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EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 3:41 pm
by DeFeU
Barclay's Premier League 09'-10'
Sport-Tsonh EPL fantasy HEAD to HEAD 09'-10'
ЛИГт бүртгүүлэх : 454806-104259

* Нийт багийн тоо : 20-30 /чанартай, байнгын идэвхтэй ИПЛ үздэг байх :eek: :beer /
* Нэг хүн нэг л багтай байх
* Эхний 35 MatchWeek тойргоор хоорондоо тоглоно
* Дараагийн 3 MatchWeek нь PlayOff бөгөөд тойргийн тоглолтонд эхний 8т орсон баг шалгарч, хасагдах журмаар аваргын төлөө тоглоно. /1-8, 2-7, 3-6 гм гэж боджийн/
* Яг л тойргийн тоглолтны дүрэм шиг хожвол 3 оноо, тэнцвэл 1 оноо.

* Эхний тоглолт : 8-р сарын 15

PS : мөн энэ фантазиг NBA шиг шагналтай болговол зүгээр юм шиг, админуудаа :mrgreen:

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 3:42 pm
by DeFeU
Бүртгэл эхэлсэн.

Бүртгүүлж орчоод, багийн нэрээ энд бичээд байгаарай :beer

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:01 pm
by MyLoVe
бүртгүүлэх гэсэн pas user name алдаа заагаад байнаа help

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:05 pm
by DeFeU
Ямар алдаа?

минийх лав түрүү улирлын нэр, пасс аараа орж байна шд

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:06 pm
by MyLoVe
DeFeU wrote:Ямар алдаа?

минийх лав түрүү улирлын нэр, пасс аараа орж байна шд

мэдэхгүй болохгүй байна

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:46 pm
by MyLoVe
Please correct the error indicated by the red field. A username error may indicate that the username is already in use or contains illegal characters, such as spaces.

You may choose any user name you wish, as long as another participant has not already taken it. Only Alpha (a-z) and numeric (0-9) and underscore (_) characters may be used.

Please select your password carefully. We will not be held responsible for teams that are tampered with due to an easily guessed password. To help protect your team, passwords must be different to your username and contain a minimum six characters, including at least two letters and two non-letters.

Confirm password
ингээд байнаа

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 5:21 pm
by Mish
DeFeU wrote:
PS : мөн энэ фантазиг NBA шиг шагналтай болговол зүгээр юм шиг, админуудаа :mrgreen:

харин тх :mrgreen:

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 5:54 pm
by DeFeU
MyLoVe wrote:Please correct the error indicated by the red field. A username error may indicate that the username is already in use or contains illegal characters, such as spaces.

You may choose any user name you wish, as long as another participant has not already taken it. Only Alpha (a-z) and numeric (0-9) and underscore (_) characters may be used.

Please select your password carefully. We will not be held responsible for teams that are tampered with due to an easily guessed password. To help protect your team, passwords must be different to your username and contain a minimum six characters, including at least two letters and two non-letters.

Confirm password
ингээд байнаа

Шинээр ACCOUNT нээх гэсийм уу? Тухайн User Name байна, эсвэл хоосон зай юм уу хориглосон тэмдэгтүүд ашигласан байна гэжийшд.

Хэрэв өмнөх улиралд тоглож байсан бол шууд LOG-In хийгээд орчих, өмнөх ID, PASS aaраа :eek:

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 6:34 pm
by MyLoVe

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 3:14 pm
by boboZ

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:37 pm
Би орноо

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:51 pm
by DeFeU
Нэг хүн 1 л багтай байна гэдэг үүднээс, орсон хүмүүсийг нягталж явъя :mrgreen:

Бүртгүүлсэн багууд

Багийн нэр
- Спорт Цонх ID
1. DeFeU de Liverpool - DeFeU
2. Mish - Mish
3. Liverpool FC - Uuganaa
4. carlsberg_mgl - carlsberg_mgl
5. SHpool - Boboz
6. Amatory - Amatory
7. Chelsea - MyLove

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:52 pm
by MyLoVe
bi haachiv ugan chelsea g avchihsan baigaa sh de

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:02 pm
by Natedogg
за за бөөн л юм болжыж орлоо :eek:

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:01 pm
by Тэрри_10
True Blues Terry_10 Chuka :beer

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:51 pm
by MJ
+The KOP Tuvshinbayar

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:37 pm
by sp_fc kop
за орчихлоо :mongol:

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:37 pm
by BJcorp
GNUS FC burtguulchixlee

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 4:26 pm
by asa
наадах Head2Head -д чинь яаж орох юм бэ. Уул нь бол би EPL fantasy-д бүртгүүлчихсэн.

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 12:51 am
by Hartsaga
Би нэгдэв.

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 1:42 pm
by Amaraa1010
би нэгдэн орлоо.... сонирхолтой шүү...

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:29 am
by Doyo
Doyo_LFC negdew

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:46 pm
Stinky Pants joined :gold

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:02 pm
by Captain
Joined :beer

Re: EPL Fantasy Head2Head: Sport-Tsonh 09'-10'

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:52 pm
by VicKtoR

Орлоо :mongol: