Barça Youth System - La Masia

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Re: Barça Youth System - La Masia

Postby Zoe » Tue Apr 05, 2016 6:17 pm

Barça have paid $4million for a 50% stake on Lucas and the right to sign him anytime they see him fit to join the club. [EFE]
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Barça Youth System - La Masia

Postby turuue » Thu Apr 07, 2016 7:59 pm

Сампер битгий яваасай. Эндээ тэвчээртэй хүлээж байгаад ирээдүйн Чави болоосой.
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Re: Barça Youth System - La Masia

Postby Zoe » Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:47 pm

Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Barça Youth System - La Masia

Postby Zoe » Fri Apr 29, 2016 12:41 pm

Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Barça Youth System - La Masia

Postby PrOXy » Thu May 05, 2016 12:33 pm

олон улсын барса эскола.. 22 сургуулиа байгуулаад байгаа.

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Re: Barça Youth System - La Masia

Postby Zoe » Fri May 20, 2016 11:21 am
Top 5 goals scored by youth this week
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Barça Youth System - La Masia

Postby PrOXy » Sun May 22, 2016 5:05 pm

Zoe wrote:
Top 5 goals scored by youth this week

1т нь орсон гоолын эзэн рики пиг гээд хүүхдийг л анхааралдаа аваарай гээд байгаа даа. бүр инфантилээс л тоглоод яваа байгаа хүү.
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Re: Barça Youth System - La Masia

Postby Zoe » Thu Jun 02, 2016 1:20 pm

Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Barça Youth System - La Masia

Postby Zoe » Sat Jun 18, 2016 3:52 pm

Barça dedicate new museum space to La Masia
The Catalan club has enstated an area in the 'Camp Nou Experience' in honour of the academy and its famous graduates and teachers


La Masia - a symbol of the youth system and DNA of Barça - has been included in the museum at the Camp Nou with its own section.

The 200 square meters area is located on the second floor of the museum and has 31 screens through which a tour of La Masia is shown along with the names of the graduates that came through its doors.

Tributes are paid to the illustrious list of Masia players and teachers, including Guillermo Amor, Josep Guardiola, Tito Vilanova, Xavi Hernandez, Lionel Messi, Andres Iniesta, Lionel Messi and, of course, Johan Cruyff.

Not only was the Dutchman a key protagonist of the 1992 'Dream Team' that won Barça's first European Cup, Cruyff also implemented the playing style of the club that is still present in Luis Enrique's side today.
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Barça Youth System - La Masia

Postby PrOXy » Mon Aug 29, 2016 10:58 am

Barça doesn't buy galacticos, we CREATE them.
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Re: Barça Youth System - La Masia

Postby Zoe » Thu Sep 15, 2016 11:18 pm

According to Japanese media, FC Tokyo attacker Takefusa Kubo is to join FC Barcelona again on 2019 season. ... 50710.html
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Barça Youth System - La Masia

Postby PrOXy » Thu Oct 27, 2016 4:52 pm

Barca are set to double their investment from 1.25m to 2.95m in La Masia in a bid to bring improvements to their youth ranks. [dailymail] :-D

In the new 'Masia 360' project, 16 extra tutors are being taken on to help with the education of the young players.
2 psychologists and 5 teaching assistants who will travel with youth teams whenever they travel away for more than two days at a time. [fcb]
Masia 360 project will also see betterment in taxi services that'll carry young players back & forth and also chefs that cook for team [fcb]

ла масиагаа анхаарахгүй бол...

ситигийн жаалуудыг ч чардайж байж хожсон байна лээ. одоо хэсгээ 9 оноотой тэргүүлж явна. ганц ялалт байгуулахад хэсгээсээ гарлаа.
ситигийн академи угийн суурь сайтай байсан дээрээ араб аваад гаднаас олон сайн залуус цуглуулж улам л мундаг болсоор байгаа. удахгүй энэ залуусаас юм дуулгаад эхлэх байх. пеп очоод залуусын тоглолт, бэлтгэлийг нь их үздэг гэсэн. тэрэнд нь урамшаад залуус нь улам хичээж байгаа гээд англи нийтлэл гарсан байсан.
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Re: Barça Youth System - La Masia

Postby PrOXy » Thu Nov 03, 2016 11:45 am
манай боцканууд ситигийн пацкануудыг гэрт нь хожсон. хэсгээс 1-ээр гарах нь тодорхой боллоо. :beer
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Re: Barça Youth System - La Masia

Postby PrOXy » Fri Nov 25, 2016 11:21 am

манай хөвгүүд уефа юүф лигт 100%-ийн амжилттай хэсгээ тэргүүлж явна. селтикийн хүүхдүүдийг 4-1ээр гэрт нь нухжээ. күкү лав их сайн байгаа сурагтай байсан.
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Re: Barça Youth System - La Masia

Postby PrOXy » Fri Dec 30, 2016 11:33 am

за манай инфантил б-ийн жаалууд энэ жилийн ла лига промисес тэмцээнд түрүүллээ. шигшээд атлети, хагас шигшээд эль класикодож мадридыг тус тус нухсан... сайхан тэмцээн боллоо. тэмцээний шилдэгээр багийн ахлагч адриа капдевийяа шалшарсан.
тус тэмцээнд түрүүлсэн тоогоороо манайхан 1-т орж ирсэн байна. өнгөрсөн жил чави симмонс тэргүүтэй хөвгүүд маань бас түрүүлсэн гэж байгаа. нийт 6 түрүүтэй, араас ла фабрика 5 түрүүтэй яваам байна.
семи, барса 2-0 мадрид
финал, барса 6-1 атлети

мвп - адриа капдевийяа
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