Барса Б

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Re: Барса Б

Postby Zoe » Mon Jan 04, 2016 6:12 pm

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New Barcelona B players Xemi and Moises signing their contract
Sevilla B left back Moi (21), Cornella midfielder Xemi (20)
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Барса Б

Postby Zoe » Mon Jan 11, 2016 1:49 pm

New Barcelona B midfielder Fali
Official: Barcelona announce the transfer of Gimnastic (2nd div) midfielder Fali (22) on loan until end of season

Official: Barcelona announce that contracts of B goalkeeper Fabrice Ondoa (20) and B midfielder Pol Calvet (21) have been rescinded


Barcelona B goalkeeper Ondoa joins 2nd division team Nastic

Official: Deportivo announce that Barcelona B midfielder Pol Calvet (21) joins their B-team until June, with option to extend

Official: Benfica confirm the signing of Barcelona B left back Alex Grimalldo (20) on 5,5 year deal, Barcelona get 1,5M and % on future sale
Benfica will pay 1,5M for Barcelona B left back Alex Grimaldo (20). The club will also get a percentage of a future sale. [ser]
Barcelona will get 15% of transfer fee if Benfica sells former Barcelona B player Grimaldo before 2019, 10% when he's sold after that [rac1]
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Барса Б

Postby Zoe » Wed Jan 13, 2016 12:26 pm

Contract of Barcelona B winger Aitor Cantalapiedra (19), who made his first team debut in the Copa this season, has been rescinded. [rac1]

Contract of B centre back Macky Bagnack (20) has been rescinded. Player doesn't agree with conditions and could take legal action [sport md]

Barcelona have deal with B midfielder David Babunski (21) to rescind his contract. Player has several offers, from Spain and abroad. [sport]

Barcelona are trying to convince B keeper Jose Suarez (20) to accept contract rescission. Player doesn't agree with condidtions. [md sport]

note: barcelona are rescinding contracts of b players because they have too many players and need free spots to register the new signings
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Барса Б

Postby PrOXy » Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:57 am

Вдф! Юу вэ хамаг залуусаа явуулчихаж бгаамуу. Солиорсон юм бх даа.
Тэгснээ баахан эрээвэр хураавар нөхдүүдийг тал талаас цуглуулдаг наасан. Яг солиорчиж. Ямар юмных нь ла масиа, пилсоов бхав дээ.

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Last edited by PrOXy on Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Барса Б

Postby PrOXy » Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:02 am

Кальвет, айтор... Гримальдо.

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Re: Барса Б

Postby Zoe » Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:16 am


Barcelona B right back Joan Campins (20) is expected to leave on loan during the January transfer window. [md]
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Барса Б

Postby PrOXy » Thu Jan 14, 2016 3:54 pm

Youngcules: BREAKING: According to Gerard Romero, Barça B are still planning to get 4-5 new players this window! The mass exodus is not over yet!

хуйгаар нь солих юм байна лд... аа, мэдкү аа!
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Re: Барса Б

Postby Zoe » Sat Jan 16, 2016 5:40 pm


Official: Barcelona announce the transfer of Olot (3rd div) forward Alberto Perea (25), who joins on a 1,5-year deal
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Барса Б

Postby Zoe » Thu Jan 21, 2016 4:18 pm

Official: Barcelona confirm that the contract of B midfielder Lionel Enguene (20) has been rescinded
Official: Barcelona B midfielder Lionel Enguene (20), whose contract was rescinded, has joined Turkish team Antalyaspor

Contract of B forward Jean-Marie Dongou (20) will be rescinded. Close to Zaragoza, Las Palmas asked to not decide before next week. [pda]

Tondela forward Salva Chamorro (25) will join Barcelona B. His contract at the Portuguese club could be rescinded. [diario informacion]
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Барса Б

Postby kayo » Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:35 pm

Харин ёстой хуйгаар нь солиж байна, яахав Б багийн амжилт муу байгаа нь үнэн л дээ, гэхдээ тэр чинь залуучуудадаа биш дасгалжуулагчиддаа гэж бодоод байгаа, сайн сайн залуучууд бол өчнөөн байгаа. Донгоу, Гримальдо, Багнак, Бабунски энэ тэр гээд, тэгснээ баахан нөхдийг өөр багаас аваад байдаг.
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Re: Барса Б

Postby PrOXy » Sat Jan 23, 2016 11:14 am

за муу донгоу маань хүртэл явлаа даа. сарагосатай гэрээ хийж.
8 жил барсад зүтгэсэн. б багт ирээд л учираа олсонгүй. уг нь доор тоглодог байхдаа ёстой бузарлаж байсан даа. граам хантер хэлж бйасан юм. донгоугийн хүүхэд насны карьер леогоос ч доминант өнгөрсөн гээд.
энийг ингэж тайлбарладаг юм билээ. донгоу үеийн хүүхдүүдээсээ үргэлж биеийн хөгжилөөр илүү байсан. тэгээд бусдаасаа илт онцгойрч чаддаг байсан.. гэвч томчуултай тулах үед түүнд хүндрэлүүд гарч эхэлсэн. нөгөө доминант чанар нь байхгүй болсон. өөртөө итгэх итгэлээ гээсэн гм... б багт ч маш олон боломжууд хийсгэдэг байсан тал бий...
их л найддаг хүүхэд байсан. амжилт хүсъе дээ.

самугийн маань сангийн шугамаар ирж байсан африк хүүхдүүдээс ингээд ихэнхи нь явчихав уу даа. миний мэдэхээр годсвиль, каптум хоёр л үлдэх шив.
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Re: Барса Б

Postby Zoe » Thu Jan 28, 2016 3:08 pm

Tw García Pimienta: "Dongou... Character, strength and intelligence. 8 years with us, with the utmost desire. Good luck, you deserve it."


Official: Barcelona announce the signing of forward Salva Chamorro (25) for the B team

OFFICIAL: Barcelona confirm that the contract of B player David Babunski (21) has been rescinded.
Midfielder David Babunski (21), whose Barcelona B contract was rescinded, will join Serbian club Red Star Belgrade on 2,5-year deal. [sport]
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Барса Б

Postby Zoe » Thu Feb 04, 2016 7:42 pm


Monaco (on loan at Arouca) centre back Borja Lopez has joined Barcelona B #fcblive [fcb]
Official: Arouca (Portugal) announced that centre back Borja Lopez (21) joined Barcelona B, after Arouca loan and Monaco contract were ended
Official: Barcelona announce transfer of Monaco centre back Borja Lopez (21), this season on loan at Arouca, to Barcelona B on 2,5-year deal


Babunski, whose B contract was rescinded, joined Red Star Belgrade

Official: Barcelona announe that the contract of Barcelona B winger Maxi Rolon (21) has been rescinded

Centre back Frank Bagnack (20), whose Barcelona B contract was rescinded, will join French club Nantes. Will play for their reserves. [l'eq]
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Барса Б

Postby Zoe » Thu Feb 04, 2016 8:00 pm


Official: Zaragoza (2nd div) announce a deal on the loan of Barcelona B right back Joan Campins (20) for the rest of the season
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Барса Б

Postby Zoe » Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:21 pm

Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Барса Б

Postby kayo » Mon Feb 15, 2016 2:22 pm

За баахан сэлгээ солио хийсний эцэст нэг юм гайгүй тоглож байх шив. 4 дараалж хожчихсон, хэдийн хасагдах шатнаас даваад плэй-офф зүүдлээд эхэлж, болж дээ болж.
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Re: Барса Б

Postby Zoe » Wed Jun 08, 2016 1:02 am

Official: Barcelona announce the signing of Betis B winger Ignacio Abeledo (20) for the B-team on a free transfer. Forward Ignacio Abeledo (20) joins Barcelona B on a three-year deal
Marcelo:Messi's the best in the world
Keylor Navas:Leo's the best player in the world,he's God's gift!
Guti:Messi's the best.Difficult to admit,but it's truth.I like him alot more than Cristiano. :-)
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Re: Барса Б

Postby PrOXy » Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:08 am

Зиак манай барса атлетик сегунда б-ийн 3-р зоныг тэргшүлэх нь албан есоор тодорхой болов. 6-7 тойргийн өмнө тэргүүлэх тод болсон л доо. Өнөадөр пратыг нухаад баталгаажууллаа. Ард яваа алкояно 1 тойрог дутуу 11 онооны ард явна... Хэсгээ тэргүүлсэн багууд сугалаагаар бусад 3 хэсгийн тэргүүлэгчтэй үзэлцдэг бгаа. Хэрвээ ялвал шууд дэвших эрхээ авна. Харин ялагдвал баахан плейоффдох хэрэг гарна гэжуга. Тэгэхээр үлдсэн тоглолтууддаа хянамгай үзээд ялагчдын по-д бэлэн бх хэрэгтэй...

Нөгөө гурван хэсгүүдийн хшснэгтийг сая үзлээ. Бүгд 3 онооны зөрүүтэй алалцаж бгаам бна. 1-р зонд расинг, леонеса, сельта б 3-ын 1 нь тэргүүлэх аж... 2-т албасете, толедо, фуэнлабрада багууд алацаж бна, харин 4-т лорка, картахена, вилановенсе нарын нэг лигээ авах болтой... 2 тойргийн дараа аль нь манай эсрэг таарахыг таашгүй нь дээ

Соми нойс!

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Re: Барса Б

Postby Barcik » Sun Apr 30, 2017 4:46 am

Жэрард Лопэс санасныг бодвол сайн дасгалжууллаа шүү. Баяр хүргэе!!
Rosell dimissio!!
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Re: Барса Б

Postby PrOXy » Fri May 05, 2017 7:47 am

Before Sunday's match, Espanyol B will most likely form the traditional 'guard of honour' for league champions Barcelona B. [md]


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Re: Барса Б

Postby Алтангэрэл » Sun May 06, 2018 12:09 am

Яанаа даа. Энэ баг уналаа. Хэд ч дарааллаад нухуулчив
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Re: Барса Б

Postby Алтангэрэл » Sun May 20, 2018 7:32 pm

Хожигдох эрхгүй тоглолтоо хийж 3 оноогоо авах нь.
Үлдсэн 2 тоглолтонд 4 оноо авах хэрэгтэй байна.
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