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Re: Luis Alberto Suárez

Postby Kopite » Fri May 23, 2014 10:47 am

Сонирхолтой хүн шүү
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Re: Luis Alberto Suárez

Postby Kopite » Sat May 24, 2014 5:44 pm

Үнхээр л сонирхолтой хүн шүү
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Re: Luis Alberto Suárez

Postby CrossBonez » Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:05 am

Баримттай судалгаа гарсан байна.

You Have A Higher Chance Of Being Bitten By Uruguay’s Luis Suarez Than By A Shark ... arez-shark
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Re: Luis Alberto Suárez

Postby PrOXy » Thu Dec 11, 2014 7:55 pm

Barça doesn't buy galacticos, we CREATE them.
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Re: Luis Alberto Suárez

Postby У.Тэмүүжин » Fri Dec 12, 2014 12:42 pm

Тиаго Силваг хойшоогоо жийх гэж оролдсон бна лээ. Энэ хүн засрахгүйэ
Dennis Bergkamp: “I really like Arsenal. But you, do you like Arsenal? Or just Arsenal with Trophies?”
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Re: Luis Alberto Suárez

Postby Zoe » Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:38 am

Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Luis Alberto Suárez

Postby Zoe » Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:00 pm

Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Luis Alberto Suárez

Postby Zoe » Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:01 pm


New boots Luis!

Luis Suarez - Goals, Skills, Assists, Passes, Tackles - Barcelona and Uruguay - 2014/2015
uzuushtei video bna.

Suarez: "As a striker, you're always happy when you score goals and when you are able to help the team."

Sofia (wife Suarez): "Playing at Barcelona has always been his dream. This is our second home, we have everything we want here." [fft] :???:
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Luis Alberto Suárez

Postby Zoe » Tue Mar 10, 2015 1:28 pm


Suarez with his wife and their daughter




Luis Suarez on target twice against Rayo in his new F50 Adizero boots.

Pablo Suarez (brother Luis Suarez): "Luis told me nothing about moving to Barça. But I know it's his dream to play there." [elsalvador]
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby Zoe » Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:41 am



Book: Luisito - Luis Suarez


Luque (ex-Deportivo -Newcastle): "Messi is unstoppable, Neymar is the future and Suarez starts to show why he won the Golden Boot." [cope]

Tabarez (coach URU): "How much do we lose without Suarez? It’s the same as asking what happens to ARG if they don’t have Messi." [ca2015]
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby Zoe » Mon Mar 30, 2015 6:56 pm



Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby PrOXy » Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:58 am

луйсийн эхний гоол нь манай а.л-ийн 400 дэх гоол болж бүртгэгдлээ. тэгээд зогсоогүй 2 дахь гоол нь барсагийн европийн тавцанд 1000 дахь гоол болж бичигдэж байгаам байна. :eek:

мөн а.л-ийн хасагдах шатанд дубль хийсэн анхны уругвай тамирчин болж нэрээ үлдэлээ.

Barça doesn't buy galacticos, we CREATE them.
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby Барнаба » Sat Apr 18, 2015 11:20 pm


Суарэз анх Софиа-тай 15-тай байхдаа танилцаж байсан юм байна. Тэр үед Софиа 13-тай байж. Анх танилцаж байх үед Суарэз хөлбөмбөгөөсөө жаахан хөндийрөөд буруу зам руу орох хандлагатай болчихсон байсан үе байж, гэхдээ Софиа-тай танилцснаар эргээд зөв замдаа орсон юм байна. Харин танилцснаас хойш 1 жилийн дараа Софиа-н гэр бүл Уругуай-с Испани руу, Барселон хотод ажиллаж, амьдрахаар нүүсэн юм байна. Удалгүй Суарэз Софиа руу, мөн Барселон хот руу анх удаагаа очсон аж.

"Би Барселон руу явах тасалбар олсон ч тасалбарт төлөх мөнгө надад байгаагүй. Ах маань надад 70 орчим доллар зээлсэн юм. Барселон руу явах нислэг их урт удаан байлаа. Дараа нь би төөрч, хил дээр намайг шалгасан. Би 16 настай, Барселон-д ямар ч хаяг мэдэхгүй ирсэн байлаа. Би цагаан футволктой ирсэн бөгөөд миний хамраас цус гарч эхэлсэн байв. Миний нислэг ирсэн ч би гарч ирээгүй байсан болохоор Софиа маань намайг онгоцны буудал дээр 2 цагийн турш хүлээж байсан. Би хил дээр шалгуулсаар л байлаа, яагаад шалгуулаад байгаагаа мэдэхгүй л байв. Тэд надад чи Барселон-д байх, очих ямар ч хаяг байхгүй учраас бид чамайг шалгаж байна гэж хэлсэн юм. Би харин найз охин дээрээ ирж байгаа гэдгээ, түүний энд амьдардаг гэдгийг хэлсэн. Тэд миний цүнхийг онгойлгож нэг тэмдэглэл олсон ба тэрэн дээр Софиа-н авга эгчийнх нь гэрийн хаяг, утасны дугаар байсан юм. Би маш азтай байлаа. Эцэст нь би гарч ирлээ. Софиа сүүлийн 3 цагийн турш цөхрөнгөө бартал онгоцны буудлын энэ тэрүүгээр гүйж, намайг хайж байсан аж. Эцэст нь би цус болсон цагаан футволктойгоо гараад ирсэн."

Тэрээр Софиа-г Барселон руу нүүсэн хойно нь дахиад Софиа-тай хамт байхын тулд мөнгө олох хэрэгтэй, тиймээс мэргэжлийн хөлбөмбөгчин болох ёстойм байна гэдгийг ойлгосон гэж. Ингэснээр тэр хөлбөмбөгтөө сайн анхаарч, улмаар Европ руу Голланд руу явах боломжыг авснаар Софиа-тайгаа хамт амьдрах боломжтой болсон гэнэ. Харин дээрх явдлаас хойш 13 орчим жилийн дараа Суарэз Барселон-д эхнэртэйгээ хамт амьдрахаар дахин ирээд байна.
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby Могжоохон » Sun Apr 19, 2015 12:03 am

Барнаба wrote:Харин дээрх явдлаас хойш 13 орчим жилийн дараа Суарэз Барселон-д эхнэртэйгээ хамт амьдрахаар дахин ирээд байна.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :beer
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby Zoe » Wed Apr 22, 2015 10:13 pm

Barnaba! :eek:


New boots!


Suarez: "From what I've heard, Madrid were really intrested last summer, but I didn't have doubts. My dream always was to play at Barça."

Paolo (Suarez's brother): "I'm 6 years older that Luis. When I played football in the street with my friends, he always wanted to join in. In the beginning, they thought it would be easy, but when he started to dribble past them, it wasn't so funny."

Thierry Henry: “Luis Suarez is exactly the player Barcelona needed.”
Thierry Henry (ex-Barcelona): "Suarez is a number nine I like to see. Barça finally have the centre forward they've been waiting for." [sky]

Tw Carragher (ex-Liverpool): "I know Luis Suarez & have played with him. One day hopefully I'll be able to tell my Grandkids."

Tw Gary Lineker: "All bow to Luis Suarez. Utterly stupendous!"
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby Zoe » Tue May 05, 2015 10:04 am

la ligad hiisen anhnii hattrick ni!


hattrick hiisen bombogoo dursgal bolgon avav.


at Nacional

Tabarez (coach URU): "Suarez could be playing at his best level ever. He has improved at Barça. He has less space there but he adapted well"

Mascherano: “Suarez is the closest thing I've seen to Eto'o. They have the same characteristics, they are fighters.” [efe]

Giuly: "Ronaldinho was like Messi now, and Eto'o was a true centre forward like Suarez. But I wasn't like Neymar, more like Pedro." [md]

Lodeiro (Uruguay) “We lose a lot without Suarez. He's very important both on and off the pitch. He's a leader, and loved by everyone.”

Pepe Reina (Bayern) “I like Suarez. He's a street player and I mean that as a compliment. He's always on the edge and a natural born winner”
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby meesh » Thu May 07, 2015 9:43 am

Мань хүн хорт хавдартай хүүд урам өгч байгаа видео яваад байна лээ шт би чамд Барса өмсгөлөө өгнөө нтр гээд.
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby Zoe » Thu May 07, 2015 9:28 pm

meesh wrote:Мань хүн хорт хавдартай хүүд урам өгч байгаа видео яваад байна лээ шт би чамд Барса өмсгөлөө өгнөө нтр гээд.

setgel hudulgusun goyo bichleg bn lee. :eek:
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby meesh » Wed May 13, 2015 10:56 am

Нэймар руу хоёр ухаалаг дамжуулалт хаяжээ.
Дасгалжуулагчид, одууд багаа сольдог харин ФАНАТУУД хэзээ ч.....
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby Zoe » Wed May 13, 2015 3:46 pm


ochigdriin daraah bdlaar games ni 1eer nemegdeed, assist 2oor nemegdjee.


Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby Zoe » Tue May 19, 2015 12:47 am

Luis Suarez - On and On - Skills & Goals



hahaha :-o :eek:

Fowler (ex-Liverpool): "Suarez is a fantastic player. A lot of Liverpool fans will be willing Barcelona to win the CL final because of him."
Robbie Fowler: "Suarez had a great affinity with the fans. The club means a lot to him. Hopefully he'll win the Champions Leauge." [goal]
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby Zoe » Mon May 25, 2015 9:14 pm


Chiellini: “I have no grudge against Suarez. I'll mark him like I do Benzema, Messi, Cristiano, Neymar, and Bale.” [efe]

Lucas Leiva's Fantasy Team: Pepe Reina: Maicon Thiago Silva Agger Marcelo: Alonso Gilberto Silva: Ronaldinho Gerrard Neymar: Suarez
Leiva: “Suarez never stops running. If you face a player like him, it's a nightmare. You don't have the time and space to do what you want.”
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby Zoe » Wed May 27, 2015 6:47 pm




new adidas boots!

Bojan: “The 2 players that I would bring to Stoke City? Busquets and Luis Suárez.”

Suarez: “Your game changes all the time. If you are not learning every day in training, you are going backwards as a player.”
Luis Suarez to @Squawka “At Barça, we have forwards who can impose themselves on games, and that is how I need to be.”
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby Baysuk'RM » Thu May 28, 2015 9:18 am

Zoe wrote:Image



new adidas boots!

Bojan: “The 2 players that I would bring to Stoke City? Busquets and Luis Suárez.”

Suarez: “Your game changes all the time. If you are not learning every day in training, you are going backwards as a player.”
Luis Suarez to @Squawka “At Barça, we have forwards who can impose themselves on games, and that is how I need to be.”

Түүн шиг идэвхитэй, нэхэлт сайтан довтлогч одоогоор бол байхгүй. Багийн тоглолтод үзүүлж буй нөлөө нь үнэхээр гайхалтай
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby Бадруул » Thu May 28, 2015 5:24 pm

Англид байхдаа Кошьелни, Тэрри хоёр хамгийн хэцүү хамгаалагч санагддаг байсан гэнэ...
Хэзээ ч мартахгүй.......
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