won the 2010 World Cup
“Without doubt, Xavi is one of the most influential players there has been in football in recent years”

Iñaki Sáez, coach of 1999 World Youth Championships winning team and later of senior Spanish national team
“Xavi is values, leadership, trust, maturity, commitment, the desire to overcome. He is one of the most important players in the world over the last decades. His way of understanding the game helped make Spain champions. His vision, his perception, his idea contributed to Spain playing the kind of football that people fell in love with and built an unforgettable era of success”

Johan Cruyff, Barcelona’s longest-serving coach, who won 11 trophies at the Camp Nou
“If Xavi has a bad day then Barcelona do not play half as well. He is the one that sets the rhythm of the game. His play allows the team to function. He’s different”

Andoni Zubizarreta, Barcelona sporting director and former player
“In an immense, globalised game like football has become, Xavi was still able to define an entire style, a way of playing and understanding football. From now on, whenever we see certain types of players we will look at them and say: ‘He plays like Xavi.’ Only the very greatest players can be said to have done that”

Andrés Iniesta, Barcelona midfield team-mate with whom Xavi shared a profound understanding
“I have run out of eulogies. I cannot find words that reach his level as a player and a person. The years, the success, the feelings, the way he did things ... all of that is beyond words. He is a unique player who will never be repeated, fundamental for club and country. It has been a true pleasure and a privilege to have spent my entire career by his side”

Joseba Etxeberria (from Diario Vasco), former Spain international
“If we analyse football as a collective sport he is the most influential player I have ever seen. Others can move their team, but I have only ever seen one player, and that’s him, who can move all 22 players on the pitch as he wishes, to his rhythm. For a player like Xavi not to have won the Ballon d’Or is an insult to football. If you want to stop him, you have to put two men on him. With one, it’s not enough. It’s unanimous: we don’t say this just because we like him. Ask anyone who has played against him and they will tell you the same thing.”

Vicente Del Bosque (in an article written in El Pais after Xavi left the national team), former Spain coach “Before the final in Kiev in 2002, Xavi was a little uncomfortable and he said to me: ‘Míster, I think this will be my last game. I think I should retire after the final.’ I said: ‘Look, Xavi, wait a bit. You’re in good shape to keep playing. Wait two more years. I feel bad that you think it’s time to go because there’s still a lot to be enjoyed.’ That final against Italy was an example of how a team should play. It was the best game we have played and Xavi was one of the outstanding players. When he was coming down the stairs after the game, I said: ‘You see?’
“They say a team plays like its midfield. Xavi was the representative of the national team for 70 of the 90 games I was in charge. Twelve games a year, two qualification campaigns for the World Cup, one for the European Championship and then the tournaments themselves. Xavi laid down a style for the national team and marked an era. He was an expert at moving the ball on with one or two touches but when he had to hold on to it, he did that too. When it came to dictating the pace of a game, studying matches, he was a maestro. Teams would drop deep and wait and he would always find the solution, patiently. In 10 minutes, he knew the team in front of him perfectly. He was a leader.
“People would say that Xavi chose the team; they said so to hurt us. Xavi never chose the team but we would debate about football. How could you not debate football with a player like Xavi? He would never hold back defending his view. Every coach has an image, a tactical starting point, in his mind. But the most important thing is the concept, the way you’re going to play and we talked about that a lot. Xavi is passionate about football and he represents a style that is not just Barcelona’s.
“His departure leaves an important void, but his legacy is more important still. His style has been passed down to the next generations. That’s why more players will come ... what happened at the World Cup meant that Xavi’s international career did not end as we would have liked. But that ending does not take anything away from everything he did for the national team.”

Éric Abidal (on Cadena Ser radio), retired defender who played with Xavi at Barcelona from 2007-13 "I want to see him lift the European Cup: he deserves an ending like that. He is a monument to the club, emblematic."

Pep Guardiola, former Barcelona manager, cited by Xavi as his role model, whom he replaced in the Catalans’ midfield “One of the very best is departing. I hope future players learn from him in the way that I learned from his love for the game. There wasn’t a single day went by when I didn’t see him enjoy it. There would be a friendly and he would play. When he was injured, he would play, or he would do everything to be back soon. He is the most amateur player I know, and at the same time the most professional player too, such is his love for football. When he is not playing football, he is watching football. He will become a coach I am sure. He is the best Catalan player in history, not just because of the titles he won but because of his love for the game. Training would be at 11am and at 10.40 he was already out there, kicking the ball around.”

Luis Enrique, current manager of Barcelona “His importance is beyond doubt. He has played more games than anyone else at Barcelona, in an era when staying at a club this big for so long is extremely difficult. He has won more titles than anyone else. Now he has the chance to try to win one more. He will leave here through the puerta grande, out the front door the right way. I am so pleased that he is able to leave like this. It would have felt a bit wrong if he had left last season and I am glad he can leave like this, in the way that I would have liked Víctor Valdés and Carles Puyol to have been able to as well. He deserves it.”

Joaquim Hernández, Xavi’s father ”He has lived football with great passion since he was little. He is a real professor of football. He watches games, reads about football, follows so many teams. He lives for football.”
Barça doesn't buy galacticos, we CREATE them.
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Re: 6 - Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby Zoe » Tue Jun 02, 2015 8:02 pm


"My future in Qatar will be wonderful" Xavi for AlSadd newspaper. [AlsaddSC]

Xavi in commercial




Bravo: “Xavi is a person to admire. He's an incredible player and we're going to miss him.” [ser]

"He understands football in a different way. He created a style line." - Pique on Xavi
"Xavi's absence will be noticed in the squad. Someone will have to occupy his place. I would like to be captain."- Pique

Messi: It has been a joy to play with Xavi for a so many years. He's the best player in history of Spain, that's says it all.

"Xavi is irreplaceable , I thank him for all he has done for me and I wish him all the luck in the world."- Rakitic
"Xavi is amazing. It has been a huge privilege to learn so much from him on and also outside the field." - Rakitic

Pirlo: “I'm happy to have played against Xavi many times. He's a great champion and a great man.”

Messi: “Xavi is hard to describe. Everyone knows what he can do on the field. He's a player that dictates the rhythm of the game.”

Former AC Milan player Marco Van Basten's Champions League 'Dream Team': Buffon: Tassotti Costacurta Baresi Maldini: Iniesta Zidane Xavi: Messi Ronaldo (Brazil) Ronaldinho
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 6 - Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby turuue » Fri Jul 10, 2015 4:34 pm

Баярлалаа Чави

2008 оны зун Чави Баерн Мюнхен баг руу шилжих талаар нухацтай авч үзэн, бараг шийдчихээд байв. Харин энэ үед Барселон клубын шинэхэн дасгалжуулагч Пэп Гуардиола түүнийг өөрийн багийн гол хүн гэж харж буйгаа ойлгуулан авч үлдэж чадсан. Үүнээс хойш юу болсныг бид сайн мэднэ. Авьяас чадвартай гэх тодотголтой олон тоглогчдын л нэг төдий байсан Чави шинэ зууны хамгийн шилдэг төвийн хагас хамгаалагч болсон.

Чави хэзээ ч хурдтай, хүчтэй, бахим хатуу бие хаатай тоглогч байгаагүй. Тиймдээ ч тэрээр Райкаардын Барсад амин чухал тоглогч нь болоогүй. Гэсэн ч тэр бууж өгсөнгүй. Уян хатан чанар, ногоон талбайг харах торгон мэдрэмж, техник, ухаан энэ бүгдийгээ ашиглан өрсөлдөөнд тэсч үлдсэн, тэгээд ялаад гарсан. Түүний авьяасыг төгс ашиглаж чадах Пэп гарч ирснээр Чави ногоон талбай дээр Бетховений симфонийг эгшиглүүлж эхлэв. Цаашлаад нягт хамгаалалт, хатуу ширүүн тоглолт, сөрөг довтолгоо зонхилж байсан Европийн хөлбөмбөгийн газрын зургийг тэр чигт өөрчилсөн.

Чавигийн амжилтыг бичвэл барагдахгүй олон зүйл бий. Би хувьдаа хамгийн гайхам гэж боддогоо дурдвал Чави маань 2008 онд Европийн АШТ, 2009 онд Аваргуудын Лиг, 2010 онд ДАШТ, 2011 онд Аваргуудын Лиг, 2012 онд Европийн АШТ тэмцээнд түрүүлсэн. Өөрөөр хэлбэл 5 жил дарааллан тухайн жилийнхээ хамгийн том тэмцээнд түрүүлж байж. Чави Европийн, Дэлхийн хөлбөмбөгийг эзэгнэсэн цаг үе.

2008 онд Чави явахаар сэтгэл шулуудаж асан үед нь тухайн үеийн шинэ дасгалжуулагч Пэп ятган үлдээснээр бид требль, цаашлаад зургаан цомын эзэн болж түүхэн амжилт тогтоосон. Өнгөрсөн зун Чави мөн л явах талаар бодож байх үед нь шинэ дасгалжуулагч Луис Энрике ятган үлдээж чадсан. Одоо бид мөн л требль хүртэх боломжтой нүүр тулаад байна. Маэстрогоо үүнээс сайхнаар үдэх боломж үгүй. Гайхамшгийг бүтээцгээе.

Шинэ зууны хөлбөмбөгт хамгийн ихээр нөлөөлсөн, хамгийн өндөр амжилт үзүүлсэн тун цөөхөн хэдэн эрхмүүдийн нэг нь Чави. Тэр явсан ч түүний өв, түүний философи Барсад үлдэнэ. Ла Масиагийн багачуул аль хэдийнээ ирээдүйн Чави болохыг мөрөөдөж бэлтгэлээ хийдэг болсон. Чавигийн Барселон дах гайхалтай түүх замналын тэргүүн бүлэг ийнхүү жаргах гэж байна, удаах бүлэг эхлэх эсэхийг цаг хугацаа л харуулах биз.

Явах цаг нь удахгүй ирэхийг мэдэж байсан ч тулаад ирэхээр эвгүй юмаа. Гэхдээ гунигтай харц, нулимсаар үдэхгүй ээ. Инээмсэглэл, цом, алга ташилтаар үдэн мордуулна. Хэнээс ч илүү амжилтанд хүрсэн маэстро маань хэн бүхнээс толгой гэдгэр явах учиртай. Бүтээсэн гайхамшиг бүрийг тань бахархан ярилцаж, хүрсэн амжилт бүрийг тань мандуулан явах болно. Блауграна өмсгөлтэй тоглож байсанд, олон хожил гайхамшигт ялалтаар баярлуулж байсанд, ер нь л хийсэн бүхэнд тань Баярлалаа Чави. ‪#‎6raciesXavi‬
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Re: Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby Zoe » Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:43 pm







Thierry Henry: "For me, Xavi is Mr Barcelona."
Thierry Henry: "Xavi won everything that he could win. It's like the Maestro with the orchestra. That's what he was for me."
Thierry Henry: "Xavi is the type of guy who will get really mad if he loses a ball in training. That would drive him crazy."
Thierry Henry: "Another sad day. We saw Stevie leaving Liverpool, Lampard the Premier League and now Xavi leaving Barça.."

Del Piero: “Xavi and Pirlo are two unique parts of football history, real phenomena. It has been a pleasure to play with and against them.”

Iniesta: "There's no other player like Xavi. It's now up to the others to give our best and to keep on improving, with the youngsters too."

Cazorla (Arsenal): "It's difficult to replace Xavi. Those who are here with the national team try to do the best we can."
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby PrOXy » Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:50 pm


чави өчигдөр анхны албан ёсны тоглолтоо ал садд багтай хийжээ. баг нь 4-0ээр хожсон байна. манай хүн 1 ассист өгсөн гэнэ.
Barça doesn't buy galacticos, we CREATE them.
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Re: Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby Zoe » Wed Nov 11, 2015 10:36 am


Muniesa: “Messi, like everyone. It was hard to get the ball from him, Xavi, Iniesta, and Busquets.”

Albertini (ex-Milan -Barcelona): "Verratti reminds me of Xavi, I've told him that more than once. He plays like a Barça player." [gazzetta]

Simeone's big idea of the pre-season: "Koke, I want you to be the Xavi of Atleti".

Alba: "My dream five-a-side team? Leo, surely. Iniesta and Xavi. Puyol. Valdes." [uefa]

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero: 'Xavi is the real coach at Barça"
Zapatero: "For me, Xavi, Iniesta and Messi are the divine threesome. There has never been anything like it in football before and I don't think we'll see anything like it again. They are on a different level,"
Zapatero: "I don't know if I'm getting carried away in Xavi's case, but I think Spanish football should do something very special for him. It isn't commonplace for our country to acknowledge people like him. It's important to have these legendary figures. What Xavi has given Spanish football is amazing. He has been the real guiding force behind Barça in this period... not Rijkaard or Guardiola. I think he has had influence over the coach,"
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby Zoe » Sat Nov 21, 2015 2:35 pm


Second Treble!!! - "If someone needs advice on how to leave though the front door... I'm his man" [by caye]


Ronaldinho: “When I see Iniesta play these days, he reminds me of Xavi. He was always a top quality player.”
Ronaldo's Dream XI: Iribar; Maldini Beckenbauer Cafu; Maradona Zidane Cruyff Xavi; Di Stefano Pele Messi

Herrera (Man United): "Fittest player played against? Messi. Best passer played against? Xavi. Finest finisher played against? Messi" [mufc]

Pep Guardiola's Dream XI: Neuer; Dani Alves Pique Puyol Alaba; Xavi Xabi Alonso Iniesta; Messi Eto'o Robben

"Celtic would like to extend a heartfelt farewell to Barça legend Xavi as he prepares to take to the pitch for Barcelona for the last time." :eek:

Rakitic: “To replace Xavi is impossible. I want to be Ivan Rakitic. Not Xavi or Iniesta. They've other qualities. I want to give what I can"
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Чави "ЭЛЬ МАЕСТРО" Эрнандес и Креус

Postby Zoe » Mon Jan 11, 2016 2:04 pm


Rakitic: "Xavi is maybe the biggest player in this position ever, so to work with him was amazing. I can only give him one thousand thanks."
Rakitic: "I wanted to enjoy playing with Xavi, but not only that – living through the days with him; in the dressing room, in all moments."

Sergi Roberto: “As a kid, I loved Ronaldinho but when I grew up, I admired Xavi and Iniesta.”

Del Bosque (coach ESP): "Busquets is a midfielder who will lead the team like Xavi did. I've had no doubts about him since winning in 2010."

Thiago: “Xavi was my mirror. He was the one that helped give Barça the greatest moments. You'll never find another like him.”

Xavi: "I gave everything for Barça and for the national team and that makes me happy - I have not one enemy in football." [record via efe]
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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