Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby Forza Juve » Mon May 10, 2010 2:14 am

Сайхан хожил, сайхан төгсгөл :eek:
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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby Бамбууш » Mon May 10, 2010 2:18 am

За Хэнцэрүүдэд 4 дэх тайтлаа авсанд баяр хүргье.....
Майр шаалаа майр шаалаа.... Чөтгөр Юнайтед, Буучид ,манайхыг нийлүүлээд Лийг дээр хоёр хожоод зогсохгүй хэдэн ч багийг 7-8 бөмбөгөөр зодчихов доо.. Ийм байхад одоо авахгүй гээд яахав дээ.... За за одоо өөр юу ярихав. Энүүгээр дүүрэн эрүүл гостуу танайхан. Ядаж байхад Пиддаа нар бие биенээ ямар эвгүй байрлалаар тэврээд яваад байнаа гах гах гах... Тэр парад энэ тэр нь явбал зураг аваад хийхийг бодноо..
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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby Чинзо » Mon May 10, 2010 2:32 am

Цонхын цэнхэрүүдийн фэнүүдэд баяр хүргэе. Аргагүй сайн байлаа өөр юу гэхэв
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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby haran » Mon May 10, 2010 2:47 am

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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby nandin_cole » Mon May 10, 2010 3:19 am

Blue is the colour ...


бла бла бла ...


Goooles !!!


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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby *R9* » Mon May 10, 2010 3:48 am

ПЛ дахь манайхны статистик

1. Petr Cech
Games: 34
Clean sheets: 17
Had a sticky patch in autumn, looking vulnerable on crosses in the games against Aston Villa and Everton, but generally remains a reassuring presence. Could do with some top-quality competition.

2. Branislav Ivanovic
Games: 25 (3 as a substitute)
Goals: 1
Assists: 1
Made himself indispensable to the squad; rugged right-back and reliable centre-half. Has also continued to develop the attacking side of his game.

3. Ashley Cole
Games: 25 (2)
Goals: 4
Despite his off-field problems, the England left-back has showed his finest form for the Blues. An indomitable defensive presence and an attacking whirlwind. Supremely confident and surely the world's best in his position.

5. Michael Essien
Games: 13 (1)
Goals: 3
Hard not to wonder how much earlier Chelsea would have sealed the title with a fit Essien. His personality and athleticism drives the team - demonstrative of his attitude that he was injured in a Champions League dead rubber. His return in the next campaign will be the equivalent of a new £40m signing.

6. Ricardo Carvalho
Games: 22
Goals: 0
Arguably Chelsea's best defender, with his physical know-how now matching his poise. But his lack of consistent fitness is deeply concerning. The Blues have learned to cope without him.

8. Super Lampard
Games: 36
Goals: 22
Assists: 14
His best goalscoring season despite having only one in the league (a penalty) by mid-October. His game has been about more than that though. Calm distributor in midfield and has led by example.

10. Joe Cole
Games: 14 (12)
Goals: 2
Assists: 5
With his ability there should be no doubt that he will remain a key player at Stamford Bridge, but has performed fitfully at best since returning from injury. Will hope to be given a chance to re-establish himself.

11. Didier Drogba
Games: 31 (1)
Goals: 29
Assists: 10
His best-ever season; lots of goals including key ones against Liverpool, Arsenal and Manchester United. His will and strength drive Chelsea on. Occasional tantrums will always be tolerated while his physical power continues - remarkably - into his 30s.

12. John Obi Mikel
Games: 12 (4)
Goals: 0
Assists: 1
Filled in for Essien but had plenty of fitness problems of his own. Still plenty of unfulfilled potential, one senses.

13. Michael Ballack
Games: 26 (6)
Goals: 4
Assists: 5
Not always at his best through the season, but made important all-round contributions throughout the campaign.

15. Florent Malouda
Games: 26 (7)
Goals: 12
Assists: 8
Easy to see why he was the players' player of the season at the club. A stratospheric improvement and his goals from midfield were a key element in Chelsea's attacking armoury.

17. Jose Bosingwa
Games: 8
Goals: 0
Assists: 1
A big miss. Not just a key name in the first XI, but very important to the attacking side of the set-up and Chelsea had to tactically readjust without him. Another who will be welcomed back by Ancelotti next season.

18. Yuri Zhirkov
Games: 10 (7)
Goals: 0
Assists: 2
Had a frustrating start to his Chelsea career due to injury, but was integral in covering Ashley Cole's spring injury absence. More to come from him.

19. Paulo Ferreira
Games: 11 (2)
Goals: 0
Singled out by Ancelotti for praise. Marginalised for a long time but came back to make a decisive contribution in the closing weeks of the campaign.

20. Deco
Games: 14 (5)
Goals: 2
Assists: 2
Again suffered fitness problems, but Chelsea were always better in possession with him in the side. Ancelotti needs to find a younger, fitter player to do Deco's job next season.

21. Salomon Kalou
Games: 11 (12)
Goals: 6
Assists: 3
Struggeld to make an impression for much of the season but another who came in to make key contributions in the closing games. Whether this is enough to persuade the coach to stick with him next season remains open to question.

23. Daniel Sturridge
Games: 2 (11)
Goals: 1
Only minor contributions, but Ancelotti has hinted that his younger players will get more of a chance next season, so expect to see more from him in 2010-11.

26. John Terry
Games: 37
Goals: 2
A hellish year for him on a personal level, which added to shaky overall form. Still put in some gutsy performances and scored vital winner at Burnley in January.

33. Alex
Games: 13 (3)
Goals: 1
An unsung hero. People said his style was too similar to Terry's but he came in to cover for Carvalho and did an admirable job. Surely a first choice next season.

35. Juliano Belletti
Games: 4 (7)
Goals: 0
Assists: 1
Little scope to pitch in for the Brazilian but a good squad player who let no-one down when given the chance.

39. Nicolas Anelka
Games: 31 (2)
Goals: 11
Assists: 7
Suffered a frustrating 2010 with the goals drying up, but has learned to make his presence felt even when not scoring. An indefatigable team man.

Also played: Andrei Shevchenko 0 (1 as sub), Sam Hutchinson 0 (1), Patrick van Aanholt 0 (2), Jeffrey Bruma 0 (2), Fabio Borini 0 (4), Nemanja Matic 0 (2), Gael Kakuta 0 (1).
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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby *R9* » Mon May 10, 2010 4:06 am

Талбайд гарахад л ингэж угтав.

32 дахь минутанд манай хүнийг ингэж унагааж байгаа юмдаа. Ингэснийхээ шанг хатуухан авсандаа.

Шангаа хүрт

Чаддаг юм бол хаа.

Хоёрдугаар хагас эхэллээ. Манайхан.

Калоу. Селебрешин

Сүпер гоол Анелка
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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby *R9* » Mon May 10, 2010 4:25 am

Челсигийн улирлын 100 дахь гоолын селебрешин

Эшли. Манай улирлын ПЛ дахь 103 дахь гоолын селебрешин

Өнөөх 90 минут нь дуусав.

Итали жуулчин гээд байгаа биз. :ногоон:

Сайхан сайхан.

Сэтгэл догдлуулсан нэг улирал ингээд өндөрлөлөө.


Сэтгэл хөдлөөд байна өө. Ийгээд ганц дуу дуулчгие.

Өнөөх оодроод байдаг Лаанууд нь унтарваа лоо
Дөвчигнөөд байсан хоосон буунууд сугарваа лоо
Үхэж өгдөггүй Чөөгийнүүд нь эцсийн мөчид дарагдваа лоо
Ингээд бид аваргаа авлаа лоо.

Гуншигнаад байдаг нь Жеррардын зан
Уйлаад байдаг нь Галласын төрх
Үглээд байдаг Фличерийн зан
Бүхнийг тоодгүй нь Лампардын зан.

Жаа нэг ийрхүү.
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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby *R9* » Mon May 10, 2010 4:31 am


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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby *R9* » Mon May 10, 2010 4:34 am

Баясаа энэ тэр гэсэн Хоосон буучдад аватор дээр нь залчихаар зураг байнашүү. :ногоон:

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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby CrossBonez » Mon May 10, 2010 5:01 am

За баяр хүргэе, сайхан тоглолт болжээ, бас сайхан ч улирал болсон, топ4-н миний лигтээ ийм амжилт гаргасан баг түрүүлэхээс яахав. Дараа энэ тайтлын төлөө эргээд уулзая... :-D
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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby ND » Mon May 10, 2010 5:09 am

Баяр хүргэе, бүх Челсигийн үнэнч фэнүүдэд...
Танай баг үнэхээр супер байлаа...
Форза Барса....
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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby *R9* » Mon May 10, 2010 5:10 am

Нөдүүд унтсан болов уу? ууж яваа болов уу? хэхэ.

Би ч унтийдоо. Өчигдөр өнөөдрийн талаар бодохоос нойр хүрэхгүй унтаж чадаагүй.

Ёо ямар сайхан байна. Ганцаараа нь тун тоогүй байнааа матар гэж.

Нөхдүүд ажилдаа яаж явах болоо. хэхэ.

Ингэхэд энэ нөхдүүд 15-ны визи энэ тэрээ бодож уугаасай. :ногоон:
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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby *R9* » Mon May 10, 2010 5:38 am

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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby zorigtsaikhan » Mon May 10, 2010 5:41 am

I'm de first...

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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby *R9* » Mon May 10, 2010 5:43 am

zorigtsaikhan wrote:I'm de first...


За хир явцгаав. Хэн хэн байв?
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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby Эрдэ » Mon May 10, 2010 5:51 am

Өө хөөрхий нөхдүүд хайчсан

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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby *R9* » Mon May 10, 2010 5:57 am

Erde wrote:Өө хөөрхий нөхдүүд хайчсан


Би юу болж таарах уу? :ногоон:
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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby Эрдэ » Mon May 10, 2010 5:59 am

Эхний пэн дээр
Дрогбад өгөөгүй нь болсон
Үгүй бол чөөгийнүүд орж ирээд бөөн юм болох байсан
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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby Эрдэ » Mon May 10, 2010 5:59 am

*R9* wrote:
Erde wrote:Өө хөөрхий нөхдүүд хайчсан


Би юу болж таарах уу? :ногоон:

15нд юу болохоо мэдээрэй
Баавартай байна аа хөө :ногоон:
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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby Эрдэ » Mon May 10, 2010 6:01 am

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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby *R9* » Mon May 10, 2010 6:04 am

За хүмүүс хүлээсэн сураг алга унтийдөө.
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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby Эрдэ » Mon May 10, 2010 6:11 am


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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby umbuu » Mon May 10, 2010 8:15 am

За баяр хүргье.Танайх үнэхээр сайн байлаа.Манай 2 баг өрсөлдөөнд эцсээ хүртэл байж
нэгэн гайхалтай улирлыг үдлээ.
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Re: Челси 09/10 True Blue: Through and Through...

Postby chukcha2002 » Mon May 10, 2010 8:57 am

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