Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby Redbull » Wed Nov 04, 2009 12:23 am

naagi wrote:krilldej chadsangui sorry.. krilleer bichih ym bvl ogooch

http://www.krilleer.blogspot.com/ :beer
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby Bbuudei » Wed Nov 04, 2009 1:15 am

Posted by John Roache, on November 3rd, 2009, in Uncategorized

I’d like to refer all Liverpool fans, nay all football fans, to this forum post at RedandWhiteKop:


Several of the comments underneath are also illuminating.
It is complete proof, for me, that Liverpool FC’s problems lie not with the manager (nor with Lucas Leiva for that matter); our problems are a direct result of the club being run excruciatingly poorly by the people at the top, people we are meant to trust. Who decided that the Americans were suitable investors for the long-term? Who on earth did the maths? What Gillett and Hicks have thus far done is turn our club into a debt donkey in the hope that, on the back of loans, they could make a quick profit. When the loans ran dry, it was revealed that they really, really don’t like each other, that they’re completely unwilling to put any of their own money into the club in any sustained, committed way, and that they were willing to sack our manager just because they had some kind of personality clash with him. Klinsman, THEY WOULD HAVE EMPLOYED KLINSMAN INSTEAD.
The penny has to drop soon. Without Benitez, we’re done for. He might be Spanish but he seems to be the only one within the club’s hierarchy who takes a reasonable, dedicated approach to its long-term future. He cares about us. He missed his own father’s funeral to oversee a joke tournament on the other side of the world. He’s done a remarkable job on very little money. Yes, at times he’s unorthodox, but it’s been a remarkable journey nonetheless.
At the weekend he took Torres off and it has now been revealed that our main goal threat is close to needing surgery. Taking Benayoun off was hard to understand but, in fairness, Yossi wasn’t up to much on Saturday and, for a lad who perhaps isn’t the image of physical fitness, he’s played a staggering amount of football this season.
Yet Benitez has this week been accused by Ronnie Whelan of prioritising Europe in order to get a big European job! First things first, since coming to Anfield, Rafa has turned down overtures from Madrid, his dream job, at least twice. He’s a man of honour and wants success with this club. The outstanding performance in last season’s premier league shows this - where was Whelan with his accusations back then? Those comments were so stupid, ignorant and reactionary that they made my blood boil.
Also, can I just say that in the long-term, Lyon is a bigger match than Fulham was. I know people who travelled to London don’t want to hear this, but it is true. Without qualification money, the club is in an even worse financial situation than it already is. God knows how close we are to capitulation - stranger things have happened. So maybe losing in the league is a neccessary evil to make sure that we even have games to go to in a few years time - perhaps I’m being over the top, but we have to think of the bigger picture.
The worst thing is that we may well still lose in France, despite resting Torres for half an hour on Saturday. If that happens, remember the forum post at the top of this article. Remember the injury crisis at the club. Remember that Rafa is trying even harder than ever to turn things around.

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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby Bbuudei » Wed Nov 04, 2009 1:33 am

We have a team (Reina, Aurelio, Carragher, Agger, Kelly, Skrtel, Johnson, Kuyt, Mascherano, Aquilani, Riera, Gerrard and Torres) which can beat any other team in the world
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby TiMeRz » Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:14 am

шилдэг хаалгач Мааззидаа охинтой болсонд баяр хvргээд сvvлийн 10 аад жил дэмжсэн баг нь хожоосой гэж ерєєе :eek:
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby zigo » Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:17 am

Маззидаа баяр хүргэе!!! :beer
довтлогч хэрэгтэй!!!
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby tiko » Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:33 am

Нгогийн t-shirt, өмд 2 тас тас.
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby avarga » Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:58 am

Маззидаа :-D
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby Адмирал » Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:02 am

Mazzid :-D
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby Villa_Bayaraa » Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:10 am

Savage-дээ баяр хүргэе. :-D :beer
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby MrO » Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:15 am

Маззидаа баяр хүргэе ээ. Аз жаргал сайн сайхан бүхнийг хүсэн ерөөе. :beer
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby Адмирал » Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:21 am


Энэ залуу байхад ч тэгээд гоол бол асуудалгүй дээ...


Хайнга байна дөө манай хүн ч ..

Тэр Лукасын харжыгаагээ :mrgreen:

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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby Барнаба » Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:34 am

Маззидаа баяр хүргэе....
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby Чуугий » Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:34 am

Маззид :-D
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby BuG » Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:36 am

Амьдайд аав болсонд баяр хүргэе... :-D
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby white » Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:38 am

Маззидаа баяр хүргэе. :-D :-D :-D
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby MJ » Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:41 am

За МАЗЗИ даа аав болсонд н БАЯР ХҮРГьЕ :-D
Өнөөдөр манайхан энэ баяр дээр баяр нэмж Лион ыг бут ниргээсэй билээ.
Торрес МАЗЗИд зориулаад гоол хийчээд 2 гараа нийлүүлж бгаад 2 тийшээ хүүхэд бүүвэйлж бгаа гаар сэлэбрэшн хийнэ гэсэн шүү :eek:
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby Gooner » Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:52 am

carlsberg_mgl wrote:би залуусын эгнээнд үлдэх гээд байдаг...зарим нь жийх гээд байдаг айн... :mrgreen:
миний хэлсэн факт дотор худал залсан юм байгаагүй биз дээ :smile:

Ахын дөө, миний дөө, Ах нь гэж өөрийгөө авгайлаад байхаар чинь ахмадын эгнээнд л зооно шдээ :mrgreen:
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby Gooner » Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:52 am

Маззи баяр хүргэе ээ...

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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby khulgee » Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:08 am

Маззи!!! Happy new year!
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby carlsberg_mgl » Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:10 am

Gooner wrote:
carlsberg_mgl wrote:би залуусын эгнээнд үлдэх гээд байдаг...зарим нь жийх гээд байдаг айн... :mrgreen:
миний хэлсэн факт дотор худал залсан юм байгаагүй биз дээ :smile:

Ахын дөө, миний дөө, Ах нь гэж өөрийгөө авгайлаад байхаар чинь ахмадын эгнээнд л зооно шдээ :mrgreen:

ах болоёо л гэсэн шд. цэг. :sad:
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby [AMATORY] » Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:31 am

Маззидаа баяр хүргэе! Өнөр өтгөн гэр бүл болоорой
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby El Payaso » Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:33 am

mazzid bayar hurgey de...
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby Redbull » Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:36 am

Маззид баяр хүргэе! :-D
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby suldees » Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:41 am

аавуудын эгнээнд шилжсэн мазидаа баяр хүргий .арзайсан олон хүүхэдтэй болоорой. бас дахин баяр хүргий .

Баяр хүргэлт нь ихдээд өнөөдөр нухуулах вийдээ гэж.
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Re: Ливерпүүл 09/10: All for One, One for All

Postby [AMATORY] » Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:42 am

Форумаараа сарын дараа эргэж очино шүү Маззи :mrgreen: . Бэлтгэлтэй байгаарай :beer
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