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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby turuue » Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:42 am


Финал уг нь давтаж үзсэн хэрнээ анзаараагүй байж. Энэ 10 тоглогчоос Луисито ганцаараа дараагийн хэдэн хоромд юу болохыг тааж мэдэрчээ, мань хүний сэтгэмж, заль, суу ухаан аргагүй гоц. Суу Билэгт Суарес гэж үнэн юм аа. :D
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby Оргил » Tue Jul 07, 2015 8:37 am

төрлөхийн чанар нь юм шиг байгаан.. үргэлж дараагийн юмыг бодож байдаг тэр нь амжилттай болох нь их ядаж байхад.. ямар ч мундаг хаалгач хамгаалагч алдаа гаргадаг л байхгүй юу.. гэтэл ард нь суарэз байж л байна..
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby Nova » Tue Jul 07, 2015 8:45 am

Бадруул wrote:Англид байхдаа Кошьелни, Тэрри хоёр хамгийн хэцүү хамгаалагч санагддаг байсан гэнэ...

Манай Кошийг ч 1 эсрэг 1 дээр шоглочих тоглогч бараг байхгүйдээ.
Месси хүртэл бараагүйшд :ногоон:
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby turuue » Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:06 pm

Луис Суарес 2014-15

ДАШТ-ийг бэртлээр эхлүүлж, шийтгэлээр дуусгасан Луисито Барселонд газардлаа. Лигийн түвшинд Мэсси, Роналдугаас ч илүү тоглолт үзүүлж, гайхалтай улирлыг үдээд байсан ч ээлжиж удаагаа хүн хазсанаар түүний нэр хүнд базаахгүй байсан ба Барселон клубын фэнүүд ч энэ наймаанд янз бүрээр харж дүгнэцгээв. Түүний чадварт эргэлзэх зүйл үгүй нь тодорхой, харин түүнийг үгүйсгэх шалтгаанууд голдуу "гурван аваргад нэг бөмбөг цөөднө", "тэнгэрт ганц л нар буй" гэх маягтай. Миний хувьд ганц л айдас байсан нь баг эгондоо хахаж, түүндээ хальтрах вий гэсэн болгоомлол.

Удаан хугацааны хориг хүртсэн Суарес блауграна өмсгөлтэй анхны тоглолт нь Эль Класико болж таарав. Лигийн зүгээс зориуд ингэсэн эсэхийг мэдэхгүй ч үнэхээр хувь заяа гэлтэй. Юутай ч энэ гайхам тохиолын талаар Луисито "Би хувь тавиланд итгэдэг, бурхан учиртай болоод л ингэж тааруулсан байж таарна" гэсээр Мадридын багийн эсрэг тоглолтонд гараанд гарч ердөө 4 дэх минутанд Наймарт гоолын дамжуулалт өгч, гоолын салхийг хагалуулсан. Улмаар Мэссид гоолын боломж гаргаж өгсөн ч хаалганы хажуугаар зөрсөн. Уг тоглолтонд хэдийгээр Реал Мадрид Барсаг илт илүүрхэн хожсон ч Суаресийн хувьд муугүй эхлэл болсон.

Ингэж талбайн гадуурх гунигт сарууд төгссөн бол мөн талбай дээрх хар сарууд эхэлж байж. Өөрийн тоглолтоо олохгүй, гоолоор цангасан тоглолтууд үргэлжиж түүнд эргэлзэж байсны олныг ч зөвтгөсөөр. Гоолын хялбархан боломжууд олноор нь хийсгэж тэр тоолондоо илүү хүчилж, түүндээ өөрөө хүлэгдээд байсан ч юм шиг. Уг нь АПОЭЛ, Севийягийн эсрэг дараалсан тоглолтуудад Мэсситэй гайхалтай хамтарч чадах нь тод харагдсан ч гоолууд дутагдсаар. Хэн хэнийх нь сэтгэх чадвар, зөн мэдрэмж үнэхээр олноос онцгой энэ хоёр гоц тоглогч төгс хослол болох нь тэр үеэс мэдэгдсэн.

Эхний хүрэлтүүд тааруу байснаас олон ч удаа бөмбөг алдаж, тоглолтын хэмнэл унагаж тэр бүрдээ шүүмжлүүлж байсан ч Луисито бууж өгсөнгүй. Түүний хувьд ч, Барсагийн хувьд ч бүх зүйлийг мартаж, шинээр эхэлсэн эргэлтийн цэг нь Атлетигийн эсрэг тоглолт. Лео "албан ёсоор" төвийн байр сууриа Луиситод шилжүүлж, Суарес болон МСН, мөн Барсагийн мандан бадрал эхэлсэн нь тэр. Суарес энэ тоглолтонд гоолдоод зогсохгүй хэд хэдэн ганган боломж үүсгэж эргээд ирснээ зарласан ба үүнээс хойш тоглолт нь чанар болон статистикийн хувьд гэрлийн хурдаар зогсолтгүй ахьсан.

Аваргуудын Лигийн шөвгийн 16-д Манчестерт зочлон Барселон клубын төлөөх анхны дабль-аа хийж Ситигээс өнгөрсөн жилийн хариугаа бага ч атугай авсан. Суаресийн хоёр гоол ерөнхийдөө бүх асуудлыг эхний тоглолтоор шийдчихсэн бол шөвгийн наймд ч энэ байдал давтагдсан, гэхдээ илүү сүр дуулиантай, уран гоёор. Эйфелийн цамхгийг нураасан Суаресаар анх удаа бүх күле нар жинхнээсээ бахархсан нь энэ байх. Бүх шүүмжлэлүүд ард үлдэж, түүний Парис дах шоу Европийн хэвлэлийн нүүрүүдийг гоёсон.

Шөвгийн дөрөвт Баерны эсрэг эхний тоглолтонд тааруу байсан ч эцсээ хүртэл тэмцдэг дайчин сэтгэл зүй нь нэгэнт тайвшраад арагш татчихсан байсан Барсагийн гурав дах гоолыг эхлүүлж, финалд хүрэх нь бараг л ойлгомжтой болсон. Ер нь Суаресийн энэ Англид сурсан хүчний тоглолт нь МСН гурвалын хувьд маш чухал. Харьцангуй нялцайчхаад байсан Барселоны довтолгоо илүү биежсэн.

Харин хариу тоглолт бүрэн утгаараа Луиситогийн үнэ цэнийг харуулсан гэхэд хилсдэхгүй. Эхний хагаст хоёр удаа сугарч гарч ирээд аль алинд нь өөрөөс нь илүү байрлалд байгаа Нэй-д дамжуулж хоёр ассист өгсөн нь ээлжит удаагаа түүнийг ямархуу багийн тоглогч, мөн дэлхийн хамгийн бүтээлч довтлогч гэдгийг нь харуулсан. Энэ 45 мин-д тэр ямар чухал тоглогч болохоо үзүүлсэн бол 2-р хагаст түүнийг бэртлийн улмаас сэлгээнд суулгаад бүрэн хамгаалтанд шилжсэн Барса үнэндээ хамгаалалт, довтолгоо аль ч үгүй болсон нь Суарес үнэхээр орлуулшгүй тоглогч гэдгийг, Барсагийн функцийн маш чухал элемент болчихсон гэдгийг нь угтаа тултал мэдрүүлсэн.

Аваргуудын Лигийн финалд хожлын гоол оруулснаар Луиситогийн бүтэлгүй эхэлсэн улирал үлгэр аятай дууслаа. Мэсси бөмбөг аваад довтолгоонд шилжихэд Суарес 9, 10 тоглогч дундаас ганцаараа дараагийн хэдэн хоромд юу болохыг тааж гоолдсон нь гайхалтай.
turuue wrote:Image

Финал уг нь давтаж үзсэн хэрнээ анзаараагүй байж. Энэ 10 тоглогчоос Луисито ганцаараа дараагийн хэдэн хоромд юу болохыг тааж мэдэрчээ, мань хүний сэтгэмж, заль, суу ухаан аргагүй гоц. Суу Билэгт Суарес гэж үнэн юм аа. :D

Ер нь мань хүн Аваргуудын Лигийн хасагдах шатны учраа бүрд л ямар нэгэн чухал зүйл хийсэн аж. Копа дел Рэй финалд мөн Нэй-д нэг гоол бэлдэж өгсөн бол Эль Класикод довтлогчийн торгон мэдрэмжээр оруулсан гоол нь Лигийн аварга болоход том тус болсон нь гарцаагүй.

Пэпийг явсны дараа хавраас false-9 буюу хуурам 9 номероо бүрэн ашиглаж чадахгүй байсан ба хэрэгтэй үед Мэссид өгөөд ямар нэгэн юм хийхийг нь хүлээдэг болчихсон үед мань хүн ч довтлогчийн хувьд төгсөрчихсөн байсан тулдаа овоо аваад явсан. Суарес шиг мобайл, Мэсситэй ойлголцоод шилжилттэй тоглож чадах довтлогч үгүйлэгдэж байсан хүлээлтийг Суарес нэг мөр эцэс болгосон. Үнэнийг хэлэхэд ийм мобайл довтлогчоор Агуэрог авчрах боломжтой гэж хардаг байсан болохоос Суаресийг нэг л төсөөлж байсангүй, яагаад юм бол доо.

МСН шиг гурван том нэр зохицож эвлэхэд хэн хэнийхээ төлөө хангалттай зүтгэх ёстойг гурвуулаа зөв ойлгож, тус бүрдээ бусдынхаа төлөө өөрийгөө золиослож, тэр чинээгээ бие биесээ хүчирхэгжүүлж дийлдэшгүй довтолгоог үүсгэж, магадгүй бүх цаг үеийн хамгийн шилдэг довтолгооны гурвалыг цогцлоолоо. Суаресийн хувьд булангийн цохилтын хамгаалалт, бөмбөг бүрийн төлөө эцсийн удаа юм шиг тэмцдэг нэхэлтүүд гээд довтолгооны бус элементүүд нь олон талаар нэмэртэй байв. МСН гэсэн шуургыг бусад багууд яахаа мэдэхгүй үймж байгаад, азаар улирал дуусч байж л зогслоо.

МСН үнэхээр шилдэг гурвал, гэхдээ тэр дундаа Мэсси, Суаресийн хослол арай л онцгой. Нэг нэгнээ ойлгож гүйж байгаа нь, жижиг хувилбарууд явж байгаа нь. Хэн хэнийх нь сэтгэмж үнэхээр тасархай болохоор тэр байх. Хамгийн тааварлашгүй, ухаалаг, мэдрэмжтэй хоёр довтлогч нэг дор зэрэгцэхээр ч бужигнуулах юм. Мэсси-Нэймар мундаг хослол, гэхдээ нэг талдаа иртэй. Харин Мэсси-Суарес бол хоёр талдаа иртэй, хамгаалагч нар аль ч талаас нь барихын аргагүй. Мэссигийн дрибль, Суаресийн энэ гараа савчсан, сонин тавилттай гүйлтүүд зурагтаар үзэхэд л учир олддоггүй юм чинь хамгаалагч нарыг бүр бажгадуулдаг байж таарна. Алдарт тайлбарлагч Рэй Хюдсон энэ хослолыг гайхан шагшрахдаа "Мэсси-Суарес гэсэн хослолд Жон Леннон, Пол Маккартни нар ч атаархана" гэсэн нь бий.

Хэдэн сар тоглоогүй гэхэд 25 гоол, 17 ассист гэсэн сайн үзүүлэлттэй. Чадварын хувьд 40, 50, 60 гоол хийгээд боломжтой ч тэр бол дэндүү багийн тоглогч. Магадгүй хэзээ ч нэг улиралд 50 гоол хийхгүй байх, гэхдээ тэр үүнээс хавьгүй үнэ цэнтэй тоглогч байх болно.
Last edited by turuue on Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby Оргил » Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:23 pm

:eek янзтай..

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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby zigo » Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:21 am

Оргил wrote:төрлөхийн чанар нь юм шиг байгаан.. үргэлж дараагийн юмыг бодож байдаг тэр нь амжилттай болох нь их ядаж байхад.. ямар ч мундаг хаалгач хамгаалагч алдаа гаргадаг л байхгүй юу.. гэтэл ард нь суарэз байж л байна..

хэлээд юугэхэв. келини түүнд хазуулахаас айгаад өөрөө өөрийгөө бэртээнэ гэж ч мэдэж байсан учираас л иваныг хазсан байхдаа тэ? ккк үргэлж дараагийн юмыг бодож явдаг болохоороо хүн хазаад яваад байдаг байж лдээ. кккк
довтлогч хэрэгтэй!!!
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby Оргил » Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:30 am

ганцаараа зүтгээд2 баг н амжихгүй үед шар н гозолзоод л хазчдийм шиг байгаамөө хэхэ

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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby Zoe » Fri Sep 04, 2015 2:45 pm


with his gf Sofia! ...

Suarez in commercial

Messi: “I’ve said before that with Neymar’s quality, touch and fitness, he can become the best in the world, and Suarez is the same.”

Marco van Basten: "I was expecting him (Suárez) to be really good player but I didn't think of him playing for a team like Barça."
Marco van Basten: "I felt he'd be more suited to a team like Juve or Inter because the football in Italy is a bit different than Spain."
Van Nistelrooy (ex-Man United) “When Neymar, Suarez and Messi are functioning, Barcelona have the best attack in the world.” [goal]

Xavi: "Suarez has adapted very well to life at Barcelona and I'm really pleased for him, because he humble, hard-working and down-to-earth."
Xavi: "Suarez wins fouls, he's a goalscorer, he's got a similar killer instinct to Eto'o. He's an incredible player in the box." [uefa]

Barzagli (Juventus): "Suarez and Neymar are top 5 in the world and Messi is number one, a phenomenon. He showed it again in CL final." [sky]

Vasilyev (Monaco VP) “Man United made us an offer for Martial. It's the price of Suarez or Neymar. The best players in the world.” [sun]

Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby Zoe » Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:48 am



Fossati (ex-coach URU): "I've never seen a player who is so influential in URU as Suarez, for his own team as well as for opponents." [sc]

Suarez: "My example as a kid? Batistuta, for his way of being and his character. He was a complete a striker." [lv]

Arsene Wenger: "Luis Suárez is outstanding. He makes players around him click, like he did at #LFC, Ajax & now Barça. Credit to Lucho, too."

Fernandinho (Man City): "Messi or Ronaldo? Messi. Hazard or Neymar? Neymar. Lewandowski or Suarez? Suarez." [mcfc]

Suarez: "Aspects of my game I can improve? I'm very self-critical. Sometimes I think I play too fast, that I'd need to pause for a second."
Suarez: "When you have quality players around you, it's easier to improve. At Barça, you learn a lot just by looking at what others do."
Suarez: "Nobody gave me anything. I've been working hard since I was a kid. All those efforts makes me enjoy every moment now." [lv]

Fabregas: "I don't remember a front three like Messi, Suarez and Neymar, as powerful and talented as those three, since I was born."
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Postby Zoe » Tue Nov 10, 2015 11:43 am

Breakdown of Luis Suarez' 300 career goals;
12 Nacional
15 Groningen
111 Ajax
82 Liverpool
36 Barcelona
44 Uruguay



Cristian 'Cebolla' Rodriguez: "For me his is the best in the world: he doesn't mess around, he confronts you and takes players on like he's playing on the streets, which is why for me he's the best in the world,"

Pereiro (PSV Eindhoven) “I talk to Luis Suarez. He's a great example for me. I'm happy he's doing well at Barcelona.” [efe]

Schmidt (Leverkusen coach): "Even without Messi, Barcelona are a super team. Luis Suarez scored a world-class goal."

Gary Lineker: " Messi, Suarez and Neymar could well prove to be the most prolific, thrilling, unstoppable front 3 of all time."

Suarez: "Best goal for Barcelona? In the clasico against Madrid. Scoring the winning goal at home was a dream, the best memory." [tv3]

Patrik Andersson: "I love how Suarez has adapted to this Barca. I enjoy watching him."

Tw Gary Lineker: "If you get a chance to see Suarez's goal for Barça, then do so. It really is a thing of beauty."

Cesc (Chelsea): "My ultimate XI? Courtois - Azpilicueta Marquinhos Pique Alaba - Pogba Fabregas Verratti - Messi Suarez Hazard." [motdm]


Steven Gerrard on stopping Luis Suarez from joining Arsenal in 2013
Last edited by Zoe on Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Postby meesh » Mon Nov 23, 2015 6:11 pm

Куэ тэр эхний гоолыг гадарлаж байгаа нь.
Дасгалжуулагчид, одууд багаа сольдог харин ФАНАТУУД хэзээ ч.....
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Re: 9 - Луйс Альберто Суарез Диаз

Postby Бадруул » Tue Nov 24, 2015 4:05 am

zigo wrote:
Оргил wrote:төрлөхийн чанар нь юм шиг байгаан.. үргэлж дараагийн юмыг бодож байдаг тэр нь амжилттай болох нь их ядаж байхад.. ямар ч мундаг хаалгач хамгаалагч алдаа гаргадаг л байхгүй юу.. гэтэл ард нь суарэз байж л байна..

хэлээд юугэхэв. келини түүнд хазуулахаас айгаад өөрөө өөрийгөө бэртээнэ гэж ч мэдэж байсан учираас л иваныг хазсан байхдаа тэ? ккк үргэлж дараагийн юмыг бодож явдаг болохоороо хүн хазаад яваад байдаг байж лдээ. кккк

"Хоролмаа" Зиго гэж хоосон нэр биш юм байна, маргаангүйм байнөө.. ккк
Хэзээ ч мартахгүй.......
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Postby Zoe » Sat Nov 28, 2015 12:23 pm


Florentino Perez: "Suarez is not a very good player".

Tw Niall Horan (singer One Diretcion): "Favourite players at the moment? Excluding Messi (injured obviously) .. Neymar, Suarez and Özil"

Piqué: "Dream team? De Gea- Stones, Piqué, Ramos- Iniesta, Busquets, Fabregas, Pogba- Messi, Suarez and Neymar."

Valdano (ex-Real Madrid): "Facing Suarez drives every defender mad. Always moving, always an eye on the goal. He's as intense at toothache."

Alfonso (ex-Barça) “Messi's layoff has shown that Neymar and Suarez can carry the team. Neymar has risen to the challenge and then some.”

Lucas Leiva's 'five-a-side team': Luis Suarez, Xabi Alonso, Steven Gerrard, Ronaldinho, Neymar [lfc]

Henry Romero (Aguila, captain SLV): "Ballon d'Or? I'd vote for Messi first, Cristiano Ronaldo second, and Luis Suarez third." [edh]

Steven Gerard:"Suárez was world class but he's gone to another level.Some of the goals he's scoring are goals I didn't think were possible."
Steven Gerrard: "He (Suarez) seems to be at a place he wants to be and he seems settled. He's in the top three players in the world."

Suarez (ex-Barcelona -Inter): "I never saw a trio like Messi-Neymar-Suarez. Key has been Messi's modesty when Suarez and Neymar joined" [md]

Geronimo Rulli (Real Sociedad): "I'd give it to Messi, second place to Suárez and third to Neymar. I think they're the three best players in the world."
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Postby Zoe » Sat Dec 12, 2015 2:33 pm


new boots!



Rulli (Real Sociedad): "I'll be able to tell my grankids that I have played against Messi, Neymar and Suarez."

Suarez: "I had to go through a lot to join Barça. I wouldn't leave, not even when they offer me 3-4 times more. This is where I want to be."

Hans Krankl: The trident is marvellous and Messi a little footballing god

Piqué: “Suarez is the best number 9 in the world. he's scored many goals and also important ones when we need them.”

Crespo (ex-Inter) “Among the 'humans', the best now are Higuain, Lewandowski and Suarez. Messi, Ronaldo, and Ibrahimovic are 3 supermen.”
Crespo: “Suarez is the most complete. He doesn't suffer from the presence of phenomenons at his side like Messi and Neymar.” [gds]

Busquets: "Suarez is important for us, he works very hard. For me, best centre forward in the world, together with Lewandowski."

Valdano (ex-Real Madrid): "Messi-Suarez-Neymar is a miracle. Their friendship has solved the many problems the club has." [record via sport]

Van Gaal (coach Man United): "Question is would Suarez or Aguero score if they were here. Think they would. We create enough chances." [bbc]
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Postby Zoe » Mon Jan 11, 2016 2:14 pm


Suarez gets Man of the Match award after Club World Cup final

World Player of 2015: 1 Messi 2 Ronaldo 3 Neymar 4 Suarez 5 Lewandowski 6 Muller 7 Iniesta 8 Ibrahimovic 9 Pogba 10 Neuer #fcblive [world soccer magazine]

Maradona: "Messi, Suarez and Neymar are deadly."

Suarez: "The fans know that playing for Barça was my dream. I wanted to give everthing for this shirt." [el observador]

Thiago (Bayern): "Messi, Suarez, and Neymar are making history for Barca. They are a powerful trident." (ESPN)

Luis Felipe Scolari: 'MSN like Ronaldo, Rivaldo, Ronaldinho'

Carlos Sanchez (River Plate): "You can push, shove, and kick Suarez, but you can't keep him down. He's very dedicated." (La Nacion)

Hristo Stoitchkov: "There can be no doubt that Messi will win the Ballon d'Or. The only problem is that Suarez isn't among the finalists."

Thierry Henry: "It'd be madness if Messi wouldn't win the Ballon d'Or. What I don't understand is why Suarez isn't among the finalists."
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Postby Zoe » Thu Jan 28, 2016 2:55 pm


2015 suarez best 10 goals for la liga

Trezeguet (ex-Juventus): "Messi-Suarez-Neymar are making history. They're good for football, they enjoy themselves and so do the fans" [fcb]

Stoitchkov: "Messi-Ronaldo? You can't compare a legend with a normal player. Messi will win Ballon d'Or. Suarez should've been nominated."

Sampaoli: "The MSN is one of the 'worst' things to happen to football."
Sampaoli (Chile coach) “The friendship between MSN is the worst thing that's happened to football. FIFA must step in.” (joking) [ep]
Sampaoli: “Messi can win a game. In addition, if he empowers Suarez and Neymar, that's invaluable. They should ban it.” (smiles)

Arda Turan: "Describe Suarez? Joker. Messi? The boss. Neymar? My brother." [ser]

BeIN sports commentator: "Suarez is as cool as the back of a polar bear!"

Tw Charlie Austin (Southampton FC player): "Neymar Suarez Messi incredible to watch"

Bojan (Stoke): "Suarez dreamt of playing at Barça. He's one of the best strikers in the world and a great fit to play with Messi and Neymar"

David Villa: "Messi, Suárez, and Neymar are without a doubt the best trident in history.”

+1 goal and 1 match
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Postby Zoe » Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:33 pm


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Luis Suárez: "I dreamt of playing for Barça since I was a boy, and now it's a reality."

Tw Piers Morgan: “I'm having cold sweats at the thought of Messi, @neymarjr and @LuisSuarez9 bearing down on @mertesacker on 23-02-2016.”

Steven Gerrard (ex-Liverpool): "Luis Suarez is the best player I have played with." [bbc via sport]

Mendieta: “MSN? I'm not sure they're the best trio of all time but certainly they're one of the best.”

Maradona: “Neymar, Suarez and Messi will never go to Madrid unless there were problems with the club management. The fans are with them.”

Simeone: "Suárez' arrival have boosted their entire system. The wonderful thing is that their trio have no jealousies between them."

Neymar: "I'm a big fan of Messi and Suarez as players, and even more as persons. On pitch, Messi is a teammate. Off pitch, an idol." [bein]

Henrik Larsson: "Luis Suarez is very lethal. I followed him in the premiership, he can come up with goals from nowhere. A complete player."

Carragher: "Suarez was always fantastic but with Barça he’s moved up another level. Now he’s one of the greatest players in world football."
Carragher (ex-Liverpool): "You wonder how many goals Suarez will get by the end of the season. He should be looking at maybe 50 goals" [fcb]

Ronaldinho: “Is Messi the best I've seen? After me (smiles). Football is about moments. Now it's Messi, Neymar, and Suarez' era.”
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Postby Zoe » Fri Feb 26, 2016 12:23 pm

Halilovic: “My best friend is at Barça, Rakitic. I really want to play against him but also against Messi, Neymar and Suarez.”

Tw Lineker (ex-Barcelonar): "Messi. Suarez. Neymar. Stop. It. Now!"

Cebolla Rodriguez (Uruguay midfielder): "Luis Suarez is more than Leo Messi. He's in a moment of form. I feel proud of him because on top of being Uruguayan like me, he's a team-mate with the national side."

Wenger: "Camaraderie. I believe Suárez gives that to a team. He did it at Liverpool, he did it playing with Cavani and Forlan."
Wenger: "Suárez is the kind of guy who manages to create that spirit."

Martin Keown (Ex Arsenal): "Messi, Suárez and Neymar, we’re seeing an almost unprecedented spirit in a front three."

Redknapp: "Neymar, Luis Suarez.. the three of them (MSN) are just incredible aren't they." [GMS]

Arteta: "If I had to choose something about those three (Messi-Suárez-Neymar), I'd choose the way how they understand each other."
Arteta: "Its difficult to find players with such technical quality & so much talent who also look to each other, associate with each other."
Arteta: " often, and who are able to share the spotlight in such a surprising manner. I think that's what makes them so strong."

Giuly: "Messi-Suarez-Neymar vs Giuly-Eto'o-Ronaldinho? They score more than we did. They can each score 50 a year, that's impressive." [fcb]

Tw Gary Lineker: "Messi. Neymar. Suarez. Folks."

Cazorla (Arsenal) “What Messi, Suarez, and Neymar do together is incredible but Barça are more than just those three.” [onda]

Koeman: "Neymar and Suárez are two more big names. Their attack right now is amazing."

Jerome Boateng (Bayern): "Messi, Suarez, Neymar, Ronaldo can smell defenders' fear."
"They are just too good for you to make even a little mistake. More than speed or technique though, as a defender you need confidence."
"Messi, Suarez, Neymar, Ronaldo - they can all smell if you're afraid to duel with them. One whiff and then they destroy you. So you gotta show up."
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Postby Zoe » Tue Apr 05, 2016 6:11 pm

"Tie up the monster" - Peruvian sports daily 'Depor'

Sanchez Flores (coach Watford): "You can't compare Barça's attacking trio with anyone. I had never seen something like this before." [ser]

Wenger (coach Arsenal): "Barça have the best strikers I’ve seen. The three together are exceptional. They can create chances from nothing."

Fb Sarkozy (former French president): "Who'd I buy to replace Ibrahimovic at PSG? One, Messi. Two, Neymar. Three, Ronaldo. Four, Suarez."

Jamie Carragher: "How Suárez doing at Barça? Sensationally. He's the best centre forward in the world."

Carragher (ex-Liverpool) “Suarez is sensational, he's the best center-forward in the world. He's among the top 3 with Messi and Ronaldo.”
Carragher: “Suarez has contributed directly to make this Barça even better than the one Guardiola managed.”
Carragher: “I thought this would be impossible, but Suarez has helped make Messi the best in the world again.” [as]
Carragher: "Suárez deserved a place in the final 3 of the Ballon d'Or, along with Messi and Ronaldo."
Carragher: "Now the challenge is for Luis is to be the number one, and I think he has enough talent to do that."
Carragher: "MSN is the best forward line in history. The stats speak for themselves, but for me, it goes beyond the stats too."

Marquinhos (PSG): "Messi, Suarez and Neymar are players who make the difference. They can unlock a tough game in ten seconds." [fichajes]

Simeone: “Even though Messi is the best, he improved even more when Suarez and Neymar reached the level of performance they have now.”

Maxi Rodriguez (ex-Liverpool): "Suarez is just really good! He always knows what will happen, and that's not luck, that's a virtue." [l'esp]
Maxi Rodriguez: "At Liverpool, Suarez was alone against centre backs. At Barça, he plays with the best passers and he makes amazing runs."

Luis Garcia (ex-Barça) “Messi, Suarez, and Neymar are the best three in the history of football when you are talking about forwards.”
Luis Garcia: “MSN are always happy, they're not selfish when they have to score. When one wins a penalty, another one takes it.” [omnisport]

Tabarez (coach URU): "Since he joined Barcelona, Suarez has clearly improved, his decision-making has become a lot better."
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Postby Zoe » Sat Apr 30, 2016 9:12 am


INFOGRAPHIC: Luis Suarez career statistics

Goals Suarez this season (and games), compared to other Barcelona strikers last 25 years [el periodico]

Suarez is first player to be directly involved in 7 goals in a single Liga game in the 21st century #fcblive (4 goals, 3 assists) [via opta]

Suarez is first player to be back to back scoring 4 goals in 2 games in La Liga history.

Schuster (ex-Madrid coach) “At the moment, the Barcelona front three are more convincing. They're amazing to watch.” [as]

Sebastian Abreu on @ClubMitjanit "Luis Suarez is the most important player in our country's history."

Abreu (Uruguay) "Suarez is currently the best. The level he's showing, collectively and individually, makes him one of the best."
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Postby meesh » Wed May 18, 2016 9:19 am

Копадаа сайн үзчихвэл Баллон Дор авах юм биш үү? Өрсөлдөх нь Роналдо байгаа биз дээ СЛ-д түрүүлчихвэл авчих байхдаа. Бас нэмээд Еврогоор цоорчихгүй бол.
Дасгалжуулагчид, одууд багаа сольдог харин ФАНАТУУД хэзээ ч.....
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Postby Zoe » Wed Jun 08, 2016 1:15 am

Survey: Most exciting players to watch in the CL amongst British men:
Messi (64%)
Suarez (47%)
Cristiano Ronaldo (25%) [nissan]

"Best Player in the world" as voted on by Bundesliga players:

Messi 47.7%
Cristiano Ronaldo 29.8%
Neymar 4.3%
Luis Suarez 3.8% [kicker]

He has achieved the 5th largest haul in the history of #LaLiga

he best forwards in Europe's top 5 leagues according to the CIES Football Observatory

Transfer value according to CIES.

Stoichkov (ex-Barça) "Suarez is an outstanding player and a born winner. He scores so many goals because he is always looking for a goal."

Carragher: "It's a complete joy to watch the three of them play together. Just look at the game against Celta a few weeks ago.."

Godin (Atletico) on @partidodelas12 "Messi is the best player in the world and Luis Suarez is the best forward."

Henderson: "It’ll be good to be playing against Luis Suarez again. He’s one of the best players in the world." [lfc]
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Postby Zoe » Thu Sep 15, 2016 10:50 pm

Image ... b45ac.html
Luis Suarez's EIGHT best free-kicks

A statue of Luis Suárez was unveiled in his hometown of Salto, Uruguay on Wednesday [marca, efe]

Tw Morgan (Leicester): "Disappointing tournament for the reggae boys but happy to add this shirt to the collection"

Conte (Chelsea coach) "We have great talent, but now the world doesn't think they're at the same level as Messi, Neymar, Suarez, Ronaldo."

Emmanuel Petit (ex- Barcelona) "Paul Pogba to Man United for £100M is a waste. I would buy Luis Suarez." [yahoo]

Denis Suarez: "Luis Suarez is a natural goal-scorer. He's scored for all the teams he's played for."

Henderson (Liverpool) "Messi, Ronaldo, Suarez are seen as elite players in world football. Coutinho has talent to be in that bracket" [echo]

Neville: "With Messi, Suárez and Neymar up front they were incredible. Neymar was just out there taking the piss they were that good.."

Arsene Wenger (Arsenal coach): "Alexis Sanchez can be our Luis Suarez. He has similar qualities." [Sky]
Wenger: "He [Alexis Sánchez] has played as a centre-forward at Barcelona. He is technically top."

Gianluca Zambrotta (ex-Italy) "Ibrahimovic compares with the best players at the moment like Luis Suarez and Neymar, Messi, Ronaldo." [sun]
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Postby Zoe » Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:27 am

turuue wrote:

Өмнөд Америкийн ДАШТ сонгон шалгаруулалт бүх үеийн мэргэн буучдын жагсаалтын нэгт Крэспотой тэнцжээ.

Top scorers in South American WC qualifiers...

Luis Suárez 19
Hernán Crespo 19
Marcelo Salas 18
Iván Zamorano 17
Leo Messi 16

Tom Rogic (Celtic midfielder): "He’s [Suarez] one of the best players in the world at the moment, there’s no doubting that."

Brendan Rodgers: "Luis Suarez is one of the most beautiful men you come across, a humble guy who works tirelessly. A family man who gives everything."

Sergio Gonzalez (fan): "Neymar is my favorite player in Barça, along with Luis Suarez and Messi". [sport]

POLL: "Better trio"? MSN 74% - BBC (Benzema, Bale, Cristiano) 26% (2,500 internet votes) [france football]

Manolas (Roma) "Top 5 players (forwards) I've faced? Ibrahimovic, Luis Suarez, Benzema, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Messi." [asroma]

Kolo Toure (Celtic) “I have played against many top strikers, many combinations, but this (MSN) is crazy. The combination is amazing.” [sp]
Kolo Toure: “MSN are the best I've ever seen. They work so hard for each other, they're like brothers.” [sunday post]
Kolo Toure: “The Barça of 2005-06 was a good team. They beat us (Arsenal) in the CL final, but this (MSN) is the next level.”
Kolo Toure: “Before the CL game, Luis Suarez said 'It's going to be a tough night. I said 'We'll fight'. At the end, he said 'I told you'.”

Sandra Diaz (mother L.Suarez): "Only shoes he had were for school, not for football. He usually played without footwear not to miss games".
Sandra Diaz: "I never had to call Suarez in the morning to go to training. He got up on his own, he was always responsible, raining or not".
Sandra Diaz: "If Suarez didn't have money for travel, he'd manage to convince someone to take him". [panenka mag]
Sandra Diaz: "Suarez hated losing. He got angry when he couldn't score goals, he hated to lose".
Sandra: "His impatience always led him to use same tactic, which was to get in front of the goalkeeper and try to fight him for the ball".
Sandra Diaz: "One day I called Suarez, he told me he was meeting with some Dutch (teams). I couldn't believe it. I spent whole time crying".
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Postby Zoe » Fri Dec 09, 2016 12:44 am


Ronaldinho: "Attacking trios, which one is better? Everyone did great. With Eto'o and Messi we did great things".

Zabaleta (Man City) "Luis Suarez is one of the best forwards you can see in modern football. He's very intelligent."

Godin (Atletico) "Luis Suarez is the best forward in the world, the best striker. It is very difficult to mark him." [espn]
Godin: "Luis Suarez is very crafty, has great movement in the area and is an extremely complicated attacker to defend against."

Riyad Mahrez: "Top 3 players? I would say Cristiano, Messi and maybe Griezmann or Luis Suarez."

Diego Forlan (ex-Uruguay): "Top 3 players? Messi, Cristiano and Luis Suarez. Luis is a great player but I think Messi is the best." [goal]

David Villa: "I think Messi, Suarez, and Neymar are showing that they can play together. They're the best strikers in the world." [sky]
David Villa: "Ballon d'Or? I don't know who will win but I'm sure it will be between Messi, Luis Suarez, Neymar and Cristiano."

Mario Balotelli: "Ballon d'Or? Cristiano, Messi or Luis Suarez will win, but to be honest, I would give it to Luis Suarez." [telefoot]

Figo: "Messi, Suarez, and Neymar are fantastic players. I enjoy their football but I won't compare them too Bale, Benzema, and Cristiano."

Coutinho (Liverpool): "Top 3 players in the world? My top three players in the world are the MSN trio" [fft]
Coutinho: "One is fast, the other is skilful, then there's the top scorer, so they really complete each other
Coutinho: "Obviously there are others at Real Madrid too, like Cristiano Ronaldo, but those three (MSN) complete each other"

Wes Brown (Ex-Man United): Top 3 players? "For my no.3, I'll go with Luis Suarez, at no.2 with Cristiano Ronaldo, and no.1 is Messi." [FFT]
Brown: "I played against Suarez when he was at Liverpool and I'm telling you he's probably one of the hardest that I've played against."
Brown: "Suarez is always a threat, he can score from anywhere. He is quick, he's intelligent."

Puyol: "Messi, Suarez and Neymar are wonderful. It's difficult to find three players of the same caliber in the same club." [iamnaples]
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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